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Thread: Modding the demo

  1. #1
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Exclamation Modding the demo
    Detailed How-to

    Mind you this is an Unofficial unpacker, but people on that website have made lots of advances including playing as the Americans, increasing unit sizes, adding new traits to units, even swapping the demo nations and adding France or Austria.

    I figured this info would be useful for us Org's. Special thanks to Quadalpha for posting the intial link over at the demo discussion thread.

    So lets get going guys, lets see what we can come up with now. The TWcenter folks are having their fun modding the demo, lets have ours.
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 01:07.

  2. #2
    Guest Aemilius Paulus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Wow. Heck, people can technically and theoretically make a fully playable game out of a demo, could they not?? How legal is this anyway?

    I burst into laughter when I saw the thread title.

  3. #3
    Member Megas Methuselah's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Modding the demo

    Wow, that is so cool.

  4. #4
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    I was looking for an unpacker. ^_^
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  5. #5
    Member Megas Methuselah's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Modding the demo

    I always thought the land battle could use 5 more Line infantry on each side or something...

  6. #6
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Not quite working yet, the units spawn with no textures eventhough the overhead flag is correct. I tried editing the battle script file next but no change to the textures, even made things worse because I couldn't click on my units.
    I think there is a possiblity that the *some* textures aren't with the demo, it would make sense if they are not meant to be playable. Oh, and here is a screen to make your jaw drop:

    The load times seem faster now, at least for me the opening video sequence doesn't stutter anymore and the game as a whole loooks like it is loading faster.
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 04:28.

  7. #7
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    The platoon fire drill is brutal.

  8. #8
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo
    Unpacks all the files except one, I'm unpacking things right now, I hope to find the textures and have a little fun.

    Update:I found the textures, just about everyone has white coats, US and English alike, it left me wondering what and where the game determines what color a faction wears. For instance the muscians wear blue coats in the game yet the texture has them wearing white. I also took a look at the sound files, if the demo is any indication, one of the US voice actors is also one of the British voice actors which would solve the question of why the Americans sound English in some videos.
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 03:26.

  9. #9
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    It just won't work for me.
    Last edited by pevergreen; 02-23-2009 at 03:43.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  10. #10
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Not quite sure what to say, I installed the Python 3.X, then I d/l the unpacker and put it in the right directory, clicked on it and off it went doing its thing.

  11. #11
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Yeah, i think its because i tried to run the before i properly installed python.

    Or maybe because I'm on vista. Im asking for help over at the TWC.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  12. #12
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    I've stopped playing with the files but the textures really got me thinking as to how and where the game determines who wears what. For instance in that screen shot of Mexico they are clearly wearing some yellow/orange uniforms, yet in the actual textures there isnt a Mexican soldier texture. Everyone has white coats with different color facings and turnbacks.

    I would love to see some of the uniforms get re-done, like giving the Brits artillery blue coats instead of red coats, and seeing some of the American uniforms tweaked.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Have a look at this thread at TWC, someone had a 1400 man unit!
    Quote Originally Posted by a completely inoffensive name View Post
    Have the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the voice of Billy Mays and the ability to produce bull**** at a moments notice and you can be the leader of anything.

  14. #14
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Not impressive. I've seen a guy have a 9001 unit of Grenadiers. Literally.

    Of course the frame rate was something like 3 frames per minute, but even so.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Quote Originally Posted by pevergreen View Post
    Not impressive. I've seen a guy have a 9001 unit of Grenadiers. Literally.

    Of course the frame rate was something like 3 frames per minute, but even so.
    Really? Can you post a link, because it would be great see that!
    Quote Originally Posted by a completely inoffensive name View Post
    Have the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the voice of Billy Mays and the ability to produce bull**** at a moments notice and you can be the leader of anything.

  16. #16
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    from TWC.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Thats big (big understatement).
    Quote Originally Posted by a completely inoffensive name View Post
    Have the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the voice of Billy Mays and the ability to produce bull**** at a moments notice and you can be the leader of anything.

