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Thread: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

  1. #1
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    Default Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    So i have already personally spent a very solid sum of money on my Senior prom.

    $130 for the tickets (two)
    $169 for the tux RENTAL

    and im driving my date thank god or i would probably have to share the costs of a limo.

    I have to pay all this of course as part of my financial responsibility training

    The after parties better be fantastic.........

  2. #2
    Mercury Member Thermal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Yeah I'm not really even ready for prom, don't have an outfit, transport, or much else.

    Me and organization don't mix.

    Also get over to the TWC, the game you signed up for has started =P

  3. #3
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    really going now.

  4. #4
    Shaidar Haran Senior Member SAM Site Champion Myrddraal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Go down to the nearest charity shop and buy a tux for a fiver.

  5. #5
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    I am glad they don't have proms over here. The "Leavers meal" was a complete waste anyway. Also, schools here don't have that "close knit childhood sweet heart" stuff that you have in America. I remember when my friend was in University in America and he said about how you cannot ask a girl for a date or their number, as it is against the society norms, etc. You have to have lived there and passively winked at eachother over a peroid of 3 years or something, before you could even consider approaching them.
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  6. #6
    Hope guides me Senior Member Hosakawa Tito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    It's an introductory exercise to your future as a tax paying worker drone. Enjoy the party and welcome to da club.
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  7. #7
    Tuba Son Member Subotan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Beskar View Post
    I am glad they don't have proms over here. The "Leavers meal" was a complete waste anyway
    We're having one next month, but no-one with any sense is going

  8. #8
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Always seemed like some weird american highschool ken and barbie thing to me.

    Then again we had a ball or how you call it at the end of highschool as well but it wasn't like everyone had to buy limousines and girlfriends and our parents and teachers were there as well, it was just a general celebration.
    My parents bought me a (white) suit for it and that was it.

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  9. #9
    But it was on sale!! Scienter's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Limos are expensive! Back in the paleolithic era when I went to prom, the limo was about $750. I don't want to imagine how much they are now.

    Ah, prom. I always thought it was amusing that most guys rented a tux at the last possible second, and we girls agonized for months about our dresses.

  10. #10
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    I remember when my friend was in University in America and he said about how you cannot ask a girl for a date or their number, as it is against the society norms, etc. You have to have lived there and passively winked at eachother over a peroid of 3 years or something, before you could even consider approaching them.
    where the hell did he go podunk u.

  11. #11
    Moderator Moderator Gregoshi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar
    Then again we had a ball or how you call it at the end of highschool as well but it wasn't like everyone had to buy limousines and girlfriends and our parents and teachers were there as well, it was just a general celebration.
    That is what they should be. Proms have totally gotten out of hand. It is just a show to see who is willing to toss away the most money to appear as the grandest peacock in the school.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    Always seemed like some weird american highschool ken and barbie thing to me.

    Then again we had a ball or how you call it at the end of highschool as well but it wasn't like everyone had to buy limousines and girlfriends and our parents and teachers were there as well, it was just a general celebration.
    My parents bought me a (white) suit for it and that was it.
    Lol.. Exactly what I'm thinking.
    And looks like German and Estonian schools have similar traditions because when I graduated we too had "general celebration" with parents and teachers.

  13. #13
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    In Belgium we have 'hundred days' or 'fifty days' (dependant on where you live) which a a celebration 100 or 50 days before you graduate. It's not really expensive, it's a day where you as a senior student can practically do whatever you want at school and later when you go out into town/city/...
    It does have some responsibility training parts as you as a class have to organize everyones fun.

    I still fondly remembered mine. Assembly with the class was extremely early (5 in the morning) at the local youthcafe. We were all quite drunk when we got to school but we pulled of a gigantic entertaining day for everybody at our school. I believe some teachers are still talking about it.
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  14. #14
    Pleasing the Fates Senior Member A Nerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Proms shouldn't be frowned upon, aside from the expense they can be quite fun. Nice way to remember your High School peers in the years after you graduate. Every year passes more quickly than the one before, take advantage of the innocence of youth, have fun and try not to take the present for granted because your prom, like mine, will one day be merely a shadow of things that once were. Hopefullly I'm not depressing anyone...
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  15. #15
    Hǫrðar Member Viking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do they mean to beggar me! (rant inclosed)

    Wikipedia says the following

    In Norway, this event varies from school to school. It is usually held during the winter months, and is often called "Nyttårsballet" which means "the new years ball." The students are not allowed to bring people from outside the school. A king and queen, whom the students have voted for, are crowned at the ball. Prom tickets are sold at school, and as it is unusual to date in Norway, all students have to buy their own tickets.
    I have heard of that event, but I have no idea what it is like since I skipped all of them.
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