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Thread: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

  1. #1

    Default Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    Whenever I am beseiging an enemy or am being beseiged, I have the problem, if wanting reinforcements, of placing the reinforcements on the (red) highlighted tilespots next to the enemy, because the tile is occupied by the seige animation that goes around the town... Is there a solution to this???
    Veni, Vidi, Vici.

    -Gaius Julius Caesar

  2. #2

    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    You could just seige the town with the second army. It'll work the same, pretty much. I'm not sure how you'd remedy this when you're being beseiged though, because it might be risky to attack the army with your reinforcements if they're much smaller than the enemy.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    No like in vanilla, because the animation only covered the actual settlement, you could click an adjacent army next to: 1) your own beseiged army (in the town), and 2) the enemy's army (beseiging the town), and still use your beseiged high level general to command a sally (and benefit from his traits as commander), while still having your reinforcements (w/o a general for exaggeration) in the battle. However, in my EB experiences thus far, whenever I try to do this strategy, under certain conditions, I'm unable to place my army in the above mentioned scenario because the animation for the seige equipment around the town (symbolised in vanilla by pikes surrounding the walls; vast seige works in EB), blocks the tile (and my pointer by making it think the tile is part of the settlement), will not let my army place itself on the red marker next to the enemy army... ... thus I am forced to directly attack with my reinforcements in order, which causes my units to be separated and w/o the trait benefits of my general... A frustrating issue indeed.
    Veni, Vidi, Vici.

    -Gaius Julius Caesar

  4. #4
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    I know what you mean: you cannot place a unit next to a besieged town because the tiles next to it are taken up by the "siege camp" graphic, which cause the "city tile" to overlap the neighbouring tiles. I don't think there's a solution.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    Are you sure? And does anyone else have a solution? This is something I supposed would be fixed immediately.
    Veni, Vidi, Vici.

    -Gaius Julius Caesar

  6. #6
    EB annoying hornet Member bovi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    You can step close to the location you want, then click a bit past the settlement and cancel movement when the army is in the spot you want. It only works sometimes. However, you can always teleport an army there.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Campaign Map Tile near beseiged towns...

    For some reason I can't "teleport" anything... I am the type that doesn't use Gameshark to beat the crap out of the dreaded Bison.
    Veni, Vidi, Vici.

    -Gaius Julius Caesar


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