i noticed the amount of useful information here i just don't have so much time to read it all . i started reading some post that i will about medieval total war 2 strategy. i used to play civilization 4 a lot but i found this forgotten game medieval 2 around and tried it and it tops any rts game i have because it cover both the battle and the world strategy.

i played a campaign a while ago with the English and unlocked other civilizations. now i am into playing a long campaign i would like it to be interesting and a learning experience because i mostly build what the adviser tells me and from what i found looking around there is tons of stuff i can do that i never paid attention to . i saw you can control a lot of features of the civilization, that i usually say yes to everything the machine asks me and never really plan a strategy. i found myself in this circle that i just conquer what is around me and never really used the religion or diplomacy fully and don't really know what building construct. i would appreciate any help u can give m e