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Thread: NTW Bug List

  1. #1
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default NTW Bug List

    I have heard of one or two, so here is a place to post.
    Last edited by Martok; 03-25-2010 at 04:19. Reason: Fixed thread title (per poster's request).

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  2. #2
    kwait nait Member Monsieur Alphonse's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    But or Bug?
    Tosa Inu

  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    I would have sworn I wrote Bug!

    Oh well, maybe a moderator can change it?

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  4. #4
    Member Member Alexander the Pretty Good's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Only vaguely related butt I had to

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  5. #5
    kwait nait Member Monsieur Alphonse's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    First bug of the list: I have had two battles and both ended in an heroic victory. My GB army captured Caen and defeated some peasants and my Royal Navy under the command of Nelson defeated Villeneuve (who else) who commanded a weaker fleet. I was hoping that this ETW bug would be fixed.
    Tosa Inu

  6. #6
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    -movementpoints lost when embarking/disembarking units.

    -chasing routers doesn't work properly, sometimes they just chase beside the unit.

    -skirmishmode for horses works poorly. other cav easily catches up and sometimes the unit halts for no apparant reason.

    -when finding an opponent for a drop in battle, the cancelbutton doesnt work.

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  7. #7
    Villiage Idiot Member antisocialmunky's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    -Alt formation shortcut does not work.
    -Skirmishing cav gets strung out if there are more than one chaser.
    -F&A causes problems.
    -Cannons shoot into the ground and bounce cannon balls into your troops sometimes.
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  8. #8
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by antisocialmunky View Post
    -Alt formation shortcut does not work.
    -Skirmishing cav gets strung out if there are more than one chaser.
    -F&A causes problems.
    -Cannons shoot into the ground and bounce cannon balls into your troops sometimes.
    yes, i noticed that too... Fire & Advance doesnt really work. Also rather than increase the range of fire, it seems to decrease it.
    cannons sometimes shoot balls into a hill, these balls then ricochet off the hill into a great arch which effectively doubles firingrange, but they actually shoot at nothing... it looks funny... but its kinda weird.

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  9. #9
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    also when units in skirmishmode get pushed back to the red line that marks the end of the map they dont automattically steer away from it or manouver alongside it, like units did in RTW, but instead they get stuck there and fail to skirmish away from the enemy.

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  10. #10
    Member Member The Storyteller's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Square formation seems bugged.

    1. Place units are placed behind defences that defend against bullets (forgotten what they're called... kind of like embankments)
    2. Click on square formation.
    3. Some soldiers will end up standing on the embankments.
    4. The unit will be unable to come out of square formation or to move around. It gets stuck there.

  11. #11

    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by The Stranger View Post
    -chasing routers doesn't work properly, sometimes they just chase beside the unit.
    This was a bug since RTW.

  12. #12
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by Yohei View Post
    This was a bug since RTW.
    i know, but it seems worse now.

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  13. #13
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by The Storyteller View Post
    Square formation seems bugged.

    1. Place units are placed behind defences that defend against bullets (forgotten what they're called... kind of like embankments)
    2. Click on square formation.
    3. Some soldiers will end up standing on the embankments.
    4. The unit will be unable to come out of square formation or to move around. It gets stuck there.
    this indeed happens and it shouldnt, however you can remedy it by pushing the melee button and send them to charge. this way they break their square and you can reposition them.

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  14. #14
    kwait nait Member Monsieur Alphonse's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Units defending walls won't keep their position. They start running toward the enemy once the enemy has breeched the walls. This may be a new feature but it is annoying as hell. The same applies to units defending the courtyard. They also won't keep their position. It may something like "may charge without orders but it is very annoying. Did I say very, well it is very very annoying.

    I build a fort to defend Brussels. A nice fort with four corners and a breech in it. There was no message that the building was sabotaged. I captured Brussels without a fort. There was a breech from the start. Bloody Belgians can't build a proper fort.
    Tosa Inu

  15. #15
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    that is a bug i think, whenever you are besieged and attacked while you defend the fort, the fort is always breached somehow. there is always a hole in the wall. it really sucks. the only remains intact, without a breach when you counter attack from the fort.

    i dont know about the position thing though... they keep theirs in my games. maybe you forgot to toggle defencemode.

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  16. #16
    Senior Member Senior Member Forward Observer's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    I noticed that when in battle--if one hits the escape key to make option changes to the battle UI, it's sort of hit or miss. For example, when I watch a replay of a battle, I like to turn the flags to either "off" or "mouse over". If I try to make the option change to this this while in the battle----when I return to the active battle, sometimes the change will take effect and sometimes the only way to get it to work is to quit the battle and restart it. It's not a big deal, and I think Empire suffered from this issue also until they fixed it in a patch.
    Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl.

