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Thread: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

  1. #1
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Arrow The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    As some of you may (or may not) remember a while ago Tux floated around the idea around for a face database thread in this post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tux View Post
    Anyway I'm thinking of creating a thread were everyone can post the faces they would wish to see in EB2's units.

    This would help us, artists, since we wouldn't lose time searching for useful pics however I would need a volunteer to coordonate the thread. But if no one volunteers then no problem I'll just drop this idea.
    So with Tux's blessing I am volunteering to start and manage...

    The EBII Face Database

    As Tux says having a easily accessible database will make the EB team's job easier and speed the release of the mod which is good news for everyone. This is a chance for the fans to make a contribution to the mod we all know and love and who knows, if you lucky your face could end up in the game, maybe on a frenzied nudist Gaesatae hacking away at his enemies.

    The face images will be divided into regional groups to allow the EB guys to easily navigate what will hopefully be a sizable collection of faces from all over the EB map.

    A small map of the regions for ease of viewing

    Northern Europe
    (Light Green)Faces from the following countries will go here: Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Lativia.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Brown Hair, Beard, France
    Brown Hair, Swiss
    Brown Hair, Moustache, Hungaria
    Blonde Hair, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Denmark
    Blonde Hair, Austria
    Blonde Hair, Austria
    Brown Hair, Austria
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Austria
    Brown Hair, Beard, Austria
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, UK
    Red Hair, UK
    Blonde, UK
    Brown/Blonde Hair, Beard, Norway, different photo
    Black Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Black Hair, Germany
    Blonde Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Black Hair, Romania
    Grey Hair, Beard, UK
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Beard, Bald, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Light Beard, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Denmark
    Brown Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, Beard, Painted Face, Norway
    Grey Hair, Beard, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Finland
    Black Hair, Ireland
    Brown Hair, Ireland
    Black Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, UK
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Brown Hair, Ireland
    Grey Hair, Beard, Ireland
    Black Hair, Beard, Romania
    Brown Hair, Balding, Switzerland
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Switzerland
    Brown/Grey Hair, Switzerland
    Brown Hair, Beard, Switzerland
    Black Hair, Switzerland
    Blonde Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Switzerland
    Blonde Hair, Poland
    Brown Hair, Poland
    Grey Hair, Moustache, Poland
    Blonde Hair, Poland
    Brown Hair, Balding, Norway
    Brown Hair, Beard, UK
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Beard, Painted Face, Denmark
    Blonde hair, Beard, Painted Face, Denmark
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Black Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Beard, Poland
    Black Hair, Moustache, Romania (Romany)
    Blonde Hair, Balding, Norway
    Brown Hair, Beard, USA
    Brown Hair, Beard, France
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, UK
    Brown Hair, Beard, UK
    Grey/Black Hair, USA
    Brown Hair, Beard, USA
    Brown Hair, USA
    Brown Hair, Estonia
    Bald, UK
    Black Hair, UK
    Blonde Hair, Light Beard, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Denmark
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, France
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Light Beard, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Czech Republic
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Brown Hair, Czech Republic
    Blonde Hair, USA
    Black Hair, Romania
    Blonde Hair, Poland
    Blonde Hair, Poland
    Black Hair, France
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Brown Hair, Austria
    Blonde/Brown Hair, Belgium
    Blonde Hair, France
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Black Hair, Beard, Czech Republic
    Blonde Hair, Beard, Austria
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Blonde Hair, Poland
    Brown Hair, Czech Republic
    Grey Hair, Beard, Germany
    Black Hair, USA
    Brown Hair, Hungary
    Brown Hair, Ireland
    Brown Hair, Ireland
    Brown Hair, Ireland
    Black Hair, Ireland
    Black Hair, Ireland
    Black Hair, Ireland
    Brown Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, Beard, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Blonde Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Blonde Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK

    Brown/Black Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, UK
    Black/Brown Hair, UK
    Brown Hair, France
    Blonde Hair, France
    Black Hair, France
    Black Hair, Beard, France
    Brown Hair, Latvia
    Brown Hair, Beard, Czech Republic
    Brown Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Beard, Slovakia
    Brown Hair, Finland
    Blonde Hair, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Sweden
    Blonde Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Beard, Finland
    Brown Hair, Sweden
    Brown Hair, Slovakia
    Brown Hair, Finland
    Brown Hair, Beard, Sweden
    Grey/Brown Hair, Germany
    Brown Hair, Germany
    Grey Hair, Austria
    Grey Hair, Beard, UK

