okay, so i tried to download mount and blade warband on my grandmas computer, so i could play it tonight.well, i had the incredibly bad luck to download a file with the virus Digital Protection, and a google search revealed that it is so new, that the first time someone created a question/thread about it was only 4 hours ago. what are the odds?!?!
so, after several painstaking hours, I finally gave up on it and decided it was far easier to simply log on to my grandma's account, delete the infected account, and then create a new one. i think i still have all my EB and M2 saves, since they are on my grandmas account for some reason, i'm just hoping that the virus doesnt persist.
i can pretty much tell that it is no longer active on my grandmas account at least, since it pops up a little message (like the one you would get for low battery or something) every 15 or so seconds when it is active, and i havent seen a single one.
either way, sort of a waste of a friday night i could have spent playing modern warfare 2 and god of war 3 til 6:00 AM like last night. does anyone know anything about this virus?