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Thread: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

  1. #1

    Arrow Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)


    An English translation of a chapter in the classic history of Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbrueck, translation by G. W. Roetkelchen.

    The Decisions of Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm I of Preussen - Part I -
    The Annexation of Sweden.

    When the 18th century was become fifty years old, manifestly had the general ambition of most men no such grievous hunger for conquest, as had existed in the hearts of their Middle Age ancestors.
    The higher class man of the nation had absolute respect and passion for what was his own by birth-right, and was in his chivalry more eager to fight in defense of the homeland, than to wrongly harvest another's crop.

    This was of course not due to a sudden enlightenment, or miraculous benevolence, but due instead to a plentiful economy and strength existing in all major nations in 1750.
    At least in the higher classes.

    But war was still total- even with this new, gentlemanly mode of thought and behaviour.

    It was so, on the sole part of men; rulers like Willhelm I of Prussia.

    He was 35 in 1750.

    His son, Friedrich Willhelm II was 12.

    Prussia, being economically weaker than the British Empire under George II, was yet stronger in military - a woeful sign of how terrible the costs weighed upon the small imperialist state.
    It was important to the Kaiser that Prussia should feel confident that the expenditure placed upon her military was not wasted. The commons were unruly in the West.

    But where could Prussia examine her ability on the field?

    1751 - When the East Mobilised

    Efforts were still being made peacefully to retrieve the economy, when Europa seemed to explode.
    In less than a year wars had begun between France and Niederland, Sweden and Danemark, Austro-Hungary and Hessen-Kassel, and the Ottomans against Russia.

    Even on the Pomeranian border, thousands of Russian troops were seen marching towards Moldavia.

    Where could Prussia extend her arms?

    Russia, though at war, was infinitely populated, and every man seemed armed and drilled.
    Poland, though she bristled less with men, was solidly held by men supported with many brigades of cavalry far superior to the Prussian Kuerassier.
    The German States, though vulnerable, were dear and dependent on Prussia - and indeed without speculation, it never entered the Kaiser's mind - the I idea of warring with brethren.

    British-Saxony had renewed an alliance with Prussia, and thus was Sweden alone left to observation.

    The small Kingdom of Fredrik I was entirely ripe, she had lost the war with King Hans I of Danemark, and the economy and military was reeling.
    Her navy was destroyed.
    She was allied to Britain, but the Kaiser had already decided on war in the North, and alliance in the South.

    Regiments and Brigades were to assemble from all areas for the Kaiser, and a 'Grosspreussische Heer', was to be assembled for the attack on Sweden.
    In the capital four batteries of sieging cannon were equipped and trained.
    From the West came almost a full battalion of the Brunswick men.

    So many new elements were raised for war, that 1754 had dawned before the invasion was prepared.
    King Fredrik I - completely alerted of Prussian intentions - could only lament the fate of his 1020 strong army, and that of the two thousand Finns cut off from the Kingdom.
    Friedrich Willhelm II was slender and sapling-like beneath the starched shoulders of his uniform, yet the Kronprinz was entirely efficient and marvellous to behold in charge of the many batteries of artillery being shipped with the army.

    Among these batteries was a deceitful man, Arnold Ruesdorf, who had ensured for himself the almost complete autonomous sovereignty of Sweden in the event of success, by reason of his incredible acumen.

    Lord Erlach led the army itself - a combat group consisting of two Prussian infantry battalions, one Brunswicker, and three brigades of Kuerassier - supported by four siege batteries, two eight-pounder batteries, and three light four-pounder battieres of five guns each.
    (Note, each infantry battalion contained three smaller companies... nine units..)

    The Battle at Engelska

    Seven hundred Swedish men, and six hundred Prussian-Germans would die on this field in March 1755.

    Varvade Infantry and Indelta Hussars made up the entire battle-line of the Swedish.
    Most were very battered units, and the only guns were two small four-pounders which were entirely dwarfed by the Prussian arsenal.

    Fredrik I ordered a line to be made on a steadily rising hill before the Prussian advance, which led down to a husked grove of pines, where Erlach immediately set-up the twenty siege-cannon with some difficulty, and from a great range proceeded to shell the Swedish line.

    The Prussian battalions lined themselves from afar with the Swedish, and began to advance.

    The Brunswickers, specially confident, skirted on the the left flank in squares, and following behind were the Kuerassier brigades, in which Erlach himself rode.

    The cannon were creating much distress in the enemy line - but of a sudden a mistake occurred in trajectory and many shells landed amidst the marching Prussian men as they advanced due to the sloping terrain.
    Fire was halted.

    The Swedish four-pounders began to poke small holes in the Prussian line, and their two battalions marched forth at half-strength, regular, and shaken.
    The many Hussars began to pour out, threatening the Brunswickers, who nonetheless advanced.

    When range was found, both armies halted.

    The Prussian cannon began to shell the cavalry, which was encircling the Brunswickers, and smoke smothered the Prussians and Varvade as they began to fire constantly.
    But the casualties suffered already by the Swedish meant they could have no salvation in a fight at range.
    They charged the right wing with such tenacity that Erlach was forced to send a brigade to the assistance of the Prussian 12th Battalion, the 11th being firmly engaged at pressing for the destruction of the artillery pieces, the reserves being sent to the assistance of the Brunswickers, now in a terrible fight with four Hussar brigades.

    But this situation of equality on the field lasted little time - Fredrik had no heavy cavalry.

    The Kuerassiers charged the left flank, where the Hussars were driven into four companies of bayonets and slaughtered, they charged the right, where the tired, shaken Varvade battalion simply yielded, (150 surrendered).

    Soon the entirely field was rushing towards the King Fredrik, where he cowed with his staff behind a withered company of rifles, and the four-pounders deserted him before the general rout.
    The Company was sliced apart, and King Fredrik I escaped with 87 men to Stockholm Fort.

    The Cavalry, saviours of the infantry, had killed hundreds and suffered only four dead.

    The Brunswicker Battalion had proved themselves capable of holding an entire wing entirely alone!

    Stockholm Punctured

    Kronprinz Willhelm II demanded the command of the storming party which was to enter the fort and claim Sweden for Prussia.
    Erlach yielded, and Ruesdorf brought his guns to the camp at Stockholm and began to pierce the old castle.
    It was only fifteen minutes of bombardment until a suitable gap had been made; and the stormtroopers; the remaining 125 Brunswicker men, and a small company of Prussians, advanced immediately to the fight.

    During this time, howitzer shells of the Swedish Fort intended to hit the infantry had deflected downhill and into the artillery encampment.
    Twice landed shells in the very midst of the Kronprinz and Ruesdorf.

    The Swedish King was killed in the fighting, and the Brunswicker battalion reduced from 125 to 34.
    (It had originally made 380 men.)

    Ruesdorf held Sweden, plans were carried out to construct an adequate port for the return of the artillery to Prussia. The army would stay under Erlach and guard the new conquests against Danemark.

    Conquest Tasted.

    The Kaiser was overjoyed with the success of the venture, and hardly disappointed to hear the British choose Sweden as ally over Prussia. Sweden was extinct.

    Now the Prussian First and Second Armies placed themselves in Brandenburg and on the Saxon border.

    A Fourth army was to be raised, to take Finland and provide reserves for the First and Second, who seemed likely to be involved in war with the men of George II.

    Poland and Russia had both intermarried with the royal family, and the Kaiser now could trust that no southern front would appear.

    Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm I was trusting of the Russians, ruler of the Swedish, fiend of the British, and protector of the German States.
    His belligerent nature was not entirely to the benefit of Prussia, however, and his son the Kronprinz would in Sweden develop opinions which would lead him on completely different conquests in his rule to come.

    1758 (With Sweden conquered in 1756)

  2. #2
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Great stuff Glenn!

    I look forward to the next chapter. Keep the updates coming!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Thank you Bamff - it cannot compare to yours!
    For mine are all written at 11 p.m. at night, without forethought, and from vague memory.. ha ha ha.. it is currently 9.25pm, and I am thinking of playing, then writing the new chapter.
    But that will mean a similar situation; bleary-eyed, with a fresh can of coke, typing endlessly and cursing softly at the faulty keyboard and the terrible upload-time for my one picture!

