I think, We need to replace standard quote. what do you think? any suggestion?
I think, We need to replace standard quote. what do you think? any suggestion?
Malay Pantun:
Kalau Roboh Kota Melaka,
Papan di Jawa Hamba dirikan;
Kalau Sungguh Bagai Dikata,
Nyawa dan Badan Hamba Serahkan.
If the Fort of Malacca have been razed (by enemy),
I’ll set up new base at Java,
If solemn pledge has been made,
I’ll submit my soul and body (to the struggle against enemy).
ADD: Malay Proverb
Seperti Belanda minta tanah (lit: as the Netherland asked for the land). Meaning: Diberi sedikit, lalu hendak minta banyak. (Given a little, but want to ask for more)
"Niham ta wuwusna rudiarana iking Bhubat sabha,namung ka satrya Sunda tan atemahan ring nagara pada jaya mami..."
Although the blood will flow like a river in this Bubat tragedy, but the honor and all the Sunda knights will not let the Sundanese betrayal of the country and my people. Therefore, you must not hesitate!
-Prabu Maharaja Linggabuanawisésa/Prabu Wangi to His Soldier before Battle of Bubat
"Whoever is lord of Malacca has his hand on the throat of Venice" - Tome Pires
"Pada Allah tempat bergantung, Datang Tombak kita melawan" (We depend only to Allah, if the spear come, we shall fight it) - Hang Lekiu, in Hikayat Hang Tuah
"Baliklah! Baliklah! Langgarkan aku pada Peringgi!" (Go back! Go Back! Crash me into Portuguese [force]!) - Bendahara Paduka Tuan's order to his sedan chair bearers because they carried him away to escape from Portuguese force during Malacca-Portuguese War.
It mean: "a thing have a beginning". or "If the accused person is not guilty, why he is accused?" or "A rumor have its basis". Well, It is proverb... proverb has hidden meaning... not to be translated literally...
Malay pantun:
Berapa dalam laut Inggeris, Dalam lagi laut Belanda; Berapa tajam hujung keris, Tidak takut menahan dada. (How deep is the English Sea, the Dutch sea is much deeper; How sharp the end of the keris, I am not fear it while block it with my chest.)
@Jirisys; its also Sanskrit and Malayan Proverb
Mulutmu, Harimaumu.
Your Mouth Is Your Tiger. (take care of your mouth, soon it will become suicidal weapon)
-Indonesian Proverb
Cikaracak Ninggang Batu, Laun-Laun Jadi Legok
Water drip on a stone, slowly it become concave (Small action and effort but done continuously can lead to success at the end)
-Sundanese Proverb
Ulah Lali Ka Purwadaksina
Never forget Your History
-Sundanese saying
"Purbatisi purbajati, mana mo kadatangan ku musuh ganal musuh alit. Suka kreta tang lor kidul kulon wetan kena kreta rasa. Tan kreta ja lakibi dina urang reya, ja loba di sanghiyang siksa".
Uphold the teachings of the ancestors so that will prevent the enemy, either soldiers or mental illness. Happiness and prosperity in the north, west and east. Those who do not happy just greedy people who unsatisfied of their religion
-Carita Parahyangan
"Nya iyatna-yatna sang kawuri, haywa ta sira kabalik pupuasaan"
So be careful who then, thou shalt not pretend to be diligent in fasting
-Carita Parahyangan
Last edited by plutoboyz; 06-02-2010 at 02:14.
I am also not so good when translating to English with my "bloody" grammar... [phrase introduced by CW]
Malay Proverb:
"Gajah sama Gajah berperang, Pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah" (lit: Elephant and elephant are fighting, while mousedeer died in the center) (meaning: Superpower warring with superpower, small country at the middle take the casualty)
ADD: Chinese proverb:
"Ikan busuk bermula dari kepada" (lit: rotten process of fish start from the head) (meaning: corruption in a country start from her leaders)
Bhinnêka tunggal ika tan hana dharma mangrwa.
They are indeed different, but they are of the same kind, as there is no duality in Truth.
-Kakawin Sutasoma, canto 139, stanza 5
"Lamun huwus kalah nusantara isun amukti palapa, lamun kalah ring Gurun, ring Seran, Tañjung Pura, ring Haru, ring Pahang, Dompo, ring Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, samana isun amukti palapa".
After I conquer Nusantara, I (will) finish my fasting. If defeated Gurun, Seram, Tanjung Pura, Haru, Pahang, Dompo, Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, so I (will) finish it.
-Gajah Mada, Sumpah Amukti Palapa
Last edited by plutoboyz; 05-22-2010 at 18:01.
“aja tinut de sang kawuri polah sang nata”
Do not follow this King traits.
-Carita Parahyangan, describing Ratu Nilakendra
"alah prangrang, maka tan nitih ring kadatwan"
Defeated in war, so he not stay in Palace anymore
-Carita Parahyangan, describing Ratu Nilakendra during fall of Pakuan.
"Lawasnya ratu kampa kalayan pangan, tatan agama gyan kewaliya mamangan sadrasa nu surup ka sangkan beuanghar"
Because for too long the king tempted by food, there is no knowledge that he like. except about delicious food and wealth
-Carita Parahyangan
Hatiku membelah lubang bedil, peluruku membelah hati jantung, sekalian yang bernyawa; yang berhati; Yang bersifat; yang berwujud; Tiada lepas pada peluru ku, Insya-Allah Taala.
My heart (will) slice through the gun hole, (and) my bullet (will) cut through heart and liver of all soul, of all that have heart, of all that have form, of all being, cannot escape my bullet, if Allah Almighty willing.
