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Thread: Diseases again!

  1. #1
    Member Member Antinous's Avatar
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    Sitting on a chair in front of a computer screen.

    Default Diseases again!

    Hey I'm sorry, to repeat but I know that there was a guy earlier who talked about disease and Ludens closed it. But I was wondering could there be a bit more significance with plagues and things? I mean ya there were things like this happening all the time but sometimes some plagues caused great death among cities. So I am sorry to repeat, but its just I hardly find plagues in EB.

    "Don't let the voice of the people be filled with anger"-Polybius

  2. #2

    Default Re: Diseases again!

    The only plagues you face in RTW based mods are the ones in cities and they really don't happen often in vanilla. Since you mostly have higher health boni then in vanilla (fast to build drainage, cheap and effektiv healer...) they are extremely rare I think. I even can't remeber when I have seen the last one...

  3. #3
    They call me Flavius Member Belisarius II's Avatar
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    Default Re: Diseases again!

    EB does have a lot of health bonuses for their buildings, which is why it is usually rare to see diseases in game.
    "Possunt quia posse videntur." - Virgil - "They can because they think they can."

  4. #4
    Member Member Antinous's Avatar
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    Sitting on a chair in front of a computer screen.

    Default Re: Diseases again!

    Well I was just thinking besides my first point that it was also a good way to kill off a bit of a city when it gets too crowded and I can say I loved when plagues hit; that way the city would have a more managble population.

    "Don't let the voice of the people be filled with anger"-Polybius


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