    I might just do it! I won't have time soon enough!

    Let's hope the Kaiser dies soon, I want new blood..

  4. #4

    Default Preussen II


    Ein Teil von der klassischen Geschichte Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbruecks, Uebersetzung von G. W. Roetkelchen.

    Sudden reverses on the part of Kaiser Willhelm I - Part II

    The fate of the Fourth Army was indeed a sad one, even if their enterprise was successful.
    As written in the first part, Sweden was taken by the Third Army in 1754 and the Kaiser believed a threat was shown by the refusal of King Hans I of Danemark to take part in an alliance with Prussia.

    So on imperial order did the Third army remain in Scandinavia to guard their gains.

    A Fourth Army was both required and possible now in the Empire.
    Sweden was already giving great benefits to the economy, and due to Kaiser Willhelm I and his ambitions for war with Britain, the First and Second armies were permanently stationed in the West.

    But Finland must be taken.
    It were a great shame should the Russian Tzar take the country for himself, and no less insufferable was the idea of allowing a Free Finnish King to reign, as the rumour was now in those parts!
    The Fourth army was successfully trained by 1762;
    It consisted of the 2nd Brunswick "Bataillion", the 13th Prussian Bataillion, the 1st Guard Bataillion (With Grenadiers), the 1st and 2nd Uhlan Brigades and the 1st Siege Artillery Regiment under Lord Ruesdorf of Stockholm.

    These men, though suitably trained and dashing of equipment, were perhaps too haughty - believing that their Finnish enemy were rebels and of poor morale.

    When the story of the battle near Hame reached the homeland in 1763, it lead to nation-wide grief and horror for the womenfolk, outrage for the old men, and curiousity for the young.

    The Fourth Prussian Army invaded Finland in February 1763 under Kronprinz Willhelm II, whose adversary in command was the King of New Finnlande, Hoerst Edelfeldt I.

    The Battle at Hamesfield.

    The Finns were splendid in their fair violet-white uniforms, nearly three battalions were present, and only one company of the Swedish Varvade, who had mostly fled.
    Three Brigades of Hussars flanked the infantry, and the King was seen to be discussing the field with the officer of his two four-pounder guns.

    In fact, it was not a field.
    The ground was so uneven and poor that the 1st Siege Artillery regiment could give only the most minimum assistance to the advancing infantry battalions without risking friendly fire.
    The Finns were drawn out in a great line on a ridge behind a small forested village, which the infantry would be forced to march through.
    The 1st and 2nd Uhlan Brigades marched in column out onto the far left, where the forest waned into open country, towards the enemy's weakest flank.
    Ruesdorf's thirty guns failed to damage the enemy right flank, which was the only visible part.

    The Infantry was to take large casualties.

    2nd Brunswicker Bataillion, eager to outshine the extinct 1st Brunswicker, advanced on the left, but central to the enemy line.
    The 13th moved in towards the enemy centre-left, and the 1st Guards on their far left.
    Finnish rifles were already in use, and the march doubled in pace to close with the enemy.

    Then, Prussian bravery became foolhardy.

    The 1st Uhlan Brigade charged across a distance of 450 yards at the isolated Varvade company.
    It was believed the guard would shatter, but although they were reduced to 87 men, the Varvade drove off the Uhlans with 40 Prussian horse lost.

    The Uhlan Brigades then set about together, causing terrible confusion in the enemy right, where they managed to divide and charge two seperate Finnish companies, destroying 400 men at once.

    2nd Brunswicker Bataillion had found their fate.

    The men had charged what was seemingly a wavering Finnish company, and, as it retreated to the mess on the right where the Uhlans fought, two companies of the Battalion were entirely cut off by every Hussar on the field.

    Not three cavalry brigades, not one entire Finnish battalion could break two Brunswicker companies.
    They fought until the Uhlans finally freed them from their encirclement
    Including the third company, 127 Brunswickers survived Hamesfield.

    The Uhlan Brigades, seeing the plight of the 4th and 5th Brunswicker companies, immediately led a new charge into the backs of a Finnish battalion.
    They freed the infantry, heroically, and killed 568 Finns, took 180 prisoner.
    But they were destroyed to a man in this last charge.
    Not one fled.

    The 1st Guards and 13th Prussians were inspired by what they could see from their high position on the right.
    But if they would charge, the remaining Finnish Battalions would simply retreat uphill and fire again on their tired enemy.
    There was nothing left but to engage in terrible firefights, which cost everyman dearly.
    The Grenadier uniform could no more stop a bullet than the artilleryman's tunic.

    No more cavalry existed on either side, and the Prussian artillery could not assist the hidden fight beyond the hills.
    This needed to be remedied.

    The remaining Brunswickers and the other Battalions flanked the skirmishing Finnish troops, (Whose, "King", had long deserted them), and the violet coats were forced by their own tactics to flee into the forest by which the Prussians came.

    At the crest of a hill the Finns found that their pursuers had halted, and began anew the firefight, blind to the busied artillery regiments only 300 yards behind them.

    All remaining troops of the enemy had been cunningly forced to the edge of that obstacle forest, and Ruesdorf obliged the tactic with a shattering fire that he placed on every visible enemy.

    The result was a total Finnish rout.

    1180 Finns were dead, 384 captured... But 760 Prussians were dead.

    The 1st and 2nd Uhlans were annihilated.

    The 2nd Brunswicker Bataillion was not even the strength of one company.

    The 13th Prussians were but 300 men with reserves included.

    The 1st Guards was broken up and reassigned to the 13th Prussian.

    Prussia was deeply wounded by the sudden realisation of how heavily the war damaged her manpower.
    But these losses were incurred for chiefly one reason; a lack of heavy cavalry.
    The Third army had two Kuerassier and two Hussar brigades, sufficient for breaking two battalions of infantry - the Fourth was supplied with not nearly enough.
    Other reasons for such a great cost of lives at Hamesfield were the poor visibility for artillery, and the failure to quickly surround a skirmishing enemy.

    Hamestadt is taken.

    Hamestadt was, among other things, situated in a valley and 'walled' by a pallisade not tight enough to keep cattle in.
    The 1st Artillery Regiment completely obliterated the Stadt and everyone in it.
    So ended the siege of a day.

    The consequences of violent policies.

    Part II will discuss the empire under Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm I up until 1766.
    The year in discussion is 1765.
    In three years a most horrible event came upon the empire, as an effect of the Kaiser's treatment of the Northern people.
    But Part II must be continued in a later stage, suffice to say that by the year 1766 Prussia was threatened with an early subjection to her neighbours.

    The map of this time shall be included with this last stage of Part II. Do return to view it.

    G.W. Roetkelchen.
    Last edited by PershsNhpios; 02-18-2009 at 02:10.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Preussen II

    I thought about starting an MTW AAR today. I came home prepared to rip out my graphics card and give onboard gaphics another try. Now I find myself confronted with yet more epics of the highest class from bamff and Glenn.... How can one compete with such aficionados...? I'll get my coat...

    Last edited by caravel; 02-17-2009 at 20:59.

  6. #6

    Default Preussen II continued


    Part II continued - Consequences of Violent Policies.

    The year in discussion in 1765.

    Finland is subject to Great Prussia under Kaiser Willhelm I.
    This year saw the remnants of the Fourth Army stranded in Finland, and hurrying to build a port that the 1st Siege Artillery Regiment might be transported in the event of war.
    The port was not built fast enough.

    During the year a Norwegian vessel bearing the flag of King Hans I fired upon the Prussians in the Danish straits.
    A short battle destroyed the Norwegians, but immediately tension strangled the border of Sweden-Norway, the news of a naval attack deemed incredible by most, and not yet reaching the Koenigsberg.

    The Kaiser refused to believe such a display of aggression to be feasible on the part of King Hans.
    It was his wish that Norway would ally with Prussia and fight against England, as Willhelm I dearly treasured Saxony.

