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Thread: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

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  1. #1
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    At that very moment he felt it. A massive psychic force of pure evil ran though his nerves.

    The Imperial Space Marines have just appeared from warp space, into the space district of the planet Orgah. There was news of Orks appearing on the plant, near the city of Gamrom and the ever vigilant Imperial Space Marines were here to purge the planet of these xenos.

    “Librarian Battle-Captain Taka.”

    For a moment he was lost in time. He has served the Imperium for over a millennium and fought many great battles against the enemies of mankind; but he has never felt a force so evil that it would render him unconscious for a split second.

    “Librarian Battle-Captain Taka.”

    “Yes Astra Telepathica?”

    “We have entered the space district of the planetary system Orgah safely. The battle barrage was undamaged during the warp and everyone onboard is safe.”

    “Good. Astropath, did you feel anything when we exit the warp?”

    “No Sire, why?”

    Battle-Captain Taka did not answer. He was sure that something sinister was at this very planet. But he did not understand why the Astropath, who is also a Psyker, did not feel anything.

    “ Initiate protocol 47 and scan the planet.”

    In front of the Command Chair in which Battle-Captain Taka was sitting in, the main screen brought up a 3D imagine of the planet.

    ... ... ...

    The system finished scanning and results came up.

    [Foreign species detected]
    [Location: Gamrom city]
    [Friendly Forces Present: Imperial Guards]
    [Foreign Species Type: Orks]
    [Foreign Species Type: Space Marines]
    [Foreign Species type: UNKNOWN]

    ... ... ...

    Bridge Controller 1: “Spaces marines? How can there be any other spaces marines? We are the first here-“

    “I fear that it is not just the Greenskins we will be facing here. I sense the evil of Chaos. I can feel their heresy from here. However I’m more concerned about the Unknown. Do we have no records of what it is?”

    Bridge Controller 2: “We have no records of what it is, but it doesn’t seem to be moving at all. It’s stationary. Initial telescopic observations actually seem to show that is it a relic of some sort.”

    “A relic?”

    The planet of Orgah was a relatively new planetary system to the Imperium, with a history of only around 3,000 years of human civilization under the protection of the Emperor. Why would there be relics on a planet as young as this?

    Then the main screen updated itself:
    ... ... ...

    [Foreign Species Type: UNKNOWN]

    “Hmmmm........... Dispatch a squad to see what’s happening”

    The orders were carried out, a squad of marines were drop podded onto the planet’s surface within 20 minutes.


    It has been an hour since the drop pod has landed and immediately there has been no contact from the squad. The Battle-Captain was getting anxious about what to do – wait for reinforcements or to strike now? Walking backwards and forwards on the control bridge, he had finally decided: Seek the relic first, destroy the Orks after.

    “Initiate Protocol 23”

    The sirens sounded and the marines gathered to get ready to enter the drop pods.

    Battle Captain Taka spoke to the marines before deployment

    "Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean. Hard and Fast."

    And the Space Marines roared:

    “For the Emperor!”
    ** ** **

    The Chaos Sorcerer looked into the sky. He could see Imperial Drop pods making their way to the surface of the planet.

    “Ah...a fresh crop of victims. Come my minions! Let us find this relic and steal their souls! For Chaos!”
    ** ** **

    They looked into the skies. They could see Imperial Drop pods making their way to the surface of the planet.

    ** ** **

    The Warboss looked into the skies. He could see Imperial Drop pods making their way to the surface of the planet.

    “Humies! Form up, lousy runtz! Let’s get ‘em! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!”


    Space Marines – Main Objective: to retrieve the relic (Townie equivalent), Side objective: Unknown
    Chaos Marines – Main Objective: to retrieve the relic (Mafia equivalent), Side objective: Unknown
    Orks – Main Objective: Kill all the players (similar to Serial Killer equivalent) Side objective: Unknown
    Other Faction(s) – Main Objective: Unknown (Secret Role(s)) Side objective: Unknown

    Game Mechanics
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    (some mechanics shamelessly stolen from Battle Royale)

    Before the Game officially starts, you will be assigned a faction via pm.

    You will be given a choice of units as your squad. The type of units will determine what kind of stats, abilities and traits you will get. These include:

    Number of Units (HP) – the number of units in your squad that you control. No units mean you have been killed and will die.
    Melee Damage – How much damage you will dish out during close combat
    Ranged Damage – How much damage you will dish out during ranged combat
    Stealth Skills – How well you can hide, and how successful a planned ambush will be.
    Active Abilities – Abilities you can use during day or night
    Passive Traits – Extra passive traits that will give you bonuses automatically

    I say Number of Units, but in reality, just treat it as one.