  18. #18
    Could be your God Member Abokasee's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Theres already Ancillaries, and to a degree slavery is in, but not in the Mass Cotton farm form, but more of the Cotton House:

    --[[ Ancillary_African_Servant_02_Trigger ]]--

    events.BuildingCompleted[#events.BuildingCompleted+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("minister", context) and conditions.CharacterMinisterialPosition("governor_america", context) and conditions.CharacterBuildingConstructed("large_cotton_plantation", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_African_Servant", 8, context)
    return true
    return false
    I can confirm the return of turncoats:

    --[[ Ancillary_Army_Ottoman_Turncoat_2_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterCompletedBattle[#events.CharacterCompletedBattle+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("General", context) and not conditions.CharacterFactionName("ottomans", context) and conditions.CharacterFoughtCulture("middle_east", context) and conditions.CharacterWonBattle(context) and conditions.BattleResult("major_victory", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Army_Ottoman_Turncoat", 17, context)
    return true
    return false
    Another interesting Ancillary, seems there will be cultural ones as well including ones for unlockable/unplayable factions (well we can mod the demo... why not the main game?)

    --[[ Ancillary_Assassin_Thug_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterTurnEnd[#events.CharacterTurnEnd+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("assassin", context) and conditions.CharacterCultureType("indian", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Assassin_Thug", 2, context)
    return true
    return false
    --[[ Ancillary_Blood_Brother_2_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterCompletedBattle[#events.CharacterCompletedBattle+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("General", context) and not conditions.CharacterCultureType("tribal", context) and conditions.CharacterFoughtCulture("tribal", context) and conditions.CharacterInTheatre(1, context) and conditions.CharacterTurnsInEnemyLands(context) >= 1 and conditions.CharacterWonBattle(context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Blood_Brother", 8, context)
    return true
    return false
    Theres Dueling Ancillaries

    --[[ Ancillary_Duelling_Hidalgo_Fop_2_Trigger ]]--

    events.DuelFought[#events.DuelFought+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterWonDuel(context) and conditions.CharacterDuelWeapon("duelling_sword", context) and conditions.CharacterFactionName("spain", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Duelling_Hidalgo_Fop", 17, context)
    return true
    return false

    --[[ Ancillary_Duelling_Minx_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterTurnEnd[#events.CharacterTurnEnd+1] =
    function (context)
    if (conditions.CharacterType("rake", context) or conditions.CharacterType("gentleman", context)) and conditions.CharacterCultureType("european", context) and (conditions.CharacterTrait("C_Gent_Duelling_Sword", context) >= 2 or conditions.CharacterTrait("C_Gent_Duelling_Pistol", context) >= 4) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Duelling_Minx", 8, context)
    return true
    return false

    --[[ Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols_2_Trigger ]]--

    events.DuelFought[#events.DuelFought+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterWonDuel(context) and conditions.CharacterDuelWeapon("duelling_pistols", context) and not conditions.CharacterFactionName("britain", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols", 17, context)
    return true
    return false

    --[[ Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols_Manton_2_Trigger ]]--

    events.DuelFought[#events.DuelFought+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterWonDuel(context) and conditions.CharacterDuelWeapon("duelling_pistols", context) and conditions.CharacterFactionName("britain", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Duelling_Pistols_Manton", 5, context)
    return true
    return false

    Theres more Captive Ancillaries

    --[[ Ancillary_European_Captive_Ferang_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterCompletedBattle[#events.CharacterCompletedBattle+1] =
    function (context)
    if (conditions.CharacterType("General", context) or conditions.CharacterType("admiral", context)) and conditions.CharacterCultureType("indian", context) and conditions.CharacterFoughtCulture("european", context) or (conditions.CharacterInTheatre(836795134, context) or conditions.CharacterInTheatre(-1133129049, context)) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_European_Captive_Ferang", 8, context)
    return true
    return false

    This is probably the most intersting trigger:

    --[[ Ancillary_Government_Vampire_Hunter_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterTurnEnd[#events.CharacterTurnEnd+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("minister", context) and conditions.IsFactionLeader(context) and conditions.CharacterFactionName("austria", context) and conditions.FactionLeadersTrait("C_Personal_Piety", context) >= 1 and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Government_Vampire_Hunter", 8, context)
    return true
    return false
    Till I saw this one:

    --[[ Ancillary_Grizzly_Adams_Trigger ]]--

    events.CharacterCompletedBattle[#events.CharacterCompletedBattle+1] =
    function (context)
    if conditions.CharacterType("General", context) and not conditions.CharacterCultureType("tribal", context) and conditions.CharacterWonBattle(context) and conditions.CharacterInTheatre(1, context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_1", context) and not conditions.CampaignName("episodic_3", context) then
    if conditions.DateInRange(1700, 1900, context) then
    effect.ancillary("Ancillary_Grizzly_Adams", 8, context)
    return true
    return false
    Now with transparent layers!

