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Thread: MP patch wishlist

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  1. #1

    Default MP patch wishlist

    Since through Steam patches have already started coming out, it might be a good idea to have a wish list for Multiplayer Issues worthy to fix in the next patches.

    It would also be useful to entitle your suggestions relative to the area they cover, say broadly

    a) technical issues/bugs
    b) Game Bugs
    c) mp enhancements
    d) balance issues/game suggestions

    Its worth it for all patrons to list all issues even duplicating suggestions to show the extent of people that think a particular issue is affecting players, and for clarity the moderators or myself may make a complete listing in the original post together with a note of which of those have been addressed (every few posts). The number in parenthesis is the number of players that have made that or similar suggestions.

    Current Patch = v3.30

    Land Battles

    a) Technical Issues/Bugs
    (2) - Prevent Editing of Unit Prices/Stats by cheaters to participate without game detecting it.
    (t1master, Postino)
    (2) - AI doesnt always take over when a player quits in 2v2 games.
    (tgi01, Lavos)
    (2) - Game/Server disappears late in battle when playing as guest without an end battle screen/player left and battle will end screen. This also seems to affect windows live achievements.
    (Zerg, Postino)
    (2) - Clarify/Fix in-game chat channels adressed to all players and to team players. Ally chat doesnt always work.
    (t1master, Postino)
    (1) - Cant select free-camera or limited camera in mp menu
    (1) - Serious connections issues with v3.30

    b) Game Bugs
    (2) - Infantry - Remove hidden-while-moving ability from long rifle units.
    (tgi01, Lavos)
    (2) - Infantry - Light Infantry (perhaps linked to special light infantry, riflemen stance) wont do a decent about face (facing rotation) when ordered to withdraw a bit. A few clicks on the "forward" button fix it, but it is annoying nonetheless.
    (Kenchi_Sulla, Postino)
    (1) - Infantry - Light Infantry when on fire at will, sometimes unit keeps shooting and killing even when enemy units are already out of range.
    (1) - Infantry - LOS issue - Units shooting into a hill or ground when that perticular unit is in range, but not in sight.
    (1) - Infantry - Often when giving multiple units the same shooting order for an out of range target, said infantry units will just keep walking toward the target as if they were given a melee attack order.

    (1) - Artillery - Limber and unlimber problems with artillery. It doesnt always work well.
    (1) - Artillery - Limber-up and fire at will buttons seem to have arguments with each other; Please fix it so that limber button needs only be pressed once to comeback to guns ready to get towed swiftly.

    c) MP Enhancements
    (4) - Add more maps or provide community with a map editor.
    (tgi01, Lavos, t1master, Postino)
    (2) - Restore ability to select money settings or add more money levels
    (Kenchi_Sulla, Postino)
    (1) - Restore chat lobby
    (1) - Provide ability to be able to check out servers in other regions from within the game
    (1) - Provide an indicator, as opposed to a filter, for whether a game is ranked or not.
    (1) - Show the names of players on their unit info pop-ups.
    (1) - Give the host control how many units of foot, horse and art that a player can select for his/her army.
    (1) - Flag edge color designations for “all” participants (not just same faction opposites) in multi-partner games.
    (1) - VOIP without adding your teammates to friends list (mini)

    d) Balance Issues/Game Suggestions
    (3) - Artillery - Mortars too strong for their price. Say by tweaking their price or accuracy or range.
    (tgi01, Lavos, Postino)
    (3) - Artillery - Limit artillery ammunition.
    (tgi01, Lavos, Postino)
    (2) - Artillery - Reduce limbered artillerys vulnerability to fire (too vulnerable)
    (Kenchi_Sulla, Postino)
    (2) - Artillery - Make hidden units more easily/quickly detectable (especially artillery/Non-infantry units)
    (Lavos, tgi01)
    (1) - Artillery - Make horse drawn/foot artillery more accurate, save for 24clb.
    (1) - Artillery - Rockets - dont deal damage to infantry, but are guided on artillery making them perfect anti-artillery.
    (1)Light Dragoons and Grenzers are overpowered. (Lavos)

    (2) - Cavalry. Provide them with more stamina.
    (Lavos, Postino)
    (2) - Cavalry. Increase cavarly penalties in the woods.
    (t1master, Postino)
    (1) - Cavalry. Make Ulhans, Hussars more useful.
    Counter (1); Ulhans, Hussars are useful as they stand.