    There will be a day phase and a night phase.

    Day phases will last 24 hours UP TO 48 if I need to extend if for any reason.
    Night phases will last 24 hours. Most players will rest during night; however some players may be able to have night activities.

    Movement is by vertical or horrizontal only - so horizontal does not count as 1 square movement

    During the day phase (or night if your squad lets you), players need to pm me where they want to move to by giving co-ordinates. Also they should give me all instructions of what they want to do, including upon meeting players within range. The more detailed, the better. Some examples could be:

    Attack enemies within range
    Setup ambush
    Use item X

    Sometimes, I will also give you options in PMs before the phase ends. You may or may not pick an option, the choice is yours. So the earlier the PMs come in, the more advantageous it is for you.

    Let me repeat: The More Detailed the PM, the better I can write up. The faster the PM in, the Higher the chance you MAY get an extra option (and the faster I can write up).

    During a Day turn, players can move however many squares their squad lets them.
    During a Night Turn, players that can move at night can move however many square their squad lets them. The rest will stay in their current location and rest.

    Attacking and defending

    Attacking includes successful ambushes.
    The attacking party always strikes first.
    The defending party strikes second.
    Defending from a normal head on attack grants a +10% defensive bonus; defending from an ambush gives no bonus.
    If both Attack then the damge is done simultaneously. If both Defend, then there will be no damage to either side.

    You can attack once per turn, but can defend any number of times.

    Ranged and Melee
    Say you was at J7:

    Then ranged weapons range is the 8 squares surrounding this square (unless your weapon says so otherwise).
    Melee Weapons range is J6, J8, I7 and L7 (the 4 adjacent squares). You can force the enemy into melee by being in the same square as them - they cannot use ranged weapons.

    Your stealth skill lets you hide whilst on the move. While moving between squares, you may or may not be seen within other's sight range - this depends on your stealth skills. At the end of your movement, you will automatically try to hide.
    Ambush also depends on your stealth skills. Ambush requires you to sacrifice movement for 1 turn to hide and prepare for an ambush. An ambush grants a +20% damage if successful - however if an ambush is unsuccessful then the defending party attacks first with a +20% damage bonus, the attackers does not have any bonus.

    After a Battle, both parties will move back 1 square randomly in the opposite direction to the enemy


    Events will be posted in the main thread. This includes things that might have happened, locations etc.

    Aims and objectives

    Every player/faction will get a different objective. There may also be side-objectives you may want to do – this may give rewards


    You can make alliances, but some factions will definitely not be able to work together e.g. space marines and chaos marines. But let me remind the players, EVERY player/faction will have their own objectives, so pick wisely.....

    Everything that is done by chance will be done via


    You may not PM any of the other players without me telling you so. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO IS WHO ANYWAY. NOT EVEN YOUR TEAM MATES (yet)

    Have Fun.

    If I think of anymore, I will post them up.

    The Map has be made by Yoyoma! Here it is:

    Note: The wall around the Ork Camp in the bottom left can only be entered via the one entrance, unless of course you have a......

    Sign-ups (8):
    Reenk Roink
    Last edited by taka; 03-27-2009 at 06:45. Reason: rules updated
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  2. #2
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)



    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Brother-Captain Taka was anxious about his squads. Sweat could be seen on his forehead. The Librarian has never been so nervous before, but this evil vibe was making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

    "Any news about our squads?"

    "Our newly deployed Drop pods have safely landed in the locations: P5 and C11"

    "Why are they so far apart?"

    "I don'd Know sir, it might have been the warp's influence"

    "... What about our previous recon squad? still no news from them?"

    "No sir..."

    "Are there anymore happenings on near the city?"

    "Sir, our sound wave receptors have detected a loud Orkish warcry and gunfire located south west, and some kind of engine sound can be heard south east of the map."

    "Seems like the Orkz have been roused already. I am tired, I'm going to retreat to my quarters. Call me imediately if there is an emergency."

    "Yes Sir"


    Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 2 Actions/Command"

    Day 2

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Coming back onto the bridge, Brother-Captain Taka sat in his Command seat.


    “It seems like one of our squads have engaged in battle at location P6, an Imperial Warcry could be picked up.”


    “No casualty.”

