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Thread: Mass Effect 2 teaser

  1. #1

    Default Mass Effect 2 teaser


    I expect it is a ploy. Shepard is assumed dead but actually is not. :taps fingers: Alright, I'm saying it had better be! After 7 playthroughs I'm very attached to my female/soldier/paragon Shepard! No one* kills her.

    The associates section in the video didn't list Ashley and Kaiden. :sad frog: I can guess why, but still sad not to see them there.

    *No one except rocket Geth, snipers, colossii, armatures, Geth Primes and Krogan battlemasters when I play on insanity and immunity runs out at the wrong time.
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  2. #2
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser


    It was my understanding that the character you built in Mass Effect would be carried over into ME2. I hope this is a plot device, as in the galaxy thinks shepard is dead at the start of the game but you're really not, ect.

    If it's not I will be very sad.
    Last edited by Monk; 02-21-2009 at 12:26.

  3. #3
    Member Member Zenicetus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    I don't know if I'd like to see Shepard continue, because the developers would have to either radically increase the challenge level to let you start at a high level, or else pull the old amnesia trick to start you again as a weak character ("you wake up in a prison cell with amnesia, and someone has taken all your stuff!"). I hate games that reset a previous player character like that. The Witcher did a version of it, so the main character would have to re-learn skills he had before (apparently), and start all over picking up gear. But it wasn't too bad, because the player hadn't spent time developing Geralt to a high level in a previous game.

    For a Mass Effect 2, I'd rather see a fresh start with a new character, maybe someone sent out to see what happened to Shepard. I don't want to play an amnesiac Shepard. And I guess I don't have much confidence that a sequel could continue the progression of skills, armor, and weapons past the level you reach in the first one. The player and party members end the game as uber-soldiers. Where do you go from there?

    I dunno, maybe Bioware can pull it off. I'm probably just in a grumpy mood this morning. Not enough coffee yet. If they just do something about those boring drives across the surface, and make the interiors more varied than the first game, I'd be happy with a sequel. Aside from that, the overall concept was pretty good.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    I expected it to work in the same way as the Baldur's Gate series. BG2 was aimed at a higher level character; you could carry your old one over or make a new one at a similar level. Bioware have done the same thing in other titles, mainly expansion packs like Hordes of Underdark. It's always worked well enough IMO; you feel powerful in the first game and then you meet your first mindflayer. :winces:

    Mass Effect aimed at a level 60+ character, mmmmm. That would tie in to what I expect to be doing in the game: Geth homeworlds and more of the Reapers. The Geth have to have stronger varieties back home.

    I don't want to be a level 1 character again. They aren't interesting until they hit ~level 10 and get some decent abilities. The low-level guns are not much fun to use either; inaccurate, and with few shots before they overheat.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  5. #5
    Peerless Senior Member johnhughthom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post

    The associates section in the video didn't list Ashley and Kaiden. :sad frog: I can guess why, but still sad not to see them there.
    It was a list of alien associates though, so it may not be certain they won't be back.

  6. #6
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    But your given a chance to take out Wrex though yet he was included in the list.

  7. #7
    Member Member Zenicetus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    I got the impression from the teaser that Wrex was mentioned as a "known associate" in Shepard's file, but that could mean former living or dead associations. So I'm not sure it tells us much about the sequel. Wrex is definitely pushing alien daisies in my game's timeline.
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  8. #8
    is not a senior Member Meneldil's Avatar
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    Default Re : Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenicetus View Post

    I dunno, maybe Bioware can pull it off. I'm probably just in a grumpy mood this morning. Not enough coffee yet. If they just do something about those boring drives across the surface, and make the interiors more varied than the first game, I'd be happy with a sequel. Aside from that, the overall concept was pretty good.
    Actually, BG2 beginning felt much more epic and interesting than BG1's one, mainly because your character started at higher level (between 6 and 10, depending on wether you had BG1 expension or not). That basically meant your casters would not get killed on sight by any random creature encountered.
    I'm fairly sure Bioware is quite used to that kind of thing. If Shepard is still alive, he will start without equipement, but you'll probably be able to transfer him over, with all his stats.
    Last edited by Meneldil; 02-23-2009 at 19:10.

  9. #9
    Member Member Zenicetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meneldil View Post
    If Shepard is still alive, he will start without equipement, but you'll probably be able to transfer him over, with all his stats.
    Okay, but he/she had better not have amnesia as a plot device, or I'm gonna scream.

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  10. #10
    is not a senior Member Meneldil's Avatar
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    Well, I'd settle for a minor amnesia, as in "What the hell am I doing here?". Given that we know what happened in ME1, they can't really go for the "who am I?" plot.

