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Thread: A Simple but Effective Diplomatic Exploit

  1. #1
    War Story Recorder Senior Member Maltz's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Default A Simple but Effective Diplomatic Exploit

    Just found out a diplomatic exploit to counter annoying AIs on VH (patch 1.3). Sorry if someone already reported this.

    This exploit is about:

    (1) Using a diplomat.
    (2) Raising the AI's friendliness to Perfect, FREE.
    (3) As a result, if you have more diplomats spreading friendship, your reputation will be high, even on VH! (although it is quite useless)

    Condition of the exploit:

    (1) The AI is currently neutral, and is extremely reluctant to ally with you. If you attacked a neutral faction to start the campaign, chances are that every AI wants to stay away from you.

    (2) You have more than one region(s), and more than 500 cash.


    (1) Initiate the diplomatic screen and offer alliance. Check the bottom that this is a very "Demanding" offer that the AI will turn down.

    (2) Bundle the offer with something REALLY sweet, such as "give region", "give 5000 cash". Note that the offer becomes a "Generous" or "Very Generous" offer. Make the offer.

    (3) The AI is extremely reluctant to ally with you, so it must have "Just Rejected" you. The nice thing about this rejection is that the AI now likes you more even if the deal was rejected.

    (4) Repeat (3). Your relationship goes up and up!

    (5) When the relationship reaches "Amiable" and above, be careful not to throw out "Very Generous" deals, becuase the AI might actually "Happily Accept". Tune down your deals to "Generous" but never back to "Balanced" even once (or you will receive "Not Interested" and force out of the session). The AI NEVER accepts a Generous alliance offer - use that to your advantage. A typical Generous offer is "Alliance + 200 florins for 10 turns". A typical Very Generous offer is "Alliance + 500 florins for 10 turns".

    (6) If you do wish to have an alliance, when your relationship is locked in Perfect, throw out a Very Generous offer. You might need to keep raising the offer as the AI still "Just Rejects". Eventually you will reach the threshold. It took me 500 florins for 20 turns to get the Pope to ally with me.

    (7) After reaching Perfect, don't just quit the session - otherwise your Diplomat will have accumulated so many failures that his Influence is totally destroyed. You must end the session with some successful deal. You can simply give your map for free, if you have not sold it with a nice price (as your relationship is now Perfect).

    Now every AI faction will instantly fall in love with you the first time your diplomat makes contact! (And ironically it is because you showed how a warmonger you are in the first place.)


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