    Librarian Taka gave a sigh of relief.

    “What else has happened?”

    “There is a distress flare detected at H7.”

    “Is it the lost recon squad?”

    “I have no idea sir. We have also picked up new signals on our sound wave receptor”


    “It seems like we have two Imperial Vehicles; one at location P14 and one which we have not been able to pinpoint, but near the location J17”

    “Keep an eye out on things.”

    “Yes sir”


    DAY 3 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 3 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    Day 3
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    All night, Brother-Captain stayed on the bridge, in his command seat. He had a quick nap – the evil power preventing him from having a good night sleep

    “Anything happened today?”

    “Nothing much sir. There wasn’t even any engine sounds today aside from the one near the south. There was gun fire at that same location though. It seems to be around I18.”

    A request for an Orbital Bombardment at location E5 by our scouts appeared on the screen.

    “Permission granted.”

    And so energy blasts made their way to the surface of the planet. This gave Librarian Taka an idea.

    “We will start an orbital bombardment sweep from tomorrow. We will start from the north adding rows of tiles each day and push our enemies to the south. Today, if we detect any movement in tiles 1-5, bombard the damn place.”

    “Sir... Are you serious?”

    Librarian Taka gave the controller a stare that indicated – Do I not look serious enough?

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-5. This will result in an instant kill.


    DAY 4 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 4 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00pm GMT

    Day 4
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Brother-Captain taka was getting slightly frustrated. It’s been four days and nothing. No information, no fighting, no relic.

    “What information do we have?”

    “Sir, there seems to be an increase in movement down south. There was gun fire followed by engine sound near the location of I17, which the engine sound then moved to around M14. We also have two heat signatures at P14 and L9.”

    “Send down Whirlwind Artillery. If the two heat signatures are still there by tomorrow, I want them bombarded with artillery fire. Also I want to add row 6 and 7 to the Orbital Bombardment sweep, so anything that moves in rows 1-7 will be bombarded.”

    “Yes sir.”

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-7. This will result in an instant kill.

    Also staying in the same location for more than 3 turns will leave you open to heat detectors. This will result in Whirlwind artillery being fired in your location, more than likely killing you


    DAY 5 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 5 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00am GMT

    Day 5
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Brother-Captain Taka was sat in his command chair.

    “Give me a brief update of the situation.”

    “Sir seems like there was fighting near the location P16. Gun fire could also be picked at I11 by sound receptors. There is also a heat signature at D17.”

    “You know what to do.”

    “Yes sir.”

    “Also I want Columns P to T to be added to the orbital bombardment sweep.”

    “Yes sir.”

    “I’m tired,I’ve been writing long reports all day. I’m going to bed.”

    “Yes sir.”

    ... ... ...

    A Massive Hail of Whirlwind Artillery struck at D17...

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-7 and east columns P-T. This will result in an instant kill.

    Also staying in the same location for more than 3 turns will leave you open to heat detectors. This will result in Whirlwind artillery being fired in your location, more than likely killing you


    DAY 6 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 6 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00am GMT

    Day 6
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Once again returning to the bridge, Brother-Captain Taka walks over to his Command chair; but standing this time, not sitting.

    “Sir there was a request for reinforcements by our scout squad.”

    “Deploy it then.”

    “Yes sir.”

    A Sudden jab of sharp pain pierced into the Librarian’s brain. He then fell unconscious, into his chair.

    20 minutes later

    “Sir? Are you ok?”

    Librarian Taka shook his head left and right.

    “Yea, I’m fine I think.”

    “Sir, you just blanked out, for twenty minutes.”

    I gave a long stare at the Monitor.

    “Anything to report?”

    “Yes sir, there has been a sudden gathering of cloud over the city and we have no visuals. There was also a battle, but we cannot confirm location due to the static the clouds are generating.”

    The Brother-Captain knew this was bad. A Powerful force has been release.

    Yes I know not everyone has got pm yet, I'm doing it right now and will send it out ASAP

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-7 and east columns P-T. This will result in an instant kill.

    Also staying in the same location for more than 3 turns will leave you open to heat detectors. This will result in Whirlwind artillery being fired in your location, more than likely killing you


    DAY 6 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 6 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00am GMT
    Last edited by taka; 03-28-2009 at 06:34.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  3. #3
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    PM's are OUT! if you've not got it yet, wait a few moments!