    He thus declared any Prussian taking part in offensive activity against the Norwegians to be a traitor, and convinced himself that the attack was a privateering venture.

    In October King Hans I led his entire remaining army into Sweden, and the Third Army was forced against the will of the Kaiser to fight for their possessions.

    The Battle at the Maar.

    The Maar was a small rolling field on the border which supplied little opportunity for the Divisional Artillery to inflict casualties on the advancing Norwegians.

    King Hans I had two Norwegian battalions and one half strength Danish battalion, with three brigades of Hussars and one Divisional battery of four-pounder guns.

    Lord Erlach of Brandenburg had the 8th, 11th and 12th Prussian battalions, the 12th being reinforced with the remnant of 1st Brunswickers - the 1st Brunswick Company.
    He commanded also two brigades of Kuerassier and two of Hussars.
    The Divisional artillery included 10 Eight-pounder guns, and 10 four-pounders.

    Situated below the crest of a ridge, the Third Army waited in formation, the artillery prepared in the centre.
    The enemy battalions marched over this crest of the wide farmland and found themselves confronted with a murderous drum-fire, timed so as to continually shatter the formations with shells.
    One company was literally decimated.

    But the Danish King immediately withdrew behind the ridge, and began to lead the army in a circuit around the Prussians, taking routes out of sight of the artillery.
    He began to advance from a position well protected against bombardment, and the Prussian battalions were hard pressed to align themselves and remove the Divisional Artillery to a safe distance.

    Now the Infanterie closed swiftly and a firefight began a very close range between the houses of a village in the field.

    The Danish Hussars circumvented the Prussian right, obviously hoping to destroy the artillery, but the Kuerassiers were prepared.
    A cavalry skirmish ended in Prussian victory with 15 men of three Danish brigades surviving, and 10 Prussians dead.
    The 4th and 5th Kuerassiers, and the 2nd and 6th Hussars then freely lined themselves behind the engaged enemy division and led a terrific charge into the very backs of the enemy battalions, and simultaneously charged the infantry.
    Not a man of the Norwegians or Danish Infantry survived, and the King was seen galloping madly away with the artillery column trying to follow.

    The cavalry brigades suffered 38 casualties overall, the Infanterie 50.

    Norway was open to an easy occupation.

    Worse news arrives in Koenigsberg.

    It is believed that King Hans I, having lost his throne and capital, and calling an armistice with Britain, had felt very threatened by the sudden Prussian offensives in the east.
    He saw this not as an attack on Sweden and Finland, but on Scandinavia.
    His belligerence was caused by desperation.

    The Kaiser completely refused the idea of marching into Norway, which was now all but unopposed to Prussian conquest.
    He was determined to have Hans I as an ally.
    But they were both old men.

    Kaiser Willhelm I decided in 1765 that the Fourth Army, stranded in Finland, was no longer strong enough to bear it's title.
    He sent a messenger to give the Kronprinz his intention that the remaining parts of the division should be disbanded and placed on duties for the government of Finland, excepting Ruesdorf's 1st SAR, which would be introduced to a new Fifth Army.
    This army would be prepared for service by 1769.

    But it was not to be.

    In 1766 another sudden conflict occurred in the Danish straits, again believed to be a Norwegian privateering issue.
    Nothing however could allow the Kaiser to delude himself now.
    King George II of Great Britain had ordered an attack on the small Prussian fleet off Sweden.
    The Prussians had won, but this conflict was of gravest consequence.
    On the Saxon-Pomeranian border were 3000 British, 3500 Prussian men - on the Franconia-Brandenburg border were 4000 British, 3000 Prussians.
    1766 was a year of panic that bordered on fatalistic grief for the citizens of Gross Preussen.

    Were the British marching already?
    Had they control of the straits?
    Would Poland or Russia also commit such acts of treachery?
    Would France, the great western empire become involved?

    No one seemed to have faith in the Prussian 1st and 2nd armies, which contained all 6 battalions of Leib Brunswicker Infantry - considered the elite of all Prussia.
    They contained many brigades of Kuerassiers and Brunswicker Hussars.
    The First held a battery of 25 eight-pounder guns.
    The Second had almost two battalions of unassigned Brunswicker infantry.

    Defeat was by no means certain, but the British had many Highlander battalions and Saxon Infantry supported by brigades of Hussars and British Light Infantry.

    Would they attack the homeland, or accept the Kaiser's offer of peace?

    Before 1766 had come to a close, Gross Preussen would be almost throttled by anxiety and haste to produce more artillery for the 2nd Army.

    Last edited by PershsNhpios; 02-18-2009 at 02:09.

  7. #7
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Looks like the storm is about to break there Glenn!

    Where do the loyalties of the Russians lie? And the Poles to the south? Turbulent times ahead, methinks!

    However it pans out, I am looking forward to your next chapter (and thank you for spoiling us with two in quick succession!).

    And my Lord Moderator, Asai Nagamasa Pray stay, Sir, join us, and share with us the tales of your campaign....

    In all seriousness, for me the great thing about this thread is in looking at the different ways that our respective virtual rulers lead their kingdoms, and the way that our various virtual generals handle battle situations, and the more contributors we have, the richer that comparison can be.

    Actually another eye opener here for me has been seeing some of the interesting variations provided by different mods - sereikhaan's Samurai Warlords campaign, and Glenn's NTW campaign are two fantastic examples of this....

    So come one, come all - share your stories of battle and empire building, and rejoice in the tales of others!

    Okay, I'll go and have a little lie down now...

  8. #8

    Default Preussen III


    Ein Teil von der klassischen Geshichte Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbruecks, Uebersetzung von G. W. Roetkelchen.

    Part III - War with Great Britain.

    1766, as detailed in Part II, was a year of apprehensive horror for Great Prussia.
    But it passed without incident.
    Everyman of the British 1st Army which was stationed on the Hanoverian border were deployed against Morocco, in competition with France for North Africa.
    The British 2nd Army remained in Franconia.

    Hope for peace was entertained!

    Of course, the Kaiser had no intentions of peace - he wanted only to postpone the war until the Fifth Army was raised and prepared for combat.
    He was fifty years old by this time, and the old story of Marcus Licinius Crassus came to his mind.

    Crassus, who wishing to glorify himself above his younger political opposition, Caesar and Pompeius, had sought war with Parthia in the East.
    Willhelm I remembered the quote, when Crassus said to the greying and ancient Anatolian King, who was building a city, "You begin your project at the third watch.", the Anatolian replied that Crassus too was beyond his prime - to be setting out on a military expedition.

    But Crassus was sixty, and Willhelm had nought but an empire and a clean bill of health to guard and improve upon.
    The Fifth would soon be ready!

    In 1768, King George II accepted a ceasefire - not being entirely sure himself if there ever was a conflict (The Danish Straits seemed to be a hotbed of trivial skirmishes).
    In 1769, the Kaiser reviewed the new Fifth Army, it consisted of;

    3rd Brunswickers Battalion, known as, "The Resigned Ones".
    14th, 15th and 16th Prussian Battalions (The 16th integrated with the 10th Brunswick Company).
    2nd & 3rd Prussian Dragoon Brigades.
    5th & 3rd Hussars.
    1st Siege Artillery Regiment, (With the Fifth Army Divisional Artillery, this included now twenty Eight-pounder gun and twenty five siege guns).
    Reserve Companies for each infantry group.

    How marvellous they all seemed! Each knew that the Fifth Army was raised for one purpose - war with Britain - and each were entirely convinced of their superiority.

    The Kaiser now planned to create a Sixth Army before war would begin, as the British 1st Army was again in Hanover - but time was not receptive of the idea.

    Trivialities in the North spark a terrible conflict.

    In 1771 another naval battle occurred, wiping out the small Prussian fleet in the Straits and leaving the Third Army without protection.
    Danemark had refused a ceasefire, and it was believed King Hans I would ally with Britain.
    The British had ensured a war for themselves.