  11. #11
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Master of useless knowledge Senior Member Kitten Shooting Champion, Eskiv Champion Ironside's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re : Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenicetus View Post
    Okay, but he/she had better not have amnesia as a plot device, or I'm gonna scream.

    Rocovering from being heavily wounded (that means weakened, thus being able to pull a lesser reset to prevent Shepard to take out ships alone by the end off Mass Effect 2) would make most sence (would cover the KIA aswell) and is oddly enough rarely used.

    Some reset are probable as unlike BG, you're pretty much the strongest light infantry in the known universe at the endgame and going from lvl 60 to 120 with the current skill "tree" is quite boring as well.
    We are all aware that the senses can be deceived, the eyes fooled. But how can we be sure our senses are not being deceived at any particular time, or even all the time? Might I just be a brain in a tank somewhere, tricked all my life into believing in the events of this world by some insane computer? And does my life gain or lose meaning based on my reaction to such solipsism?

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  13. #13

    Default Re: Re : Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Oh god, why did you have to show me this. now I am going to be lurking for hours into the night.

  14. #14
    Useless Member Member Fixiwee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Taken from Wikipedia, the most reliable source in the internet, never failed and never lied, all hail to thy hypno toad:

    Casey Hudson, Project Director for BioWare, has said that players should keep their Mass Effect save-files,[2] because decisions made by the player in the first game will continue to have influences on their character in the sequel.[3] Players who have not played the first Mass Effect will start a new character in Mass Effect 2, and will be brought up to speed on the story elements that have taken place thus far in the series.[4] It is highly recommended, however, that people play the first game before playing the sequel. Hudson also states that characters from the previous game will come back, provided that they were not killed. The first trailer for this game indicates that Commander Shepard has been killed in action. It is uncertain whether or not this is the case given that players have been asked to keep their saved game from Mass Effect as well as statements from developers in the past which have implied that Commander Shepard will be the main character in the planned Mass Effect trilogy.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    There's a new video out with the ME2 team giving a guided tour through some of the changes and new features. Great stuff.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  16. #16
    Useless Member Member Fixiwee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Hmm looks dark and moody. Looking forward to this.

  17. #17
    Member Member Zenicetus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    I just hope they put some of that budget into making unique environments for the minor side missions, so we don't have to go through "oh yeah, I've seen the interior of THIS ship/base/cave a dozen times already", like we did in the first game.
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  18. #18
    Member Member Tratorix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Yay Mass Effect 2!

    Crap, I'm going to have to wait like two years for it.

  19. #19
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Fixiwee View Post
    Hmm looks dark and moody. Looking forward to this.
    You're just saying that because the developers kept saying it. :P

  20. #20
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Gamespy Interview

    I demand to have an Elcor ally equiped with the same rocket launcher everyone loves shooting at you with on Insanity mode!
    Last edited by Mailman653; 05-17-2009 at 17:01.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Mailman653 View Post
    I demand to have an Elcor ally equiped with the same rocket launcher everyone loves shooting at you with on Insanity mode!
    The moment I met my first Elcor I knew I wanted one of my very own. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a space Eeyore in their group? Imagine the dialogue ...

    I'm beginning to suspect that's it's possible Shepard has become a Geth somehow. The Geth in the first teaser wore Shepard's armour, the interview says the teaser wasn't midleading, and the video I linked to yesterday repeats the Geth in Shepard armour motif.
    Last edited by frogbeastegg; 05-17-2009 at 19:50.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  22. #22
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    I'm beginning to suspect that's it's possible Shepard has become a Geth somehow. The Geth in the first teaser wore Shepard's armour, the interview says the teaser wasn't midleading, and the video I linked to yesterday repeats the Geth in Shepard armour motif.
    Suggesting that the Geth insted of turning humans into husks, they are assimilateing them? Like the Borg do in Star Trek?

    If those robots in the trailer are Geth, they haver certainly evolved from the very robot looking machines they were in ME. Although to my understanding ME2 takes place right after the end of the first game. Maybe its that rouge group Cerebrus (sp) they were doing all those weird studies.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Mailman653 View Post
    Suggesting that the Geth insted of turning humans into husks, they are assimilateing them? Like the Borg do in Star Trek?