    Please use this thread for disccusion from now
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  4. #4
    The Search for Beefy Member TheFlax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    I assume this starts with a day phase?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    TheFlax needs to die on principle. No townie should even be that scummy.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Senior Member Beefy187's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    The flax is chaos marines

    Quote Originally Posted by Beskar View Post
    Beefy, you are a silly moo moo at times, aren't you?

  6. #6
    The Search for Beefy Member TheFlax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beefy187 View Post
    The flax is chaos marines
    You know this how?!?!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    TheFlax needs to die on principle. No townie should even be that scummy.

  7. #7
    The Search for Beefy Member TheFlax's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Chaos Marines – Main Objective: to retrieve the relic (Mafia equivalent), Side objective: Unknown

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    What do you expect?
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    TheFlax needs to die on principle. No townie should even be that scummy.

  8. #8
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Day 4 summary

    Brother-Captain taka was getting slightly frustrated. It’s been four days and nothing. No information, no fighting, no relic.

    “What information do we have?”

    “Sir, there seems to be an increase in movement down south. There was gun fire followed by engine sound near the location of I17, which the engine sound then moved to around M14. We also have two heat signatures at P14 and L9.”

    “Send down Whirlwind Artillery. If the two heat signatures are still there by tomorrow, I want them bombarded with artillery fire. Also I want to add row 6 and 7 to the Orbital Bombardment sweep, so anything that moves in rows 1-7 will be bombarded.”

    “Yes sir.”

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-7. This will result in an instant kill.

    Also staying in the same location for more than 3 turns will leave you open to heat detectors. This will result in Whirlwind artillery being fired in your location, more than likely killing you


    DAY 5 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 5 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00am GMT
    Last edited by taka; 03-26-2009 at 06:58.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  9. #9
    Senior Member Senior Member Beefy187's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Last seen Daemon location was O-18.. Probebly still chasing me to the east.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beskar View Post
    Beefy, you are a silly moo moo at times, aren't you?

  10. #10
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    i'm gonna extend the day. still waiting for one more pm; because i'm totally knackered and i dont want to do sloppy write-ups
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  11. #11
    Ice stink there for a ham. Member Mystery Science Torture 3000 Champion, Mini Putt 3 Champion, Super Hacky Sack Champion, Pencak Champion, Sperm Wars Champion, Monkey Diving Champion Yoyoma1910's Avatar
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    Yarr me matey. I be livin on the high seas.

    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beefy187 View Post
    Last seen Daemon location was O-18.. Probebly still chasing me to the east.
    That's right... head east young men... I'm waiting for you all in column S.

    My kingdom for a .

  12. #12
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Day ended

    PMs coming thru any minute now
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  13. #13
    Pew Pew Pew expert Member taka's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    day 7 quick summary

    big thing A is at L15
    big thing B is at E18

    medium-big things A coming in from the south next turn

    BIG battle at K12

    relic: K15

    From now, you are not allowed to travel to north into the rows 1-9 and east columns N-T. This will result in an instant kill.

    Also staying in the same location for more than 3 turns will leave you open to heat detectors. This will result in Whirlwind artillery being fired in your location, more than likely killing you


    DAY 8 PMs IN PLEASE Please label as something along the lines of "TE Day 8 Actions/Command"

    PLEASE add co-ordinates to your orders/commands

    DAY ENDS AT 4.00am GMT
    (probably extended because I have a show to host tomorrow night
    Last edited by taka; 04-01-2009 at 11:10.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reenk Roink View Post
    Act all cool and stuff, only taka knows about your true noobness.
    Tainted Evil, Reenk's synopsis

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasaki Kojiro View Post
    taka points his finger at iskander and says "pew pew pew". He then points his finger at atheotes and repeats the odd gesture "pew pew pew". The other gunfighters look at him oddly.
    Gunfight at the O.K Corral

  14. #14
    Senior Member Senior Member Reenk Roink's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    Yoyoma is so screwed.

  15. #15
    Semi-Corruptible Member White_eyes:D's Avatar
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    Roaming the Great plains...

    Default Re: Tainted Evil [Non-mafia, BR style'd game] (Game Information & Summary Thread)

    I think I well head into the sucide areas.....I got wasted by the Space Marines termintors....:Mecry: how I am suposse to survive with 4 guys around me(which half of them got dropped on my position)...and my Former Warboss gone nuts????

    Edit: I think I well dropout...Space Marines=Overpowered...
    Last edited by White_eyes:D; 03-30-2009 at 03:03.


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