When i use the print screen button it takes a screen shot of my desktop not the actuall game im in. Im running windows 7 any clues to how i get it to shoot the game scrren rather than the desktop? thx :)
When i use the print screen button it takes a screen shot of my desktop not the actuall game im in. Im running windows 7 any clues to how i get it to shoot the game scrren rather than the desktop? thx :)
From Olaf the Great
"Fight for your country -- that is the best, the only omen! ..." - Hector
turn off the anti-aliasing, then it should work
Balloon-Count: x 15
Many thanks to Hooahguy for this great sig.
Its not worked :( i wonder if their is a setting somehwere to make the prnt scrn button capture the screen im working/playing on rather than just taking the desktop :S. Btw what does anti alaising do? i just have it on full thinking its graphicalley better :S
From Olaf the Great
"Fight for your country -- that is the best, the only omen! ..." - Hector
You could try playing in windowed mode. It worked for me with a different game.
ξυνòς 'Evυáλιoς κaí τε κτανéoντα κατéκτα
Alike to all is the War God, and him who would kill he kills. (Il. 18.309)
Or use Fraps.
from Megas Methuselah for helping with city names from Hooahguy for my sig
turn off anti aliasing press printscreen several times. look into your tga folder. but make sure you save the game first because its usually CTD. it works for me. I'm window 7 too.
I got it working by turning off desktop compesition or sumthin. whats this tga folder? when ever i take a a ss i have to press cntrl alt n delete constantly until it finally gets me to my desktop is their a way to save all the screen shots im taking cas im making a seleucid AAR and its taking years just to get ss's
From Olaf the Great
"Fight for your country -- that is the best, the only omen! ..." - Hector
if you open your RTW directory folder, you'll find a folder named "tgas". when you press screenshot, it goes there.
Its a folder in the main RTW directory, this is where the game saves your screenshots.
edit: nevermind
Ah iv got it! What do u guys do export these screenies to paint and organise them in their? the screenies seem to be a little smaller than the normal onse i take but it saves a lot of hassel
From Olaf the Great
"Fight for your country -- that is the best, the only omen! ..." - Hector
Use Gimp for editing these images.
Gimp are u taking the micky or is that a n actual program?
From Olaf the Great
"Fight for your country -- that is the best, the only omen! ..." - Hector