    There could be no more anxiety, and no more confusion - Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm I ordered that Lord Ruesdorf of Sweden should immediately lead the Fifth into Hanover against the British First.
    By 1774 the Sixth Army would be furnished, and the First and Second would prepare for defence.

    1772 was the year in which British and Prussian land forces first met.

    The Battle For Hanover

    Morbid weather was rampant this season, in August, and the many guns were caught in pits of mud as the entered British territory.
    The men had just hauled the guns free of the large natural ditch in the country they were marched through - when the 3rd Hussars reported the enemy ahead.

    There were the First, under the King himself, lining a great sloping crest ahead of the Prussians, who were in column and crossing the aforementioned ditch.
    The crest spanned to either direction out of sight, and at it's head was a great forest, where the red and white coats could be seen.

    Immediately the Eight-pounders were brought up to the fore whilst the 16th Prussians and 3rd Brunswickers placed themselves on the far right.
    The Dragoons ranged out to the left, where a field lay.
    The 15th Prussians arrayed themselves in the ditch behind the guns, which lined in the centre.

    Though truthfully in charge of only the 1st Siege Artillery Regiment, Lord Ruesdorf always found himself at the head of the army.
    He was an abnormally talented man.

    The British First consisted of two Highlander Battalions, one British, one light company, one Hanoverian company, local militia, one Hussar brigade and divisional Eight-pounders.
    But the artillery never made an appearance, to their great misfortune.

    For the King ordered the long British line to consolidate around the hill, and this led to a confused mass of men huddling on the rounded slope of the hill.

    Three times in a minute did twenty Eight-pound cannonballs ricochet up the crest into that mass.

    It is reported that at one stage, due to the skill of the crewmen, half of one Highlander Company was destroyed in one volley.

    This barrage continued for twenty minutes, and the rain was tropical in its might.
    The two Highlander battalions were reduced to one third of their original number.

    But the British were not stone-faced and dumb in the face of the bombardment - several times the tried to charge to open artillery - only to suffer tremendous casualties.
    And if they attempted to move from the hill they were cut down but the Dragoons.

    King George II had already left the field in dismay at the battering of his men.

    Now the 16th and 3rd Infanterie pushed forward, lining themselves slightly adjacent to the forest, from which the British gladly came forth to ask battle.
    But they were without power in the firefight, and many more of the redcoats were seen wavering, indeed, many of them became much more red.

    Ruesdorf made a mistake.

    The British seemed to be wavering and he had routed all but one Highlander company with the Dragoons on the open left flank.
    One company of the 16th Prussians was becoming very battered, and Ruesdorf, remembering his experience of the Fourth Army's one and only battle, despised the idea of another slaughter.

    With the 15th Prussians available, he ordered them advance through the centre and to partly envelope the enemy infantry which was already half cut from the forest - having advanced down the crest towards the 16th, and having been flanked by the 3rd Brunswick.

    Now the entire British First, or what remained of it, was caught in a box without a lid.

    The 2nd and 3rd Dragoons obliged.

    Ranging out on the left, the cut off the stragglers and charged into the backs of the engaged British infantry.
    That the might not receive friendly-fire, the infantry charged immediately also.

    Five hundred men at least were destroyed within a minute.

    But the mistake was allowing one British company to escape the box and draw off the 16th Prussians, which allowed the Highlanders to escape, who drew the 3rd Dragoons into the woods.

    Very quickly the entire box became six fragmented skirmishes both beneath and in the forest.
    Already the enemy was attempting to withdraw, but the Prussians were in such a position that they could not allow a withdrawal, if they wanted to remain unrouted.

    By the time the enemy had been surrounded and cut-off again, the Dragoons had suffered 83 casualties, and the Infantry overall had suffered 690.

    It was another loss of 800 men for Prussia.

    An Offensive was a very costly venture.

    1400 British were killed, 700 having been killed by the artillery barrage!
    400 were captured, and the King ransomed them for 3800 Marks.

    1773 in review.

    The year in discussion is now 1773, the British in Hanover were under siege by the Prussian Fifth, now making use of all it's reserves. (The Brunswicker 3rd consisted of only 130 men, and the Brunswickers were now considered to have a death-wish).
    The British Second was cut off in Franconia, but was well-equipped and far outnumbered the Fifth.
    Reinforcements would be expected from Britain, and King George II would certainly try to fight for the coast.

    France, Britain's only ally, was growing terribly aggressive - and it was believed that a major conflict could begin with Emperor Louis I and the Eastern Alliance of Russia-Poland-Prussia-Austro-Hungaria if they wished to extend their reach further.
    Or would the Eastern Alliance break?

    Russia was only cordial in relations with Prussia now, and Poland was very restless.
    A betrayal by either, whilst Prussia warred with Britain, would destroy the Black Prince and his Empire.

    But the Sixth and the Fifth would march in Franconia and Danemark yet.

    Catalogue of the Prussian Military in 1773.

    The Prussian First;
    1st, 2nd, & 3rd Leib Brunswicker Infantry;
    1st, 2nd Brunswick Hussars;
    1st Prussian Kuerassiers;
    Divisional Eight-pounder guns (10)

    The Prussian Second;
    4th, 5th & 6th Leib Brunswicker Infantry;
    2nd & 7th Prussian Hussars;
    2nd & 5th Prussian Dragoons;
    Divisional Eight-pounder guns (10)

    The Prussian Third;
    8th, 11th & 12th Prussian Infantry;
    1st Kaiserliche Mercenary Uhlans;
    2nd & 3rd Prussian Kuerassiers;
    1st Brunswicker Company;
    Divisional Eight and Four-pounder guns (5) (10)

    The Prussian Fourth;
    Disbanded - 1st Guards Grenadier Company and 3rd Company, 2nd Brunswicker Battalion on garrison duty in Finland.

    The Prussian Fifth;
    14th, 15th, 16th Prussian Battalions;
    3rd Brunswicker, (One Company Strength);
    2nd Prussian Dragoons, (Reinforced with remnants of the 3rd)
    5th & 3rd Prussian Hussars
    1st Siege Artillery Regiment with Divisional Eight-pounder guns (25) (20)

    The Prussian Sixth (Still in training);
    4th Brunswicker Battalion;
    17th & 18th Prussian Battalions;
    6th & 7th Prussian Dragoons;
    Divisional Eight-pounder and Canister guns (10) (10)

  9. #9
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Great stuff Glenn!

    A great victory in Hanover - but worrying times ahead for the 5th with a very strong English army in Franconia and a similarly strong French force in Holland, and with the 5th now reduced by 800 men.

    Are those Austrian forces in Bavaria and Bohemia?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pics & History of your Empire

    Aye! The Hapsburgers, who I hope to be friendly with, are Grey.. I offer a colour code!

    Green- Russia
    Maroon- Poland
    Dark Blue- France
    Light Blue- Ottomans
    Red- England
    White- Danemark/Norway
    Grey- Oesterreich!
    Turquois/Green- Piedmont
    Yellow- Spain
    Brown- Portucal(Extinct)

    I know most of these are obvious, but it is now a complete list!

    Thank you for your interest Bamff, I hope you enjoy my modern category of armies!
    It is a great challenge to remember those numbers without any aid.
    I am very impressed with the aggressiveness of the AI in this campaign, my last NTW game left me with the conclusion that the Napoleonic Era was a pacifistic one in Total War!

    I am worried about France.. and Poland.. Russia.. Truly, I do not believe I have any ally which I can trust.
    I can only trust that Danemark is too battered to join the fight now!
    For the sake of Prussia we must hope that England and France go to war - though I would not mind seeing a re-enactment of Napoleon's campaigns.

    I am having a great amount of fun with this campaign - alot of that mind is all in my imagination - creating battalions and recording their histories, such as the Brunswickers, who seem to take the brunt of every confrontation.

    Readers - one may add much depth and creativity to a game by making an effort to write an AAR here! Caravel!

    Enough of Great Prussia for now, let us hear of King Stephen I!

  11. #11
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
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    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Truly a great advertisement for the NTW mod, Glenn.

    I love the touch of adding unit names by the way - very "in period".