    Lost on the Internet? Go back to start.

  19. #19
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Has anyone tried to take away the scripting in the battle of Brandywine? The naval battle has a template for an "unscripted" scenario, and I was wondering if something similar could be done for the land battle...

  20. #20
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander the Pretty Good View Post
    Has anyone tried to take away the scripting in the battle of Brandywine? The naval battle has a template for an "unscripted" scenario, and I was wondering if something similar could be done for the land battle...
    Looks like it's been done, I'm gonna give it a try myself.

  21. #21
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    It has been done.

    Check TWC, all the modding progress is being done there. (edit: thats what not refreshing gets me)
    Last edited by pevergreen; 02-23-2009 at 15:40.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  22. #22
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Great news! "new map"

    It's actually the battle tutorial map, heres how,

    Open up the brandywine.xml and change the following:


    Change brandy wine to battle_tutorial. Thats it. The only problem is having to guess the unit placement, as it is the Brits spawn behind the town while the US are spread out across the valley.

    I'm going to try to replace the unit placement #'s with the ones from the tutorial, maybe that will help. Oh, I also made it rain, but it's hardly noticble in the screen shot.
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 17:46.

  23. #23
    AggonyJudgee Member Judge's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Rain = wet gunpowder = mellee

  24. #24
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    I zipped up the Brandywine-tutorial map for everyone to enjoy, it has the default US and England factions with their Brandywine units, the only change is the map.

    Update: There are some placement issues so I removed the download. As the English you spawn behind the town and can deploy almost anywhere but the Americans spawn partly in front of the town and in the valley below. As the Americans you fix this problem by just moving all your units in front of the town and the English will spawn behind it.

    Update1:I've given up for now, I've copy and pasted the positions of the English units from the tutorial to the Americans but there are so many units that most of the army spawns in the valley below. I tried tweaking the #'s for everyone else but now I'm just crashing my game.
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 19:43.

  25. #25
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge View Post
    Rain = wet gunpowder = mellee
    The Spanish did at one point but I think it was a last ditch effort because after I repelled their charge what was left of their army routed.

    Update:Alright, this is the file AS IS, I've provided some instructions on how to compensate for the bugged locations, if anyone else wants to try to give them proper spawn locations, go right ahead.

    Backup your files, this will overwrite your orginal brandywine.xml and script!
    Last edited by Mailman653; 02-23-2009 at 21:39.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Has anyone seen this before?

    I saw it at TWC.
    Last edited by lenin96; 02-25-2009 at 09:42.
    Quote Originally Posted by a completely inoffensive name View Post
    Have the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the voice of Billy Mays and the ability to produce bull**** at a moments notice and you can be the leader of anything.

  27. #27
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Look about 10 posts above yours.
    Quote Originally Posted by TosaInu
    The org will be org until everyone calls it a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by KukriKhan View Post
    but I joke. Some of my best friends are Vietnamese villages.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur
    Anyone who wishes to refer to me as peverlemur is free to do so.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Damm I forgot.
    Quote Originally Posted by a completely inoffensive name View Post
    Have the strength of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the voice of Billy Mays and the ability to produce bull**** at a moments notice and you can be the leader of anything.

  29. #29
    kwait nait Member Monsieur Alphonse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Modding the demo

    Quote Originally Posted by lenin96 View Post
    Has anyone seen this before?

    I saw it at TWC.
    That is already old news. There is a screenshot of 10,000 men in one unit and someone even tried 15,000 bit that made the game too laggy.

    And there is more! Some guy modded the demo so he had more then twenty units he could control. He had only twenty unit cards but he had more then twenty units.
    Last edited by Monsieur Alphonse; 02-25-2009 at 22:56.
    Tosa Inu

  30. #30
    is not a senior Member Meneldil's Avatar
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    Default Re : Modding the demo

    Haha, some of these ancillaries are quite cool

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