    (1) - Cavalry. Ensure all cavalry units are worth taking stats/performance wise (adjust worth/cost ratio to equal for all cavalries).
    (1) - Cavalry. Add blobbing penalties to cavalry units to prevent defeating infantry units by massing them.
    (1) - Cavalry - Add skrimish mode to Dragoon units.
    (1) - Cavalry - increase marching speed so it is closer to running speed (too high a difference between the two).
    (1) - Cavalry - retain their morale as currently.

    (2) - Infantry - Restore stake properties/abilities as in M2TW.
    (Lavos, Postino)
    (1) - Infantry -Re-balance range of long rifles (slightly reduce).
    (1) - Infantry - Make stats/cost ratio for infantry units the same to ensure all units/factions worth it (some are too cheap).
    (1) - Infantry - Make light infantry available in the early era (in order to widen its use).

    Naval Battles

    a) Technical Issues/Bugs

    b) Game Bugs

    c) MP Enhancements

    d) Balance Issues
    (1) - Re-balance rocket-ships (too strong for their price). Say either weaken them or make them more expensive.
    (1) - Fix range of 1st rate ships (with the current range - 400 - they are redundant)
    (1) - Increase the effect of wind on ship speed; naval battles are slightly slow paced.
    (1) - Please introduce/tweak ship directional vulnerabilities to round shot. Ships of the line were historically extremely vulnerable to shot from the bow or stern but this doesn't seem to translate to the game.
    Last edited by Andres; 04-09-2009 at 08:03. Reason: Updated MP wish list
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

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  2. #2
    Clan Kenchikuka Member tgi01's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    after more than a 100 games :

    1. more maps ... ( how difficult can be to make a steppes map ... )
    2. ammo limit on cannons
    3. price / accuracy of mortars
    4. remove the moving while hidden on the freaking long rifles ...
    5. AI takes over when some1 quits ( seems to work in 4 vs 4 but not in 2 vs 2 )
    6. .... and the counterstrike mod where campers get highlighted and receive damage ...


  3. #3
    Member Member Tsavong's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    Ive had issues with the game/server disappearing normally (i think) when the host is loosing but it just kicks me out to the main menu screen no battle end screen or player left and battle will end message.

    Is this a bug or a player trying to crash his game to avoid a loss being recorded? Its relay pissing me off as I just want some fun online. I suppose I should try and host my own game lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    [Balance Issues]

    I like how foot units are balanced. Guards are super strong, but expensive. Grenadiers can kill even guard, but their bombs have a delay, so if attacked unit charges or retreats, it has a chance to escape all harm. Line inf are a bit too strong against cavalry charges from back. They should be able to defeat cavalry charge from front or when in square with ease, but now they even defeat cavalry when charged from behind. Light infantry are good. I personally would decrease long range rifles range for a little and ether increase their cost, or decrease cost of normal light infantry.

    On other hand, Austrian Jaegers are way too cheap and Spanish early era Guerilas slightly too cheap.
    Austrian line inf is also a little too cheap.

    Cavalry balance is horrible. At the moment most useful cav units are dragoons, light dragoon (as charge units!) and general bodyguards. Most prominent horse units of the era, Ulans and Husars are completely useless, while expensive household cavalry are good for one skirmish only, their fatigue doesn't allow any more.

    Guns. I don't use them much but I allow all of them except mortars in my game. It appears normal canon bullets are too inaccurate and kill too little. Its making canons that depend on them (horse artillery) bad. Most people ether use howitzers with both area attack abilities or late 24lber with that long range 'shotgun' ability.