  12. #12
    Senior Member Senior Member naut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn
    half of one Highlander Company was destroyed in one volley. [...] 700 having been killed by the artillery barrage!
    That sounds truelly gruesome.
    Last edited by naut; 02-25-2009 at 02:18.


    Some piously affirm: "The truth is such and such. I know! I see!"
    And hold that everything depends upon having the “right” religion.
    But when one really knows, one has no need of religion. - Mahavyuha Sutra

    Freedom necessarily involves risk. - Alan Watts

  13. #13

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Good story so far :)

    Looks like it could get very hot, very quickly!

    Keep the reports coming
    Ja-mata TosaInu

  14. #14

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Ha ha ha! Now that it has come to the Main Hall, I suppose I am obliged to finish it!

    Right! You leave it to me, and I shall see what I can do about a new update.

    Thank you very much Bamff for your honouring of this AAR, congratulations are in order for your receipt of Moderator status, and this is a fine idea to bring new popularity to the MTW/MOD AARs.

  15. #15
    Misanthropos Member I of the Storm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    You're indeed obliged to finish or at the very least update soon. Especially now that bamff has bestowed upon us an update today!

    Do you really want to fall behind...?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)


    Es ist die achte Uhr. Morgens um der zehnten koennen Sie meinen naechsten Bericht erwarten.

    Bis dahin, sei nicht traurig und glaube fest an Grosspreussen!


    It is the eighth hour. Tomorrow on the tenth can you all expect my next report.
    Until then, be not sad and have true confidence in Great Prussia!)

  17. #17

    Default Preussen IV


    Ein Teil von der klassischen Geshichte Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbruecks, Uebersetzung von G. W. Roetkelchen.

    Part IV - The Counter-offensive in Hanover and the celebrations of Kaiser Willhelm III.

    Rather than leaving this as an inconvenient footnote, I would write here that G. W. Roetkelchen has made the mistake of referring to Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm II as Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm I. This was a poor fault.

    1773 was important for two major events - the major battle involving the British 2nd Army and the Prussian Fifth in Hanover, and the death of Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm II after this.

    Most predictably, the British King George II, trapped in Franconia and the remnants of the British 1st besieged in Hanover, made the decision that the 2900 strong 2nd Army must attack the Prussian 5th, which included only 1700 men.

    There were no more military forces available from Britain, and the Prussians were beginning to realise that the 2nd Army was the last British military body.

    The King's breakthrough must be achieved, in order that his Kingdom might survive.

    The Battle for Hanover.

    A list of the Prussian armaments involved in the Fifth army may be found in the last chapter.

    To this battle the British brought two British Line Battalions, two Highlander Battalions, one British Light Battalion, One Hanoverian Company, two Hussar brigades, and two eight-pounder batteries.

    Newly promoted Field-Marshall Ruesdorf of Sweden, a man who (As can be seen in previous chapters), rose to the highest rank from total obscurity as an artillery lieutenant, alerted the Fifth immediately and formed in order along the tract of rural country through which King George intended to approach.

    An easy and rolling country with few trees presented wonderful opportunities for the Divisional Eight-Pounders, and the Infanterie lined along a small hill, before which stood a crest and shallow trough forty feet ahead.
    The Prussian Battalions formed in a rounded line, and the 3rd Brunswick was split to guard the extremities.
    The Hussar brigades formed in column behind the Infanterie and safe from shells.
    Above the Hussars upon the crest of the small hill formed the Eight-pounders.

    Withdrawn from the battle were the siege cannon, the Dragoons, and minor Infanterie reserves.

    Now the lines of white-red could be seen extending and advancing through the last groves of wood and hillock before entering the vast undulating clearing.

    King George II, having witnessed half of his entourage obliterated by a volley which ricocheted from within a Highlander Company, fled far beyond and out of range entirely, and he was screened by the Hussars.

    Prisoners reported that men were dying in groups of fifty at once when at first the 1st Siege Artillery Regiment, fresh for battle, fired constantly into the British.
    But there were so many upon the field that, although an estimated 600 had been killed by bombardment before the British engaged the Prussian line, the coats of red still almost stretched beyond the black.

    Most British companies were 70 short of their original number, and the Prussians had not suffered at all, the British King having withdrawn the artillery with him.

    The firefight was extremely brief.

    All along the line it began, and nowhere so fierce as at the centre, where the 15th fired tirelessly into two British and two Highlander companies.
    In an effort to force consoldation on the British, every available gun was ordered to bombard the centre line.

    Ruesdorf himself was almost weeping, with excitement or pity, for the centre British companies could not be seen at a distance for the mud and smoke that was thrown high as a result.

    Later it was noticed that a few stray souls made their way confusedly in wavering routes to the south. They were left alone.

    But on the flanks, Fortuna was of different favour!
    The left flank was to steep for the artillery to give support, and as with the right, any attempt to shell the enemy would be a disastrous slaughter of Prussians.
    One Highland company on either flank had survived almost unscathed, and not caring for a firefight, they had immediately charged.

    The Brunswickers on either side had flanked and attacked the Scots, however they could do little.
    The Brunswick Hussars and Prussian Hussars were sent out to the right, where with casualties of their own they routed the Highlanders.
    Meanwhile a company of the 16th had found it's way out into the middle of the field and had subsequently been decimated by friendly artillery as it skirmished with the wavering enemy.

    All along the battle line the firefight had been won by the Prussian Infanterie, which fired twice as fast, and twice as accurately as the British.
    But now two companies were in danger of being routed, and only the cavalry could save both.

    The Hussars poured over the field and routed all wavering British, before making a horrible charge into the backs of those redcoats assaulting the right flank.

    The day was won!

    The line was reformed, and it was then the cost of the battle was made clear.
    Some companies had lost up to twenty men in the firefight.
    Every company on either flank had lost a minimum of fifty men, a few had only twenty or so remaining.
    The Brunswicker Hussars had been routed with 6 men remaining, and the Prussian Hussars had but 43 left.

    Even so, only a handful of the British 2nd Army had escaped, and their second wave was broken with ease, consisted of a Light Infantry Battalion with two Hussar Brigades for support.

    2400 British men died, 300 were taken prisoner. King George returned to Franconia with perhaps two hundred followers.
    However, 800 Prussians had died, and the Fifth was hardly fit now for service.

    A New Kaiser!

    Having stood directly behind the guns at Hanover, having himself led the charge into the enemy at Hamesfield, having overseen every major battle of the third, fourth, and fifth armies, Prince Friedrich Willhelm III was certainly to be a popular Kaiser for the men of the Prussian military.

    Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm II died only one month after hearing of George II suffering defeat at Hanover.
    He died very content, as the nation was now to feud and war with the British as he had hoped from the first.
    He had faith in his son, who would doubtlessly command the armies for himself, and disallow the Field-Marshall from growing stronger in affairs of the state.
    And now the Kaiser had for wife a Polish Kaiserin, and so it could well be believed that the East would remain in support of Prussia, especially if his son made further progress against the British.
    He must use the Sixth to take Danemark, he must firmly control Franconia, Hanover, Brandenburg and Danemark as border states and he now had the military numbers to do so.

    The new Kaiser was entirely committed to the situation in Hanover, having faith in Ruesdorf and knowledge of the provincial importance.
    He allowed Ruesdorf command of the First, Second and Fifth armies for the purpose of defeating the British garrison in Hanover and taking Franconia.

    Immediately a Combat Group was made consisting of siege cannon and Brunswickers for the taking of the castle, and the First and Second were rearranged so as to protect from any further British attacks from the south.

    In 1775 the Sixth would be prepared for service!

    The old rulers of Russia, Poland and Austro-Hungaria were admiring of their old ally's son.

    But one ruler had not shown the slightest recognition of the man's succession, Emperor Louis of France, ally of Britain.

    Surely he would not involve himself in the East?

    Last edited by PershsNhpios; 03-06-2009 at 01:32.

  18. #18
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
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    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)


    Great stuff, Glenn!

    Emperor Louis could make things a touch sticky, if he were to poke his nose in - that is a fairly substantially sized potential adversary on the doorstep!