    If those robots in the trailer are Geth, they haver certainly evolved from the very robot looking machines they were in ME. Although to my understanding ME2 takes place right after the end of the first game. Maybe its that rouge group Cerebrus (sp) they were doing all those weird studies.
    The Geth are definitely robots; it's stated in some of the universe's optional reading. They're very, very advanced robots, close to being a true artificial intelligence instead of a mere virtual intelligence. That must mean there's a lot of advanced memory and processing space available, and that in turn means it might be possible to make a copy of a human consciousness and transfer it to a Geth unit.

    The husks are very junky creations. The minerals in the body are converted into primitive control systems; they're not capable of much, and won't last long. I see it as the Geth engaging in a bit of recycling and psychological warfare. The 'Shepard' Geth seen in the publicity material is the standard low level grunt type we encounter as a standard enemy on Eden Prime and other early areas.

    The robots in the trailer have the same smooth, slightly curved lines and overall clean looking design as present in all varieties of ME1 Geth. I don't have any problems seeing them as new varieties of Geth, even the dog-alikes. Bioware surely won't fail to introduce new ones.

    Cerberus might investigate a way to transfer a human mind into the Geth architecture and that could then play into the story in a variety of possible ways. However the Geth in armour in all of the publicity is using the N-7 armour and rifle. That's Shepard's trademark gear.

    Add in the whole idea that, according to Bioware, Shepard is "missing, presumed dead", and either an undercover mission or a forcible transfer seems likely.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  24. #24
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg View Post
    The moment I met my first Elcor I knew I wanted one of my very own. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a space Eeyore in their group? Imagine the dialogue ...
    Shocked interjection. Surely you aren't suggesting that the noble Elcor can be compared to a novelty you show off to your friends on a galaxy spanning mission to save existance.

    Exhausted Retort. The Elcor are a wonderous and peaceful people who cannot stand space travel and wish only to remain on solid ground.

    Amused aside. Didn't you read your in-game codex?

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Okay i'll stop.

    Quote Originally Posted by frogbeastegg
    Cerberus might investigate a way to transfer a human mind into the Geth architecture and that could then play into the story in a variety of possible ways. However the Geth in armour in all of the publicity is using the N-7 armour and rifle. That's Shepard's trademark gear.
    Oh those crafty renegades.

    N-7, while a trademark of Sheppard, is actually the standard that The Alliance gives its commandos. Instead of a unit badge you apparently get a letter designation and a number, the combination of which "N-7" means you're among the best. Given that it's a Human military "rank", Cerberus cannot be ruled out. (that codex has a lot of information)

  25. #25

    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Saddened objection: I would never think such a thing.

    Polite correction: I love the way the Elcor speak. I find their voice and manner of speaking to be strangely charming. They were the most interesting minor non-human characters to talk to.

    Confession: And I have always found Eeyore to be lovable because he's pessimistic and gloomy. It matches the inner frog.

    Hopefully: There are anomalies in most species. It remains a possibility that there is an Elcor who enjoys travel, just as there is a Krogan who thinks of more than fighting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    N-7, while a trademark of Sheppard, is actually the standard that The Alliance gives its commandos. Instead of a unit badge you apparently get a letter designation and a number, the combination of which "N-7" means you're among the best. Given that it's a Human military "rank", Cerberus cannot be ruled out.
    I'm talking from a publicity point of view; sorry if that wasn't clear. In box art, promotional images, most screenshots etc Shepard is always wearing gear with the N-7 on clear display, and no one else is seen wearing it. As far as publicity goes N-7 = Shepard. It's iconic; I doubt they would change that any more than they would have the official image of Shepard move away from that square-jawed dude with the 1mm long hair.

    (that codex has a lot of information)
    I read it twice, and the two novels. Good stuff.
    Frogbeastegg's Guide to Total War: Shogun II. Please note that the guide is not up-to-date for the latest patch.

  26. #26
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    I hope the council will be grateful for saving them in ME2, otherwise I'll have to go back to my ME save, let them die and then start a new game in ME2
    Last edited by Mailman653; 05-19-2009 at 17:38.

  27. #27
    Member Member Tratorix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Quote Originally Posted by Mailman653 View Post
    I hope the council will be grateful for saving them in ME2, otherwise I'll have to go back to my ME save, let them die and then start a new game in ME2
    See, I didn't save the council for precisely this reason. I swear, if I have to see that Turian councilor again...

  28. #28
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Pre E3, ME2 preview
    Nothing we really don't know already.

  29. #29
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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  30. #30
    The Abominable Senior Member Hexxagon Champion Monk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 2 teaser

    Its hard to say if that info is accurate but i hope so. I'd love to go to a Krogan planet, Wrex was my favorite follower in ME. (following in my tradition of latching onto Bioware's anti-heros. Canderous represent!)

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