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Thread: Getting random results after reload

  1. #1

    Default Getting random results after reload

    How do I randomize "random" outcomes after a reload?

    Sometimes restarting the game works, sometimes loading a different savegame and playing a few turns works ... but after years of playing I've never managed to find a reliable and simple way to do it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    I'm not sure if I follow you correctly. But I think you may be referring to assassination missions and the like having the same outcomes even after loading a save game and trying again? This is because MTW uses a "seed number" which means that no matter how many times you reload the outcome is likely to be the same.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    I think you have understood him, Asai.

    That is a fact I had not known - although I have never reloaded games for the sake of success.

    Cheating! That's what it is!

    Welcome to the Main Hall, O Cold Steel, I hope that you will become regular here!
    Ask anything you wish - and consider writing an AAR!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    Yes, Asai got it.

    To elaborate further, I'm looking for a simple way to avoid this sort of thing:

    I've tried experimenting some more, and it's hard to figure out what the rules are. I think my experiments may have been messed up by my use of quicksave/quickload. It looks like they don't work the same as regular save/load with regards to the seed.

    The basics: Quickloading before end-of-turn usually allows you to quickload and get new results. Once. Then it's locked down. But this doesn't always work.

    I did find something that worked for the above Poland save though. I disbanded the "Duke of Lesser Poland" unit, gave the title to someone else and quicksaved. End turn...

    Just disbanding the unit and then saving doesn't work.
    Giving a title to another unit doesn't work.

    And to muddy the waters further: When I quickload the quicksave the king dies. When I then load the quicksave from the regular menu, the king lives. Another quickload - he dies. Another regular load - he dies. WTF? At first I though it was just a random result. The king is old enough to die at any time after all, and the whole point was to get a random result. However, I've gone over the above procedure twice and I got the same results both times.

    And again, sometimes starting the game over after a break helps, and sometimes playing a few turns in another campaign helps. I think a (quick)save may be involved in the process here as well.

    Are you confused yet by my rambling? Good. If so, I've successfully conveyed my state of mind.

    As for "cheating"... Bah. I don't believe in wrongfun.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    I'm afraid there's no way out of it. All I can say is keep a close eye on your heirs. If you find yourself in a situation with a king that has no heirs and you care about continuing your campaign, then use the .unfreeze. cheat code. This will cause an heir to be born the next year. If your king is old and heirless however, he will probably still die before your king comes of age. You can also try marrying your princesses to your best generals. This increases the chance, that if your royal line fails, there may be a civil war in which the generals with royal blood will be major players.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    Quote Originally Posted by Asai Nagamasa View Post
    I'm afraid there's no way out of it.
    Uh, yes, there is a way out of it.

    Look at the screenshots I posted. The king was "destined" to die once I hit End Year in the savegame. I fiddled around until he didn't. He now lives, and unless he dies "again" (in which case I'll reload and undo it) the heir should be along in a few years.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload

    Indeed I saw that, what I am referring to is your current state of "old king and no heirs". Your fiddling around changed the seed number, assigning agents to different missions usually usually helps with this. This will postpone his death. If you're lucky he may last another few years. Do you have any under age heirs at all?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Getting random results after reload


    Yes, there are underage heirs. The king will have to survive to his mid-sixties, but that's doable.

  9. #9

    Default Correction

    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Steel View Post
    The basics: Quickloading before end-of-turn usually allows you to quickload and get new results. Once. Then it's locked down. But this doesn't always work.
    That should of course be "Quicksaving before ..."

  10. #10

    Default Re: Correction

    By God!

    Your computer is telling the story of the NTW campaign incorrectly!
    Britain would never take Prussia - how could you allow such a thing to occur?

    If I may add a sidetrack to the thread, how do you find the early campaign in NTW?
    Is it too slow and inactive? Too easy? Or is there plenty of action in the world?
    I have been playing on the 1750 campaigns because the others were stagnant for me - I hope you can disagree!

    Marvellous to see the mod in use! Ally with Prussia!


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