  19. #19

    Default Prelude to Preussen V


    An excerpt from the Special 1928 Edition of G. W. Roetkelchen's translation.

    The Prelude to Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm III's reign and his Foreign Policy.

    Great Prussia had levied four new armies since 1750, she had taken Sweden-Finland, subjugated the Hanoverian-British, and Danemark was relinquished to her without proper battle.

    She was allied to Russia, Poland, Austro-Hungaria and the Piedmontese.
    She was at war with Great Britain and Norway.
    Great Britain was allied with France since 1760.

    Now Great Prussia had a new leader, and the 38 year old Kaiser was the only man to succeed in Empire since 1750.
    All other nations were ruled by ancient men.

    And it was uncertain if this man's foreign policy would appeal to any of them, let alone have success.

    He was blood-thirsty.

    The Foreign Policies of the Kaiser in 1776.

    Great Britain

    Great Britain had slowly been dragged into a war with Prussia by the Kaiser's father, and as a result her armies had been annihilated, and Hanover and Danemark lost.
    His father wished for the Kaiser to continue on this war, to fight bitterly against the Redcoat and create a great navy, so as to assault their homeland.
    King George was exiled in Franconia, and his first son had been obliterated in Danemark.

    But the Kaiser would not have it!

    Britain was to accept a ceasefire, and thereafter, hopefully an alliance.
    If this was not to be, Franconia would be taken, the King imprisoned, and the western front would be strengthened anyway.
    The Fifth, reinforced, would hold Hanover.
    The Second Danemark.
    The First Franconia.

    Britain would be left to her own devices, and hopefully could be pushed into war with France.


    France was the dominant power in Western Europe at this time, and therefore quite dangerous.
    However, in the first year of the Kaiser' reign, two mighty revolutions occurred.
    In Friesland and Flanders, 6000 men declared their allegiance to King Bernaerd I of the United Dutch Provinces.
    8000 declared for King Pedro I of Portucale.
    The Kaiser wanted alliances with these two factions immediately, and aside from declaring war outright, everything was to be done in order to assure the fall of the French Empire under Louis.
    Prussia was not to advance west.


    King Hans I was a morbidly frail man, with a pittance for an army, and a nation with nothing more than a fatalist and conquered spirit.
    If he or his successors showed aggression, the Third Army would destroy the small state.
    Else they would continue in their minor feuds.


    A war with Prussia's ally, Poland, was a war with Russia.
    And yet this is what the Kaiser wanted.
    Only, Poland was not to be the first eastern target, but she would be watched.
    King Zygmunt I had an elite army of 1900 men, but seemed not to have the ability to act offensively, and in any case he had belligerence only for the West.

    But if the Kaiser had his way, Poland would be subjugated.

    Hapsburger Oesterreich

    A wonderful, admirable nation, with dear Wien at her heart.
    Though other Prussian leaders had warred with jealousy, this Kaiser would stop at nothing to maintain an alliance with their most favoured nation.
    Even if it meant allowing them to conquer the German states.
    It was truly hoped that Emperor Franz I would not take offense to an eastern war.


    Tzar Alexander III had suffered defeats against the Ottomans, and as such had emptied the North of garrisons.
    All that pervaded the Kaiser's mind was how open and weak for conquest were the northern provinces.
    A strong navy, a seventh and eighth army would mean the destruction of Russia!
    And Poland could either remain an ally, or be crushed first of all.

    All advisors pushed the Kaiser away from this decision, saying that it would lead to a fatal unpopularity throughout Europe, and the vacuum of the steppe would rip all of Prussia's manpower from her.
    Yet, a war with Russia was what the Kaiser wanted.

    Peace with the West, Alliance with the South, War with the East.

    That summarises the Foreign Policy of the Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm III.

    Army Movements.

    The First would stay in Brandenburg or take Franconia. She would defend the homeland.

    The Second would stay in defense of Danemark.

    The Third garrisoned all of Sweden.

    The Fourth was destroyed in Finland.

    The Fifth would hold Hanover and be reinforced eventually.

    The Sixth, once marching toward Great Britain, would be turned East for Lithuania.

    The Seventh, when raised, would take Novgorod.

    An Eighth Army was planned, but Prussia had so few provinces to recruit from.

    The Armies would be unfairly stressed if a war with Russia occurred.. But the Kaiser may yet be persuaded.


    This concludes the prelude to Kaiser Willhelm III's reign.

    Soon will follow the first chapter of his decisions, and their consequences.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Senior Member naut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Prelude to Preussen V

    Good luck in the East. Shouldn't be too hard if you only have to fight in the East.


    Some piously affirm: "The truth is such and such. I know! I see!"
    And hold that everything depends upon having the “right” religion.
    But when one really knows, one has no need of religion. - Mahavyuha Sutra

    Freedom necessarily involves risk. - Alan Watts

  21. #21

    Default Preussen V


    Ein Teil von der klassischen Geshichte Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbruecks, Uebersetzung von G. W. Roetkelchen.

    Part V - Preparations for the Eastern Campaign.

    The year in discussion is 1782.

    The Kaiser could not be persuaded from invading Russia.
    Tzar Alexander III had died in 1779, and the successor had sent all but one army by sea to Anatolia, where a foothold was growing larger in the offensive against the Turks.

    The Russian Eighth, consisting of many Dragoon and Kuerassier brigades with solid elite infantry was left in Volhynia.

    Prussia's intentions had become very obvious in the last decade.

    The Seventh Army had been raised in 1781 and ordered to Finland, the Sixth had marched under the Kaiser to the Prussian-Lithuanian border, the Fifth had been reinforced and left to guard Prussia from the Russian Eighth.
    The Fourth, as is already said, survives only in the First Guards Battalion, on garrison duty in Finland.
    The Third holds Sweden against the belligerent new King Frederik II of Norway, the Second holds in Danemark, and the First ensures safety against British attack.

    British King George II signed a ceasefire in 1777, after being confronted with the possibility of losing all control of affairs on the continent, and having been taunted with the death of his only son, George IV, who was severed by Prussian artillery.

    Emperor Louis I, ancient and lethargic as he was, witnessed first two rebellions and finally a civil war - which meant that the years 1778 - 1783 were so destructive to France, that several provinces could not be mapped, for they changed hands many times within the decade.
    In 1783, the Piedmontese Italian Kingdom bought Brittany from the rebel Charles l'rieux, and Iberia was in anarchy!

    This meant that the western world was in a period of heightened confusion - the French Revolution had begun in 1779, and so Prussia was free to assault the East.

    Seeing her intentions, Sueleyman II of the Tuerkei sent a request for alliance, which the Kaiser accepted - to the horror of young King Zygmunt II of Poland, and the insult of the new Tzar.

    By 1780, it was only a matter of mobilizing the Prussian military.


    War had brought many scientists rushing with patents to the Kaiser and the governors of state.
    Herr von Lothringen, commander of the Fifth, brought forth the idea of using rockets to bombard the enemy.
    They were reportedly inaccurate, but terribly fearsome - if short-ranged.

    The Kaiser agreed that a 1st Rocket Battalion should be recruited, but only after the reserves for the Sixth and Seventh were equipped.
    The experimental battalion was planned for 1785.

    Another advance in technology meant that the Seventh Army was the first to have fifteen twelve-pounder guns sent as divisional artillery.
    Kaiser Willhelm III believed that these would be devastating in use on the Russian Steppe.


    Franz I of Austro-Hungaria deserted Russia for an alliance with the Turks, putting him in even higher faith with the Kaiser.
    The only two third parties who would object to a Prussian offensive would be the Polish and the new Dutch kingdom.

    The Dutch revolution had failed, the King Bernaerd I was embarrassingly unpopular and suffered two civil wars in a decade, both of which he won.

    Zygmunt II of Poland was sent two Prussian princesses for his sons, Gertrud and Kunigtide, and hinted that he should choose wisely soon enough.

    Plan of Attack.