    Southern Europe
    (Red)Faces from the following countries will go here: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Black Hair, Greece
    Grey Hair, Moustache, Serbia
    Brown Hair, Bulgaria
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Spain
    Brown Hair, Beard, Spain
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain, different photo
    Brown/Grey Hair, Beard, Spain
    Black Hair, Beard, Spain, different photo
    Two Men, Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Greece
    Black Hair, Greece
    Black Hair, Greece
    Black Hair, Greece
    Black Hair, Balding, Greece
    Brown Hair, Greece
    Black/Grey Hair, Beard, Greece
    Brown Hair, Greece
    Brown Hair, Greece
    Grey Hair, Greece
    Brown Hair, Greece
    Black Hair, Greece (Pontic Greek)
    Black Hair, FYROM
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, USA (French-Spanish-Lebanese decent)
    Brown Hair, Light Beard, Greece
    Brown Hair, Beard, Spain
    Grey Hair, Balding, Italy
    Grey Hair, Serbia
    Brown Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Beard, Italy
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, Light Beard, Greece
    Black Hair, Beard, Spain
    Black Hair, Light Beard, Greece
    Brown Hair, Croatia
    Black Hair, Brazil
    Black Hair, Unknown (Possibly Italy)
    Black Hair, Light Beard, Unkown (Possible Italy)
    Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Italy/Austria
    Blonde Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Spain

    Black Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Light Beard, Spain

    Brown Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Croatia
    Brown Hair, Croatia
    Brown Hair, Serbia
    Black Hair, Chile
    Brown Hair, USA
    Brown Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Beard, Serbia
    Black Hair, Brazil
    Brown Hair, Brazil
    Black Hair, Argentina
    Black Hair, Brazil
    Black Hair, Colombia
    Brown Hair, Serbia
    Grey Hair, Beard, Bulgaria
    Black Hair, Slovenia
    Blonde Hair, Italy
    Black Hair, Italy
    Brown Hair, Italy
    Black Hair, Italy
    Brown Hair, Italy
    Blonde Hair, Italy
    Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Beard, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Spain
    Brown Hair, Spain
    Red Hair, Spain
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Black Hair, Portugal
    Brown Hair, Portugal
    Brown Hair, Portugal
    Brown Hair, Slovenia
    Brown Hair, Bulgaria
    Brown Hair, Bulgaria
    Black Hair, Italy

    Northwestern Africa
    (Gray)Faces from the following countries will go here: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali

    Northeastern Africa
    (Yellow)Faces from the following countries will go here: Egypt, Libya

    The Upper Nile & Eastern Sahara
    (Light Orange)Faces from the following countries will go here: Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Niger, Chad, Djibouti.

    The Near East & Mesopotamia
    (Brown)Faces from the following countries will go here: Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Isreal, Palastine, Jordan, Iraq.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    (Black)Faces from the following countries will go here: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait.

    Western Steppe
    (Dark Orange)Faces from the followign countries will go here: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    (Dark Blue)Faces from the following countries will go here:Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia.

    (Purple)Faces form the following countries will goe here: Iran.

    Central Asia
    (Dark Green)Faces from the following countries will go here Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China.

    Eastern Steppe
    (Pink)Faces from the following countries will go here: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

    Indian Subcontinent
    (Light Blue)Faces from the following countries will go here: Pakistan, India.

    This is for Ancillary icons, photo's of people too old or young to be soldiers will go here.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    If anyone has any issues with the choice of regional groups please feel free to say so, I freely admit my knowledge of some areas is not perfect so if southern Arabians look considerable different from northern or people from the Caucasus's don't look any different from those in Anatolia please let me know. I'm also open to new group suggestions if anyone has any.

    **Important**When you post you picture please state what region you think they should be in as well as what rough group you think they would suit (Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Iranian etc). This will help if I ever need to do some rearrangement of the regional groups.
    Also if you can give the exact place of origin for a face (like "Yemen" or "Poland") then do so but this is by no means essential and would just be a bonus.**Important**



    This prevents the thread from having ridiculous loading times due to multiple pictures trying to load when opened.

    Really Finally
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbin View Post
    For most of the regions in the EB map people would look very similar to how they looked in 272bc.
    The EB historians are the ones who will pick which faces go to which peoples, so rest assured they won't choose a face that doesn't match up historically.
    Can people please stop asking this question now.

    Last edited by bobbin; 05-24-2010 at 23:12.

