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Thread: Migration Campaigns

  1. #1
    Member Member Smelly Jelly's Avatar
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    Default Migration Campaigns

    With which factions have you had succesful migrations?
    Which factions make nice campaigns by migrating where?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Greetings. I did a campaign with the Greeks. Although it isn't finished but I must say it was a ton of fun. One advantage of the Greeks is that they have numerous cities around the map that can be developed and you can get Greek style troops from. I actually did a migration campaign from Emporion. Check out my "Journey of the Hellenes" from my sig line. Hope this helps!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    The KH is probably the best for migration campaigns. You could migrate to a number of different cites. Sinope, the two Crimean cities, Kyrene, Massilia and those two Iberian cities, Syracuse, Krete, etc.

    The only other faction I've really heard people doing migrations with are the Aedui. I guess they load all of their beginning troops onto the boat they start out with and send them off to Britain. You could do the opposite with the Casse and just leave right away. I imagine the Belgian territories would be good because they're homeland provinces for the Casse.

    For migration campaigns that I've done, one time I had a KH game where I sent all of my troops to Krete. I didn't really like that game though because I had to destroy the Colossus of Rhodes and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus to get enough starting money. It kind of ruined the experience. I guess I could do it again and purposely get more family members killed in the battle on Krete, but I don't know if it'd work. Once I build up my economy enough on Krete, I was making about 2000 mnai a turn. I saved up for a while and expanded by taking Kyrene, but I quit that game after a while.

    I bet a Massilia or a Sinope game would be the most fun.

  4. #4
    imaginary Member Weebeast's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I'd think that any faction that starts on the 'edge' of the map is good for migration campaign because it provide player with time to build up with out having to fight in the first 50 years or so. I did once with Sweboz roleplaying as Cimbri and Teutons. I went as far as Pyrenees and Greece (separate forces) then I ran out of good troops and money so I concluded the campaign there.

  5. #5
    Member Member Smelly Jelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Well, the Baltic region seems like a nice place to go. Heavily underconquered - I can't recall ever seeing the AI expanding there - but probably quite worthless.

    Could any of the "paved roads-factions" construct roads over there?

  6. #6
    imaginary Member Weebeast's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    No idea about paving roads but there's amber route there if you're interested in forging an amber merchant empire. Oh and try not to turn your back..or front to those Sauro family members.

  7. #7
    urk! Member bobbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I've done it a few times with the Saka using the horde function (I play using BI), my favorite was when my intrepid horsemen upped sticks and rampaged all across the eastern half of the AS sacking every city up to Seleukeia before returning east to settle in north-western India.

    More recently I had a migration of sorts in my KH game when I was kicked out of Greece by the Makedones (i used the autocalc a bit too much). I still held onto Rhodes and expanded from there by capturing the other nearby islands of Crete, Lesbos and Cyprus before returning to the mainland to reclaim my homelands ~30 years later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Smelly Jelly View Post
    Could any of the "paved roads-factions" construct roads over there?
    IIRC its only desert regions that paved roads cannot be built in so it should be fine.

  8. #8
    Wandering Metsuke Senior Member Zim's Avatar
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    I have one going where I migrated to Syracuse as the KH. I also migrated to Northwestern Africa as the Sauromatae (who can build their "settled" units anywhere).

    I always thought moving a Celtic faction to Galatia would be cool...
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  9. #9
    Member Member the man with no name's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Chirurgeon View Post
    Greetings. I did a campaign with the Greeks. Although it isn't finished but I must say it was a ton of fun. One advantage of the Greeks is that they have numerous cities around the map that can be developed and you can get Greek style troops from. I actually did a migration campaign from Emporion. Check out my "Journey of the Hellenes" from my sig line. Hope this helps!
    That AAR was amazing.
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  10. #10
    Satalextos Basileus Seron Member satalexton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Zim View Post
    I always thought moving a Celtic faction to Galatia would be cool...
    It's somewhat problematic that you actually have less recruitment choices than your surrounding non-celtic neighbours....but hey, Botroas are a pretty handy lot, save for their lack of armour.


  11. #11
    Near East TW Mod Leader Member Cute Wolf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I once play Romaioi Barbaroi migration campaign into Pergamon, and Mytilene, roleplaying as Troy, but that time, I modify my EDB to get polybian hastati (light sword Infantry = Xippherai) and cammilan triarii (Heavy Hoplite), recruitable from all MIC, and I also made Mistophoroi Phalangitai recruitable too (and temporary remove them from da mercenary pools), it was somewhat fun challange to reconquer (and end up exterminating) Barbaropolis as the Romaioi Barbaroi (hey, in this state, they are Trojans), oh yeah, after taking Pergamon and Mytilene (by teleport), I FD all my Italian terriotry to Avernii.