    The Sixth Army would move immediately into Lithuania and hopefully draw the Russian Eighth to a fight.
    The Fifth would firmly guard against counter-attack on the homeland.
    The Seventh would move into Novgorod, were a civil revolution was taking place, and hold.

    The Seventh was delayed by the recruitment of the 2nd Siege Artillery Regiment, but would wait out the revolt in Novgorod anyway - until 1784.
    Once Novgorod and Lithuania were secure, militia would be recruited, and a reserve combat division would be sent to Livonia.
    Then a new front would be established and the Seventh would take Muscovy, the Sixth Chernigov.
    A reserve combat group would take smolensk.

    In this way a firm front would be established, providing that the Eighth Russian was destroyed early in the war and the Polish stayed neutral.
    An Eighth Prussian Army would soon be recruited in the Industrial Centre, (Prussia-Pomerania-Brandenburg).

    This chapter cannot include the battle for Lithuania or any further information, it describes only the situation of Europe before the war in 1783.

    Catalogue of the Prussian Military in Spring, 1783.

    The Prussian First;
    1st Leib Brunswicker Infantry;
    1st & 2nd Prussian Infantry;
    1st Grenadiers Battalion
    1st Prussian Kuerassiers;
    1st Prussian Hussars;
    1st Brunswick Hussars
    Divisional Eight-pounder guns (10)

    The Prussian Second;
    2nd, 3rd & 4th Leib Brunswicker Infantry;
    1st & 2nd Prussian Dragoons;
    2nd Prussian Kuerassiers;
    Divisional Eight-pounder guns (10)

    The Prussian Third;
    8th, 11th & 12th Prussian Infantry;
    1st Kaiserliche Mercenary Uhlans;
    3rd & 4th Prussian Kuerassiers;
    1st Brunswicker Company;
    Divisional Eight and Four-pounder guns (5) (10)

    The Prussian Fourth;
    Disbanded - 1st Guards Grenadier Company and 3rd Company, 2nd Brunswicker Battalion on garrison duty in Finland.

    The Prussian Fifth;
    3rd Prussian Infantry;
    3rd Brunswicker, (One Company Strength);
    2nd Guards Grenadiers Battalion;
    2nd, 3rd & 4th Prussian Hussars;
    Divisional Eight-Pounder Guns with Four-Pounders (14) (10)

    The Prussian Sixth;
    4th Brunswicker Battalion;
    13th & 14th Prussian Infantry;
    3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Prussian Dragoons;
    1st Siege Artillery Regiment - 20 Siege Cannon;
    Divisional Eight-pounder Guns (10)

    The Prussian Seventh;
    15th Prussian Infantry;
    5th Brunswicker Battalion;
    1st Guards Infantry;
    1st Rhine Infantry Company;
    1st Rhine Cavalry Brigade;
    7th & 8th Prussian Dragoons;
    2nd Siege Artillery Regiment - 15 Siege Cannon;
    Divisional Twelve Pounder Guns and Eight-Pounders (15) (10)

    The Seventh was an example of Prussian technological advance.

    It was also an example of the willingness that they Rhinelanders had to fight the Russ - they would not fight the British.

    Soon the Kaiser would use his power to press that button and set a great war in motion.

  22. #22

    Default Preussen VI


    Ein Teil von der klassischen Geschichte Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbruecks, Uebersetzung von G. W. Roetkelchen

    Part VI - The Eastern Fairytale

    The Prussians called the first Eastern campaign to take Novgorod-Lithuania-Volhynia in the years 1783-1788 a fairytale.
    And rightfully so, the Russians lost a great part of their empire and suffered over 6000 total casualties, with the Prussians suffering fewer than 400 over all.

    It was a most honouring even for the Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm III, and it left his critics in awe of him, those who believed that an Eastern War was madness.

    Why had the campaign started so well?

    The Prussians owed everything of their success to Austria.

    Before the Russians had retreated from Lithuania, Franz I von Hapsburg declared war on Tzar Alexander IV along with his black ally.
    The Kaiser was so overjoyed, so surprised, that he dedicated statues to the Michaelerplatz in Vienna and praised die Spanischen Hofreitschule as the finest institution in the world.
    Prussia and Austria were firmest allies.

    Facing this pressure, Poland remained true also.

    Only the Dutch Provinces were allied to Russia now.

    Russia had lost three armies to the Turks in Anatolia during 1784, there was no reinforcement from the homeland, as Muscovy was ordering reinforcements from Kilikia!
    The Russian Eighth was the only full military body in Europe.

    Nonetheless, Lithuania was ceded to the Kaiser's Sixth without a fight, and the Seventh were almost as fortunate.
    But the garrison held strongly to Novgorod, and the 2nd Siege Artillery Regiment spent all ammunition trying to break the fortress, which was protected by sloping buttresses.
    A hundred men were lost in the siege.

    At this time, a new military force was invented.

    Implications of a 1st Special Methods Division

    The Special Method Division was the answer to one problem; the huge expenditure of manpower on line infantry and cavalry, and the massive casualties in assault.

    The Division was to defeat this problem by creating smaller, yet stronger armies.
    This required two strengths - training and technology.

    The 1st Special Method Division was to include;
    2nd Guards Infantry Battalion;
    4th & 5th Uhlans Brigades;
    9th Prussian Dragoons;
    15 Howitzers;
    15 Rocket Groups;
    15 Canister Guns;
    3rd Siege Artillery Regiment.

    The Special Method was to defeat an enemy many times more numerous by drawing them to fight, blasting them with fearsome and deadly new artillery, and having them engage a prepared line of elite infantry whilst bombarded heavily with explosives and canister shot.
    Quickly the enemy would be prepared for a cavalry charge, and the Uhlans would disallow any to escape.

    But the Division was not equipped for fast attacks, rather for luring the enemy against a smaller force.

    This Division was planned for 1792.

    The New Front is Formed.

    Novgorod quickly fell, and Livonia was taken by a tiny task force under the wily Herr von Modren, who ambushed the Prince Alexander V with his escort and shot him down.
    Livonia was taken intact without casualties.

    The Eighth Prussian under Prince Otto held Prussia, the Fifth under Prince Herrmann held Lithuania, the Seventh under Prince Maximillian held Novgorod, and the Sixth under the Kaiser invaded Volhynia in 1787 against the Russian Eighth.

    The Battle for Volhynia

    These are two works of artistry, the first is Prussian, the second Russian.

    The first is entitled, "Without Hesitation, Without Obstacle", the second, "To Volhynia We Rushed!".

    The Prussian artist describes a cavalry charge which actually failed to rout a Russian company, and the Russian artist pictures an Infantry company running to the rescue of the left flank whilst under bombardment from the Prussian Eight-Pounders.

    Structure of the Prussian Sixth and Russian Eighth armies can be found in previous chapters.

    The Kaiser noted that the enemy perched across the crest of a hill, not along it, and therefore saw much mischief to be caused by the divisional twenty Eight-Pounder guns, which he employed immediately on the right of the small valley through which the road to Volhynia lead.

    When it was in position, the artillery immediately shelled the infantry, who consisted of 200 strong companies, unlike the Prussian 166.
    The shells, as planned, ricocheted uphill into the Kuerassier and Dragoon Brigades, causing terrible casualties.
    The Russians had no artillery, it had all been taken south.

    Unlike the British, the Russian Lord Ivanovich never congested his movements, nor allowed any traffic to develop - but he did keep a three-line section in the centre of his army, which was soon targeted by the gunners.
    The Lord himself was discussing new orders for the right wing when a shell landed directly on his position, killing everyone within ten yards.

    A Lieutenant took command, and the right wing began moving to meet the Prussian advance, which had swung off to their right in order to maintain a high position.
    The Prussian painter von Edelwald depicts the 13th & 14th Prussian Infanterie Bataillone perfectly, as they were, strafing along an embankment to create a new line, where after the 4th Brunswick would engage from the far right.

    Artillery killed an estimated 550 Russians, 4 Prussians in this battle, but the 3rd & 6th Dragoons were most instrumental.
    The 3rd Prussian Dragoons Brigade is pictured above.