  17. #17
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    i noticed a very annyoing thing when i was fighting some battles in an upgraded star fort, namely those triangle-shaped expanses that protect the gate of the fort are being shot to pieces by own cannonfire that is protecting the flanks of every gate, 2 cannons are pointed inward, and those two cannons shoot into the triangle shaped expanse, causing damage to the structure until it finally collapses. (i think fortresses are destroyed way to easy, but that is beside the matter.)

    than another bug i noticed, units that have used all their ammunition are unable to use the cannons of the fort, this is caused because the lose the fire at will button when they have no more ammo. however this is just stopid, they should still be able to man the guns. and i hope CA will fix this.

    and then the most annoying and stupid bug i noticed is that enemy units will just walk trough the gates of the upgraded star fort as if the gates arent there. I still owned the gates, since my flag was above it, and the description mentioned, owned by allies. (i never noticed it in the normal star fort, so i doubt that forttype is bugged.)

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  18. #18
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    and the list continues :P

    light dragoons can't hide in forests, though descr mentions they can. have noticed it before on other cav too. dont know if it happens occasionally or not. i do know hussars + chasseurs can hide.

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  19. #19
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisherking View Post
    I would have sworn I wrote Bug!

    Oh well, maybe a moderator can change it?

    hehe, we see where you mind was at the time :P
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  20. #20
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Bug In Naval Battles: Capturing Ships!

    It is a bit like the early ETW bug. You capture ships or they strike and they are not shown when the battle is over.

    It seems particularly bad for merchant ships. I have captured them in several battles but they never show up at the end.

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  21. #21
    Senior Member Senior Member Graphic's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    I'll just paste what I posted at the official forums a while ago


    • There seems to be some memory leaks in the game. It usually runs fine but sometimes during a battle the framerate will plummet and remain choppy on the campaign map afterwards. Only fix is to restart the game.
    • Units produce dust during rain storms. Idle horses left behind by dismounted dragoons will produce dust like they're walking. Also, if an artillery crew is fleeing, their artillery left behind will produce dust.
    • Moscow Musketeers can't be recruited in the campaign.
    • DLC units do not appear in multiplayer campaigns at all. I suspect that this is a conscious decision (for some reason), but just in case I thought I'd bring it up.
    • Difficulty sliders in multiplayer campaign set-up flicker back and forth and make constant clicking noises.
    • Part of the text on mouse-over information bubbles is cut off in battles.
    • Artillery units target the flanks of units instead of the center, causing them to totally miss most of the time.
    • Historical battle maps available in multiplayer but not in custom battle.

    AI issues and critiques:

    • Battle AI can't handle fire and advance well which causes massive problems. Battle AI sometimes risks it's general in very stupid ways
    • AI Britain rarely does anything in any campaign I've played and it's been confirmed by many other players. They also usually lose the sea war with France.
    • AI Spain never does anything either, including never attacking Gibraltar...unless Britain is controlled by the player.
    • Portugal too resistant to alliance with British, locking out a chance to roleplay the campaign historically.
    • AI allies refuse to accept free territory unless something (i.e. anything) else is offered with it, like any random tech or 7 pieces of gold.
    • Battle AI use of cavalry not as good as in ETW. Instead of going on wide flanking maneuvers and threatening your artillery or your rear, they usually just charge straight into the firing arc of your infantry and get vaporized in seconds.

    General critiques:

    • Russia immune to cold attrition, but Sweden not?
    • Line infantry can still form squares after being engaged in melee. The people who went to the community events reported otherwise. Why was this changed?
    • Ottoman starting army is very weak and open to speedy conquest by Russia, even on VH. Starting buildings also a problem, since if you leave them alone they only produce low quality peasant levy type units, which really only serve to give Russian units some extra chevrons on their way to Istanbul and Athens.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Senior Member Forward Observer's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by Graphic View Post


    • There seems to be some memory leaks in the game. It usually runs fine but sometimes during a battle the framerate will plummet and remain choppy on the campaign map afterwards. Only fix is to restart the game.

    I've also noticed this happening--particularly in fort assaults. I never scale walls, since it just seems unrealistic to me. Consequently, I use the same tactic I always used in Empire of knocking a hole in the wall with my
    artillery. For some reason in Napoleon when a wall comes down the battle turns into a slide show. Oddly, when this happens, my frame rate counter (fraps) still shows that I am getting normal frame rates in the 30 to 40 fps range.

    However, i have not noticed the problem continuing after exiting the battle to the campaign map, but then it may be that I exited the game immediately afterward because the battle took so long to finish.
    Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl.