  2. #2
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Tux's Requirments
    Quote Originally Posted by Tux
    To create realistic and quick faces we prefer to use pictures from real persons and modify them by adding beards, scars and other features. Thus to help our work we need pictures that satisfy some requierements:

    -the picture should have an resolution of at least 240*300(of the head area);
    -there shouldn't any lights that light only part of the face;
    -the angle on which you view the face should be straight; (

    Some optional requierments:
    -they should have their mouth closed
    -eyes should be open

    And here's an example that:

    And what was obtained using it:

    *Note: Click on the images to see the size needed*

    On top of what Tux suggested I recommend that the face should be relatively unobscured by things such as hair and other objects (Beards are fine though) and obviously no things things such as glasses or sunshades. Photos should also be in colour.

    On a final note feel free to send in your own face along with any others if you wish and if your lucky it might end up in the mod.
    Last edited by bobbin; 11-17-2009 at 13:27.

  3. #3
    Slixpoitation Member A Very Super Market's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Keep in mind that populations do move around though. A Tunisian EB player probably wouldn't look anything like a Carthaginian.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cool store, bro! I want some ham.
    No ham, pepsi.
    They make deli slices of frozen pepsi now? Awesome!
    You also need to purchase a small freezer for storage of your pepsi.
    It runs on batteries. You'll need a few.
    Uhh, I guess I won't have pepsi then. Do you have change for a twenty?
    You can sift through the penny jar

    - Proud Horseman of the Presence

  4. #4
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Actually most Tunisians would look quite similar to the majority of the Carthaginian population and their soldiers (ie Bebers) as genetically little has changed.
    In most cases the underlying gentics of a region is rarely affected by invasion and migration all that happens is people start to identify themselves with the newcomers and abandon their old ethnic identity, Britons despite seeing multiple migrations and invasions share at very least 50% and usually much more of thier genes with the orginal settlers of the island, same goes for Turkey where dispite the majority of the popuation identifying as Turkish genetically their little different from the people of Anatolia in EB's timeframe.

  5. #5
    Slixpoitation Member A Very Super Market's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Really? Well, excluding my poor example, what about all those tribes that were forcefully pushed out by the huns?
    Last edited by A Very Super Market; 11-16-2009 at 03:57.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cool store, bro! I want some ham.
    No ham, pepsi.
    They make deli slices of frozen pepsi now? Awesome!
    You also need to purchase a small freezer for storage of your pepsi.
    It runs on batteries. You'll need a few.
    Uhh, I guess I won't have pepsi then. Do you have change for a twenty?
    You can sift through the penny jar

    - Proud Horseman of the Presence

  6. #6
    Satalextos Basileus Seron Member satalexton's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    too few to make a difference. The reason they're pushed out cuz they're not dead, the Huns killed them all.


  7. #7
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Well the Huns didn't have much of an impact otherwise whole areas of eastern europe would have mongolian features, plus they didn't drive out the entire population of a region when they took over and large parts of their armies were other european tribes that would have looked similar to to the conquered people. Even in France which bore the brunt of the migration period the genetics didn't change by that much.

    Have a look at the demographic's section in most countries Wiki pages and there will usually be a little bit about population genetics.

    This page also has some interesting maps showing the various distrubutions of genetic halotypes in europe and their origins.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbin View Post
    Actually most Tunisians would look quite similar to the majority of the Carthaginian population and their soldiers (ie Bebers) as genetically little has changed.
    In most cases the underlying gentics of a region is rarely affected by invasion and migration all that happens is people start to identify themselves with the newcomers and abandon their old ethnic identity, Britons despite seeing multiple migrations and invasions share at very least 50% and usually much more of thier genes with the orginal settlers of the island, same goes for Turkey where dispite the majority of the popuation identifying as Turkish genetically their little different from the people of Anatolia in EB's timeframe.
    even if the underlying genetics are fairly consistent, it does not take require a big influx to make a big impact - particularly if the phenotype of the new stock is very distinct.

    Consider for example what happens when you mix some of black African descent with a European. The typical black african features e.g skin colour, hair type, facial features are quite strong and distinct from those of a european. In a practical sense this means that if you had only one black grandparent your lineage would still be obvious.

    this is particularly pertinent in North Africa, where there has been a considerable intermixing with people of sub- saharan (e.g "black" african) descent over the past 2000yrs, and particularly since the arrival of islam. This is particularly obvious in Egypt which has always had strong links to sub saharan africa, and in morrocco where there was a deliberate use of black slave armies.