    Stakes. They should have same properties as in vi.
    If one player deploys them, then his cavalry should also get killed on them if he runs over them from wrong side. If cavalry is walking, then they should be able to walk through them without loses.

    I'd also like that hidden units would be detected sooner. Its annoying that you know where opponents unit is, but can't detect them without getting couple or even whole unit of your men killed. But that could be only my preference. I guess theres a lot of player who'd like em to stay hidden even longer.

    ps. just because gollum summed it up as a vote. I forgot to add that I completely agree with every single point TGI pointed out. Those are the most important problems with the game. Tweaking game balance comes second.
    Last edited by Lavos; 03-25-2009 at 23:27. Reason: ps.

  5. #5

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    Thank you tgi01, Lavos - updated.
    Last edited by gollum; 03-26-2009 at 13:55.
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

    Download v3.3
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  6. #6
    Member Member Tsavong's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    This is not strictly MP but adding light inf tactics for early battles would be nice and let you get a bit more from light inf early as you can't get light inf with out it in the main campaign.

    Though I suppose this is a nice to have thing more than a important bug fix.

  7. #7

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    cavs should get a penalty when charging through the forest and all bunched up. i played two games yesterday where cavs ripped through my line infantry in the woods as if they were on a flat plain. cavs were also massed/spammed like in rome, a big wedge all attacking the same unit.

  8. #8

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    Thank you t1master. Updated.
    Last edited by gollum; 03-29-2009 at 17:42.
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

    Download v3.3
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  9. #9
    Member Member Postino's Avatar
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    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    a) technical issues/bugs
    Game/Server disappears late in battle when playing as guest without an end battle screen/player left and battle will end screen. this also seems to affect windows live achievements, I never got the achievement for my first naval battle b/c of this.
    Fix the chat bug-I'd like to talk to allies w/o the enemy hearing it!

    b) Bugs

    Light Infantry; (perhaps linked to special light infantry, riflemen stance) wont do a decent about face (facing rotation) when ordered to withdraw a bit. A few clicks on the "forward" button fix it, but it is annoying nonetheless.
    Often when I give multiple units the same shooting order on an out-of range target, my inf will just keep walking toward the target as if it were an melee attack order.
    Limber-up and fire at will seem to have arguments with each other, please fix it so that I can press limber once and comeback to guns that are ready to tow-I am tired of having to hold their hands to get them to move.
    Cavalry in my games have 2 speeds, normal charging speed and slow as molasses. Why dose it take 2 forever's to walk my cav somewhere when it takes only 10 seconds to get to the same place by running them.

    c) mp enhancements
    Chat lobby would be nice...
    A way to check steam servers in other regions from within the game would also be nice.
    An indicator, as opposed to a filter, for whether a game is ranked or not would be great too.

    d) balance issues/game suggestions
    +Stamina, +penalty from woods for Cav.
    Don't adjust morale effects for Cav!
    Mortars:too powerful, accuracy doesn't matter with mass-barrage weapons, adjust range a little and price a lot.
    Horse artillery needs greater accuracy, and foot artillery slightly less so(excepting the 24lber).
    Artillery is extremely vunerable to counter artillery fire, losing a whole battery to one explosive shell is nuts!
    Steaks should be adjusted to VI properties.
    Limited artillery ammo.
    Standing up for the rights of gay spies everywhere.

  10. #10

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    Thank you Postino, updated.
    Last edited by gollum; 03-29-2009 at 20:08.
    The Caravel Mod: a (very much) improvedvanilla MTW/VI v2.1 early campaign

    Please make sure you have the latest version (v3.3)
    Since v3.3 the Caravel Mod includes customised campaigns for huge and default unit settings

    Download v3.3
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  11. #11
    Member Member Postino's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Default Re: MP patch wishlist

    two for naval battles:
    Please increase the effect of wind on ship speed; naval battles are just a tad too slow.
    Ships of the line were historically extremely vulnerable to shot from the bow or stern but this doesn't seem to translate to the game. If possible I would like to see ships having directional vulnerabilities to round shot.
    Standing up for the rights of gay spies everywhere.


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