    The Russians turned their left wing to meet the attack, the right attempted poorly to come from over the far hillcrest.

    But the Prussian battalions kept distant, allowing the Brunswickers to enter the firefight alone.
    They had luck!
    The Russian left wing had been ill-supplied - the enemy could not fire - they were cut down in tens whilst trying to return shots to the Brunswickers.
    Several companies, like that painted above, were almost obliterated trying to make their way to the helpless leftwing, and this gave opportunity for a charge - before the right wing should arrive in support with the cavalry.

    The 3rd charged, but was driven off with 38 casualties by the infantry company - but the Brunswickers attacked the confused Russians, who fled, and led the bloodthirsty men of Brandenburg into four Russian companies, who were supported by two brigades of Uhlans.

    But it was now the endgame.

    The 6th Dragoons charged howling into the backs of those assaulting the Brunswick men.
    The 3rd, under friendly artillery, charged into the confused mass of approaching columns and routed them, leaving them to assist the 6th.

    Seven Russian infantry companies were routed, and the Uhlans destroyed.
    The Brunswickers, with 107 casualties, prepared themselves for a counter-attack by the rallied enemy.
    The 3rd & 6th, believing that the enemy was broken, charged into the midst of 800 men and lost all but 19 men, having killed 500.

    After this, a firefight with the Brunswickers combined with a heavy shelling in the rear completely broke the Russian Eighth, and 181 prisoners were taken.

    1293 Russians died, and 231 Prussians were also lost.

    But how much happier were the Sixth - in that they were still battle-worthy, in that the Prussian Infanterie had suffered nothing, in that the only serviceable Russian army was defeated with 75% casualties!

    The Entire Nation Lives Her Dream.

    Now the greatness of Prussia was being shown - whilst other powers wilted in their twilight - Prussia blew forth over the East. Unstoppable!

    The Kaiser sent many gifts to Franz I, as many as he did send the ransom notes to Alexander IV, who paid a total of 12000 marks by 1788.

    The year in discussion is 1788.

    Prussia has no military force barring her from marching into the Russian steppe and claiming the old empire.
    She has only to recruit local militias and move forward.
    She has several new military projects in place for the future of combat, and her diplomatic stance with Europe is better than it has ever been.
    By 1790, five new armies will have been trained since 1750, and she has the potential to raise fifteen.

    A siege in Volhynia would end by 1789, a new front would be created, and once the new gains were consolidated - on would move the armies.
    With a new special method.

    The 50 year old Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm III had seen his dream realised, unlike his cautious and paranoid father.
    His young son, Otto, was hoped to be the next ruler - but he had many brothers.
    Prince Lothair for one, was scheming and disloyal - Prince Maximillian, his uncle, was in charge of Prussia's most powerful army - the Seventh.

    But for now Prussia was completely united in her quest for breathing-space.

    Last edited by PershsNhpios; 03-10-2009 at 12:42.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    So it seems after all you find NTW a joy in SP too right Mr Glenn?

    Nice AAR

    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

    Download v3.3
    Info & Discussion Thread

  24. #24

    Default Ach!

    OH NO!

    A Brief Apology and Explanation for a Lack of Continuance in the English Translation of G. W. Roetkelchen.

    Part I - Accursed Computers

    Although historians have been certainly confident and skilled enough to complete an accurate account of Great Prussia's history in the 18th Century, the Seventh chapter and following books of Wolfdietrich von Maechtigbrueck's History have been stolen.

    It is believed that the culprit responsible for the loss of these valuable works is one Mr. Gollum of an indiscriminate location - an informative man who is known for eating raw fish and addressing everyone he meets with the odd combination of their given name and title.

    But it is highly unprofessional to allocate blame in a mild epilogue such as this.

    Some authorities believe the crime was perpetrated not so much by men as by fragmented storage of the files and manuscripts, and therefore corruption of their order and location.

    In any case however, the relevant chapters are lost, and I can little continue - but only recommend the reader to seek elsewhere for the history of Great Prussia after 1791.

    This much, I can say - for I remember what I read of the Seventh chapter as a young man;

    Kaiser Friedrich Willhelm III was succeded by Kaiser Otto IV in 1790, when the old Emperor met a natural death in Volhynia.
    The old man had conquered two-thirds of Russia and deposed Tzar Alexander IV, who turned to King Zygmunt II of Poland for assistance.

    He prevailed on the King, who led his army of 2500 men into the heart of Prussia in 1790, and was met by the Lord von Lothringen, who formed an inpenetrable line of guard infantry (Originally intended for the Special Methods Division) and saw 2300 Poles killed by carefully orchestrated channels of musket-fire and artillery.

    Otto IV invaded and subdued Poland, and was well on the way to creating a Prussian Ninth Army, and seeing his father's Sp.Me.Div. come into existence.
    Austria stayed true, and continued the war against Russia, eventually turning south to the Ottomans, whilst Otto - content with the Eastern movement - preferred to assist his Spanish allies in the East, for which purpose he needed a strong navy.

    This far, I can relate - the rest can only be discovered by the reader's own efforts to seek out Prussia's great history.

    An Informal Request of Comment.

    Thank you for reading this AAR - I was very much enjoying it - until one dark and stormy night my computer told me that my only two Prussian save files were corrupted.
    Oh the digital humanity! Great Prussia lost in her prime!

    I recovered quickly from my grief however, though I am disappointed that this AAR cannot now be finished.

    What I would ask is that those of you reading this comment quickly to note if you agree with my intention of starting a new AAR which cannot fail (Due to my new precautions), and which will be more steady.. Now that I have a schedule for attending an AAR.. Ha ha!

    I have reinstalled MTW: VI and I am longing for an XL 3.0 TYB campaign.

    The reason for this is the challenge.
    In the end, my NTW campaign was incredibly easy - one only needs to play the mod to find why.
    I am always suffering defeats and setbacks in XL, and I thought this would be more interesting in an AAR, and more entertaining for myself.

    Though I still recommend NTW. And Pike & Musket, if you want to experiment with gunpowder for a while.

    I will close now, but I hope firstly that you can all appreciate this AAR as it stands, and secondly relate to me your thoughts on a second AAR presented here to it's fullest by myself..

    Thank you for reading!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Ach!

    Gah, bad luck Glenn.

    It's a pity you've installed XL again as I was going to suggest some other mods. Anyway, if you want some ideas for an interesting campaign, I'd advise you to maybe try one of the more unusual XL factions such as the Volga Bulgars, Lithuanians or Kipchak Turks ("Cumans").

  26. #26

    Default Re: Ach!

    I have not yet installed XL, please, suggest others!

    I have played Pike & Musket, XL and NTW - but no other mods.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Ach!

    If you want a real challenge then I can highly recommend the Samurai Wars mod. You will really struggle with that one. Also there is the Medmod which more difficult than XL and has homeland restrictions.

    If you like the VI campaign there is Britannia Divided which is a rework of the campaign with new units and lots of new graphics, including unit and building icons.

    Last edited by caravel; 03-16-2009 at 12:34.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Medmod is the best IMO for giving a realistic medieval feel, as well as making conquest difficult.

    There's something about vanilla though that makes me like it (even though I completely revamp a lot of economic and AI related things).

  29. #29
    Wandering Fool Senior Member bamff's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    A constant state of denial

    Default Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    A sad ending to an entertaining campaign, Glenn.

    Do not despair though, good sir! Back in the saddle with you, and on to the next campaign! I look forward to following the next one.

  30. #30
    Forever MTW Member Durango's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Sv: Re: Glenn's Prussian Campaign (NTW)

    Good luck with the next campaign, Glenn, I liked this one! Also, it is a nice touch to include arrows showing your strategy on the map so that the reader gets a visual aid in all the action.

    Quote Originally Posted by bamff View Post
    Do not despair though, good sir! Back in the saddle with you, and on to the next campaign! I look forward to following the next one.

    And I look forward to yours. Perhaps you could try your hand with a more unusual faction such as a pagan one? Or is the very thought of playing as enemies of the holy cross despicable to you?

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