    This influx would have occured on a much smaller scale in the time of E.b and it is fair to say that in many instances North Africans no longer resemble the peoples who inhabited that region in the time frame of Eb

  9. #9
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Okay the requiements are up so I'll get the ball rolling with this grim looking guy perfect for a Gaul.
    Sebastian Chabal a French rugby player
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Quote Originally Posted by Megas Methuselah View Post
    I am Cree, Saulteaux, and Metis. Can you use my pretty face?
    Yeah sure just say which region group you think you should go in and I'll pop you in there.
    Last edited by bobbin; 11-16-2009 at 14:04.

  10. #10
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by KARTLOS View Post
    even if the underlying genetics are fairly consistent, it does not take require a big influx to make a big impact - particularly if the phenotype of the new stock is very distinct.

    Consider for example what happens when you mix some of black African descent with a European. The typical black african features e.g skin colour, hair type, facial features are quite strong and distinct from those of a european. In a practical sense this means that if you had only one black grandparent your lineage would still be obvious.

    this is particularly pertinent in North Africa, where there has been a considerable intermixing with people of sub- saharan (e.g "black" african) descent over the past 2000yrs, and particularly since the arrival of islam. This is particularly obvious in Egypt which has always had strong links to sub saharan africa, and in morrocco where there was a deliberate use of black slave armies.

    This influx would have occured on a much smaller scale in the time of E.b and it is fair to say that in many instances North Africans no longer resemble the peoples who inhabited that region in the time frame of Eb
    I wouldnt agree with that, while i'm sure there are some people and some areas that have noticable african descent the large majority of north africans would look similar to those in EB's timeframe as the numbers moving into the region would be too small to drasticly effect the look of the people.
    As for the black grandparent thing you'd be surprised how quickly such noticable features can disappear, a friend of my mother's didn't even know that his great-grandfather was Tamil until he saw an old family photograph with him in, up until that point he thought he was 100% British.

    Anyway its all beside the point as this is just a database, the EB skinners will decide what faces to use and will no doubt pick the most appropriate.

  11. #11
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbin View Post
    Anyway its all beside the point as this is just a database, the EB skinners will decide what faces to use and will no doubt pick the most appropriate.
    In fact the historians will choose them. Of course we will do the same thing but mostly like proposals for them.

  12. #12
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbin View Post
    Anyway its all beside the point as this is just a database, the EB skinners will decide what faces to use and will no doubt pick the most appropriate.
    My face is very appropriate . Do you think they'd prefer a slightly fuzzy upper lip, or totally clean shaven?

    Seriously though, is there a possibility that we'll end up with a series of stereotypes, as the skinner may pick the face with the most "Celtic" or "Indian" characteristics?

    EDIT: I found one, possibly for the European face?
    Last edited by Subotan; 11-16-2009 at 14:50.

  13. #13
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Guys stop the spamming, it isn't helpful. If you wish to see your face in our units then at least make them fit the requierments.

    The thread has just been opened and out of all the posts there are only 2 with submissions. Also if you wish to discuss how much the genetics have changed from antiquity then make another thread.

    This is a face database thread and not a personal chat thread.
    Last edited by Tux; 11-16-2009 at 15:45.

  14. #14
    Member Member Genava's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

  15. #15
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Genava View Post
    Ahh to bad this pic isn't exactly seen from the front. It would have been really nice to use on a unit.

  16. #16
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Subotan View Post
    Seriously though, is there a possibility that we'll end up with a series of stereotypes, as the skinner may pick the face with the most "Celtic" or "Indian" characteristics?
    As Tux said its the EB Historians who will decide what faces to use so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    Pic from Subotan added
    Pic from Genava added
    Last edited by bobbin; 11-16-2009 at 16:19.

  17. #17
    Member Member Genava's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Ok Tux,

    Several actors:
    Northern Europa:
    Eomer or Karl Urban:

    Aragorn or Viggo Mortensen:

    Northwestern Africa:
    Djamel Debbouze
    Last edited by Genava; 11-16-2009 at 18:15.

  18. #18
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Can you get some bigger pictures of their faces? those are a little small, remember a minimum of 240*300 pixels for the face area.
    Something about this size would be ideal (but this is obviously not suitable due to the helmet obscuring the face.)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Added another pic instead
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  19. #19
    Member Member Genava's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullheadhq View Post
    Some of these Celt-Re-enactors look more North African than Celtic
    I know that France counts too many Maghrebians but in the Celtic re-enactment there is very little of them. Which photo makes you think that?