Quote from Peluru Petunang
"VoC - Vergaan onder Corruptie"
"VoC - Perished under Corruption"
~The Dutch people when the VoC went bankrupt.
"When the candles are out all women are fair."
-Plutarch, Coniugia Praecepta 46
Ha Na Ca Ra Ka Da Ta Sa Wa La Pa Dha Ja Ya Nya Ma Ga Ba Tha Nga
(there was two loyal followers, they debate about which one got the real order, they are of similar strenth, they are both died)
javanese alphabet meaning
Angkara Murka di Macapada
Dilahie rajo nan disambah, dibathin rakyat nan kuaso
~Minangkabau Philosophy
Malay: Pada zahirnya raja yang disembah, tetapi hakikatnya rakyat yang berkuasa
English: De jure the King received the loyalty, but de facto the people who hold the power
ADD: Pangulu kalau tak pandai, nagari caie kampuang binaso
~Minangkabau Philosophy
Malay: Penghulu kalau tak pandai, negeri hancur kampung binasa
English: the leader, if he is not smart, the country will be destroyed and the villages will be ruined
oh! I have one!
*. Never become such jerk
(Jakartan philoshopy )
that was CuteWolf
Last edited by G. Septimus; 06-16-2010 at 12:05.
Big Romani Fan
Die ManschaaftSpoiler Alert, click show to read:
Der Rekordmeister
"Hendaklah jangan tuanku dengar-dengaran akan sembah orang yang tiada sebenarnya, jikalau tuanku dengarkan sembah orang yang demikian itu akibatnya tuanku menyesal. Yang kehendak nafsu jangan tuanku turutkan, karena banyak raja-raja yang dibinasakan Allah Ta’ala kerajaannya sebab menurut hawa nafsunya"
Please Your Majesty, don't listen to any tale-teller, if thou listen to them, thou will regret it later. And don't follow thy desire, because many kings who their kingdom were destroyed by Allah Almighty because followed their desire.
~ Advice of Bendahara Paduka Raja to Sultan Mahmud Syah of Melaka before his death. Quoted from Sejarah Melayu
Gundul - Gundul pacul maybe a good quote....
Angkara Murka di Macapada
hey, but the
"JADI ORANG JANGAN DIALAN DONG" quote is, uhh, kinda awesome, since it's , uhh
Big Romani Fan
Die ManschaaftSpoiler Alert, click show to read:
Der Rekordmeister
Sirna Ilang Kertaning Bumi
1487, the bad omen of Majapahit empire
My Projects : * Near East Total War * Nusantara Total War * Assyria Total War *
* Watch the mind-blowing game : My Little Ponies : The Mafia Game!!! *
Also known as SPIKE in TWC
My Projects : * Near East Total War * Nusantara Total War * Assyria Total War *
* Watch the mind-blowing game : My Little Ponies : The Mafia Game!!! *
Also known as SPIKE in TWC
Batok Bulu Eusi Madu
(don't judge someone from its appearance.)
-Sundanese proverb
Lojor heunteu beunang dipotong, pèndèk heunteu beunang disambung.
(Long can't be cut, short can't be connected)
-Kanékés philosophy
Silih Asih, Silih Asah, Silih Asuh
(loving each other, motivating each other, guiding each other)
-Sundanese philosophy
Mong kari sasisih bahune wong Sunda, rĕmpak kang kanan keri, norengsun ahulap, rinĕbateng paprangan...
Even Sundanese only have one arm left, or crushed their right or left part of their body, We will not fear...
-Prabu Maharaja Linggabuanawisésa/Prabu Wangi in Kidung Sunda
Last edited by plutoboyz; 07-15-2010 at 16:53.
“Betalah penguasa perkasa Negeri-negeri di bawah angin, yang terhimpun di atas tanah Aceh dan atas tanah Sumatera dan atas seluruh wilayah wilayah yang tunduk kepada Aceh, yang terbentang dari ufuk matahari terbit hingga matahari terbenam”.
(“I am the mighty ruler of the Regions below the wind, who holds sway over the land of Aceh and over the land of Sumatra and over all the lands tributary to Aceh, which stretch from the sunrise to the sunset.”)
~ quote in Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh's letter to Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1585
Tapi ngaing henteu meunang mawa dia pipilueun, ngilu hirup jadi balangsak, ngilu rudin bari lapar.
But I can't let you follow me, following me live in misery, following me suffering and hungry.
-Uga Wangsit Siliwangi
Last edited by plutoboyz; 09-05-2010 at 16:54.
"Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia"
(Malays will never vanish from the face of the earth)
haha :D
Be A Bookworm?? hemm...MAYBE? ()
Carek di na apus tea:
"Kadiangganing ring geni, lamun padeukeut deung eu(n)juk, mu(ng)ku burung eta seungeut, kitu lanang deungeun wadon."
(According to this book: "Like fire, if it close to coconut husk, it will burned, Same case with male and female.”)
-Bujangga Manik quoting Siksaguru Book.
Pati aing ha(n)teu gering, hilang tanpa sangkan lara, mecat sakeng kamoksahan.
(I dead not by disease, Die not because of misery, I have been released through final release.)
-Bujangga Manik
"Mumul ma(ng)nyarekkeun maneh, sugan bener jadi belot, sugan ra(m)pes jadi gopel, sugan so(r)ga jadi papa,
(“I don't want talk about it, so true not became false, so good not became bad, so Heaven not became Hell.)
-Bujangga manik replying to Dorakala's question
source and author please.
welcome to Nusantara forum anyway.
Last edited by plutoboyz; 06-30-2010 at 07:21.