  23. #23
    Member Member Xenopusbruteovum's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Thereis a lot of wierd hot pink blue and lime green crap on some of the splash screens. The play is choppy with a one second lag on campaign and battle maps. If this is not going to run smoothly on min requirements, then CA should give us the reqs it does run smoothly on. I have 2.4Ghz processor, 2GB ram and a 256mb video card with a 2.0+ pixel shader. I still play it. It is an awesome game nonetheless. (i downloaded current drivers.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Senior Member Forward Observer's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    I noticed a couple of new bugs related to the diplomacy screen. Playing as England in conquer the world mode, I was at peace with everybody and of course had to break it to capture more capitals. Austria and Prussia were allied, so if I attacked either I would most likely be at war with both. Then I get a message that their alliance was broken, so I went to war with Austria. However. once I had done this I get the message that they were still allied and now I am at war with both. Since I had saved just prior to this move I tried it in both the same turn as the first message and in the next. I got the same result.

    Also prior to attacking Austria, I canceled their military access on the previous turn. After doing this, i saw that all their troops that had been wandering through my lands were moved to the borders. However on the next turn the
    cancel military access button was still live in the in the diplomacy menu. It should have been grayed out or non-functional since this had been canceled in the previous turn.
    Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl.

  25. #25
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    its so hard to bargain ingame.

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  26. #26
    Senior Member Senior Member Graphic's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW But List

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenopusbruteovum View Post
    If this is not going to run smoothly on min requirements, then CA should give us the reqs it does run smoothly on.
    Minimum requirements are exactly that: the absolute minimum specs the game can run on. Reccomended requirements tell you what should be smooth.

  27. #27

    Default Re: NTW But List

    One of the other things I've noticed, is that when you're firing with your troops, you shoot your own troops, and when the enemy does it, they do it.

  28. #28
    Scottish exile Member Proserpine's Avatar
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    Default Re: NTW Bug List

    Invisible Fleet

    I'm new to NTW and I have an odd one in my current campaign as England: just declared war on Denmark (for the win) and found a small Danish fleet off Spain, on a trade marker - I move my fleet to attack and my fleet moves onto the trade marker - i.e. where the Danish fleet is - without attacking the enemy fleet. It's like they are ghosts. It happens whether or not my fleet includes a trade ship BTW
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  29. #29

    Default Re: NTW Bug List

    Hello everybody,

    I landed on this forum searching the Internet about NTW's Chasseurs (on foot).

    I noticed what follows:
    Chasseurs can hide in bushes and trees, but they cannot hide if they are the only unit on ground;

    I think this is silly because, although I cannot avoid engagement, I think the enemy should be allowed to search the battlefield inch by inch and eventually fall for one of my traps.

    In particular, I consider chasseurs to be a fair threat to cavalry, especially when cavalry runs into hidden chasseurs. However, since in these kind of engagements the enemy automatically knows your position, it sucks and all of their abilities are made useless. E.g. you are immediately targeted by artillery and cavalry starts charging well in advance.

    It happened to me 2 out of 2 times.

    [1] First time, I was holding a town in Liguria (Savona). Battlefield was listed as "grassland" and did not allow me to garrison buildings. Even though my deployment area was huge and included a lot of trees (almost a forest), I was unable to get my hunters to hide. They got beaten up by artillery, charged by heavy cavalry and I managed to salvage the unit just because it was deployed very close to the map border.
    [2] Second time, the same Austrian Army (12 lb cannons, militia, line infantry and dragoons) engages again my single unit of chasseurs. I decline engagement once, but enemy has still moves left and engages me again. This time the battlefield is listed as "Light forest". Battle of Liguria starts. Again: I am unable to hide my unit.

    Considering the amazing performance of chasseurs in ordinary armies (e.g. they sneak behind enemy lines and take down artillery), it is a pity to see them beaten so easily and unable to use their skills.

    I do not know if this is just a single unit bug, if it is done on purpose, or if it is an AI stuff.

    I will post again after having done some experiments to confirm the mishap.
    I will try with chasseurs-only armies larger than 1 unit of chasseurs to see if the same issue arises.


  30. #30

    Default Re: NTW Bug List

    I have just found another bug.

    When the artillery men are all killed or fled, usually they leave behind at least one of their cannons.

    Due to a glitch, the cannon is shown as pulled by a horse rider, who valiantly stays, never runs, and is immune to all fire (except: see below).

    As a consequence, the artillery unit is shown as fleeing (i.e. white tag on the map); however, the unit is still, never moves and is "locked". This means it will stay where it is and will never reach the map border.

    Therefore, assume you:
    - Win the battle
    - Keep going for the sake of your cavalry earning experience when they slay the fugitives

    Once all fugitives are gone, you realize the battle is still going and you do not understand what is the case... until you find the cannon trailer!

    Only way to destroy it is using artillery. Fight fire with fire, they say.

    Here is a print screen of the unit:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-06-29_00001.jpg 
Views:	377 
Size:	227.5 KB 
ID:	15707
    Last edited by Jacob_Sterlov; 07-03-2015 at 02:26. Reason: Uploaded image.

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