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Thread: What are the main things you want to see fixed from EB1 in EB2???

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    Question What are the main things you want to see fixed from EB1 in EB2???

    I got the idea for this thread from a poll I started regarding the making of EB2. Naturally, it developed into a discussion about the things in EB2 and how it will be different from EB1. Thus, with people so focused on the new things that will be present in EB2, I thought it would be productive to talk about the old things in EB1 that people are uncomfortable with, or dislike, and would like to see fixed in EB2. For is it not that things are made better by improving upon them and adjusting that which contains problems, rather than trying to make something completely new and different? So what are they?

    To make things more clear, list your items and, if you want, explain your reasoning for such opinions after the list. Try to be specific. These are mine:

    1) Battle Map Fighting (Yea they are elite, armored units, but come on, they are not supermen!)
    2) Campaign AI (I offer an army-less, money-less, territory-less faction peace for nothing and they refuse with the attitude that they can still kick my @$$!)
    3) Ending Date/Time period (Personally, I wish EB2 would be more "Imperial" than "Republican," but if it must be, at least go into it, don't stop at it's beginning)
    *I think this one is especially relevant, for Rome did not stop growing until Trajan's days...
    4) Illyria (Like Aristotle used to say, if Gaul, then why not Illyria???)
    5) Or for that matter Numidia, Mauretania, Belgae, Aquitainia, Dacia, Scythia and Thrace! (These were all unique people with unique customs and heritages - I wouldn't put such "tribes" as Massalia, Crete, Rhodes, etc. as a faction because they only really comprised 1 single province/town and were part of a greater culture, not its embodiment)
    6) New/more formation alignments... would be great to be able to deploy in triple line, or alexanders cavalry/phalanx, with a simple click... as the real generals of old used to do!
    Last edited by SlickNicaG69; 05-30-2010 at 18:12.
    Veni, Vidi, Vici.

    -Gaius Julius Caesar


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