  20. #20
    Parthian Cataphract #03452 Member Zradha Pahlavan's Avatar
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    Susa, near the left wing of the royal palace.

    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Is this good for an Ethiopian?

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Heh, this Ukrainian is funny, but probably not that useful.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    For Spaaaarta!!!
    Parthian Nationalist

  21. #21
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Western steppe doesn't just mean the Sauromate and Scythians it also includes the ancestors of the Slavs hence him going in that group, I can see your argument for having him in the Northern Europe section though.

    Nice picture Zadra Pahlavan added it to the database.

  22. #22
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Last edited by Subotan; 11-16-2009 at 21:41.

  23. #23
    Member Member Gustave's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Hehe I already knew the man with the back mustache, and in fact I alredy used his face for a sauromatae unit... (but with a smaller mustache)

    Keep in mind that the pictures have to be of good quality, and the faces have to be seen from the front. It's better if the faces have no expression (no smile, etc, but they can look a bit angry), and a good lightning too.
    Now show your faces !

  24. #24
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gustave View Post
    Hehe I already knew the man with the back mustache, and in fact I alredy used his face for a sauromatae unit... (but with a smaller mustache)
    Heh, awesome
    Although his long moustache is just part of the appeal

    Btw, do they have to be "barbarian", as it were, or can they just be like a picture of me in my house in a t-shirt?

  25. #25
    Bored Member Tux's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Subotan View Post
    Btw, do they have to be "barbarian", as it were, or can they just be like a picture of me in my house in a t-shirt?
    They can look however you wish, we're interested in the face features.

    But let's keep in mind age, some or too old to be a soldier so I would suggest to bobbin, if it's not too much trouble, to make another section called ancillary as they might be used there.

  26. #26
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Who cares

    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    well, you can use that Syrian guy. but here's a few more; I don't know how much good they will be though. most are from royal families (al sabaha and al-saud), who are nomadic in decent, so they have minimal "foreign" influence. not many were facing forward though, and these are far from perfect.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    and yes, typing in "arabs" reveals few other generic types. I myself am ineligeable because my family has had too much Kurdish influence (on dad's side). that gave us all light brown or blond hair-a rarity in Arabs.
    Last edited by Ibrahim; 11-16-2009 at 22:47.
    I was once alive, but then a girl came and took out my ticker.

    my 4 year old modding project--nearing completion: (if you wanna help, join me).

    tired of ridiculous trouble with walking animations? then you need my brand newmotion capture for the common man!

    "We have proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if we put the belonging to, in the I don't know what, all gas lines will explode " -alBernameg

  27. #27
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Last edited by Subotan; 11-16-2009 at 23:52.

  28. #28

    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gustave View Post
    Hehe I already knew the man with the back mustache, and in fact I alredy used his face for a sauromatae unit... (but with a smaller mustache)

    Keep in mind that the pictures have to be of good quality, and the faces have to be seen from the front. It's better if the faces have no expression (no smile, etc, but they can look a bit angry), and a good lightning too.
    Now show your faces !
    Are you talking about the French rugby player? You have to post a screen of him ingame!

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    Need to equalise the lighting on this one:

    Oh and what are you going to do with these faces? Are you going to make each one individually in zbrush (teh win) or use an automated face generator like facegen (teh suck) or 3dmenow (pictured)?

    Last edited by Banzai!; 11-17-2009 at 07:07.
    OMG I haz a balloon,
    -awarded by chairman

  29. #29
    πολέμαρχος Member Apázlinemjó's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    Morgan Freeman for NW-Africa?

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    Tadanobu Asano for E-Steppe?

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    Alexander Siddig for Arabia, or Upper Nile?
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    Finished essays: The Italian Wars (1494-1559), The siege of Buda (1686), The history of Boius tribe in the Carpathian Basin, Hungarian regiments' participation in the Austro-Prussian-Italian War in 1866, The Mithridatic Wars, Xenophon's Anabasis, The Carthagian colonization
    Skipped essays: Serbian migration into the Kingdom of Hungary in the 18th century, The Order of Saint John in the Kingdom of Hungary

  30. #30
    Member Member Gustave's Avatar
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    Default Re: The EB Face Database: Faces Required For EBII!

    I used the face of the french rugby player already (Sébastien Chabal !). He's a komatai ...

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