    A Trojan campaign, really awesome

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  12. #12

    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I've done three migrations so far. By far the most successful was a KH turned Bosphoros game. I even modified the family trees ahead of time so I could play as the Spartokids and the other leading families of Pantikapaion. In that game I've gone on to reconquer much of Greece, the western half of Asia Minor and the lower reaches of the Steppe. I'm rolling in cash and with the MoT reforms my armies are pretty much unstoppable! It a beautiful thing to field a wall of pikes flanked by hoplitai/thorakitai followed by six units of Scythian archers and thureopherontes toxotai! Sadly, I did have to relocate the capital to Sinope to quell unrest in the south.

    Also fun (but totally a-historical) was a game where I moved Pontos to Cyprus and (using cheats and FD), then began working my way north from there. The game worked fine after I took Crete and Rhodos, but eventually I was drawn into Asia Minor and it basically turned back into a Pontos game. I've put it on hold after conquering Antioch and most of Anatolia.

    The least successful migration was as Baktria. I wanted to play as Taxila, so I used cheats and FD to move my men and take the city. The game worked fine as I consolidated control of India, but I ended up too weak to deal with a monster AS when I got around to heading west. It could have been fun if Parthia or Saka had chopped up the behemoth, but as the AI played out it just wasn't enjoyable.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I have done a couple of migration campaigns...

    * KH to Ibera - pretty fun actually, lost it to crashes however. Thinking of starting a new one...
    * Baktria to India - as Teucer mentions it, pretty fun until a zealot AS comes knocking on my door and besieges every city. Although they are always repelled, they never stop coming and the campaign stops being funny.
    * AS to Anatolia - not a pure "migration" campaign, but rather a simulation of a total collapse of the eastern provinces. Playing this campaign right now, could be really interesting as both the Parthians and Ptolies has grown into a huge empire and are now facing off outside Babylonia.

    * KH to Cyrene - Just migrated south across the sea and established myself in Cyrene. Should become a living hell with both the carthies and ptolies from both sides. I also has Rhodos, Crete and Cyprus under my control to secure a safe haven and extra income.
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  14. #14
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Had a lot of success using Epeiros as various other Greek factions. Pergamon is the most viable, largely because Asia Minor is awash with money from trade and mining, with lots of big settlements close together. Plus lots of AI factions duking it out means opportunities to exploit. Easy to defend once you've kicked the big powers out, too. Roleplaying an attempt to rebuild Lysimachos' Thracian Kingdom gives instant purpose to the game.

    Also trying out Epeiros as the Bosphoran Kingdom, not sure how well I'll take to driving off horse archers.

    Epeiros as the Massilians is going more slowly, limited justification for expansion beyond the immediate provinces.
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  15. #15
    Member Member Antinous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    I am currently playing a campaign where I migrated the Averni all the way to Galatia. So far it has been a blast, except for AS. The only challenge was walking them all the way there. Took me around 7-8 years to do it. But now I won almost all of Anatolia and due to rebellion most of southern Gaul.

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  16. #16
    Member Member Antinous's Avatar
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    Oh and I have Greece and Thracia, Kallatis, and a Bosphorian city. Thrace gets you some pretty great factional units. So does Ankyra. Also I learned once you get skilled Thracian light cavalry they are pretty great.

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  17. #17
    Member Member Liberator's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Some time ago, I read of someone in this forum who migrated with Baktria to the Black Sea.
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  18. #18
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Liberator View Post
    Some time ago, I read of someone who migrated with Baktria to the Black Sea in this forum.
    Is there a black sea in the forum?

    That's curious. Never heard of it.

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  19. #19
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jirisys View Post
    Is there a black sea in the forum?

    That's curious. Never heard of it.

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  20. #20
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Quote Originally Posted by Liberator View Post
    Some time ago, I read of someone in this forum who migrated with Baktria to the Black Sea.
    Oh man, that's awesome. I wish I could join Pontos and fight the Seleukids.

    He must be so awesome, like... Jeff Bridges awesome!

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  21. #21
    Member Member Smelly Jelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    Anyone knows why it is impossible to migrate with the Romani?
    I remember before i had reinstalled, when i used the forcepeace script, i couls give Rome and my other starting cities to another faction and happily set up a new Roman Empire somewhere else on the map.

    Now, without the forcepeace script, i have to let my starting provinces rebel. As soon as i lose control over Roma to the eleutheroi the game crashed to desktop. Why is that so? I mean after several years of playing historically i'd like to start up a Roman Empire from Camelodunum, or Olbia, or anything outside of the Italian peninsula, but it just doesn't seem to work.

    Other factions can migrate. Do the Romani really need Rome for some reason?
    Can i mod this to my liking?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Migration Campaigns

    is it to do with the script? cause you need Rome to give your generals triumphs and stuff like that. also its for march of time as well isn't it?


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