What in the hell can you do on rainy Sundays?
Suggestions which must be excluded:
-stayin in the house
-goin to church
What in the hell can you do on rainy Sundays?
Suggestions which must be excluded:
-stayin in the house
-goin to church
Sports like soccer, rugby or American Football can actually be more fun in the rain... if your willing to ignore being wet (aslong as you put some effort in cold shouldn't be much a problem)
In remembrance of our great Admin Tosa Inu, A tireless worker with the patience of a saint. As long as I live I will not forget you. Thank you for everything!
Well I went to church then stayed in the house, so I'm probably not the best source for suggestions.
Maybe you could have a cattle raid or something... they still do that in Canada, right?
At the end of the day politics is just trash compared to the Gospel.
hmm. today it was sunny and in the 90's.
my grade went bowling, then pizza, then ice cream. and lots of cleavage to go around!
On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
Hvil i fred HoreToreA man who casts no shadow has no soul.
Reflect on your daily life and come to the conclusion that it is not truly satisfying. Accept your pointless meandering existence, mortal.
I'm afraid Nietzsche has gotten into me.
This space intentionally left blank.
With acceptance, will probably come some satisfaction. Mortality can have some perks ya know!!!
Silence is beautiful
-Wake and Bake
-Clean my Apartment
-Shower and shave
-Go do 4 hours of accounting/finance homework with group
-Eat a great dinner with said group.
-Check totalwar.org
There, but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.
I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation.
Stare at you own reflection so hard it starts talking to you.
Advance against the Odrysians in close order, being careful not to let then see your cavalry concealed up the westerly slope.
Sing like someone can hear you, dance like everyone's looking, love like you've been hurt a thousand times.
Issue the command word "Donnerschlag!"
Make sure every entrance to the barn is nailed firmly shut before you catch the Arkham-bound bus (don't worry, you'll only be away for 24 hours tops...)
Eliminate the negative.
Get some shut-eye before nightfall: they mostly come out at night, mostly.
Take it on the chin, hope for the best, and wait for tomorrow.
Stack 'em three deep, use 'em for sandbags like we did in Korea.
From Hax, Nachtmeister & Subotan
Jatte lambasts Calico Rat
Some piously affirm: "The truth is such and such. I know! I see!"
And hold that everything depends upon having the “right” religion.
But when one really knows, one has no need of religion. - Mahavyuha Sutra
Freedom necessarily involves risk. - Alan Watts
very diff to my saturdays.
wake up at 8:30
breakfast until 9, get dressed walk to services
be at services until 11:30, hang out with friends until 12:30, then walk home
start the noon feast at 1:30, end it at around 4pm.
i learn talmud with my father for about 45 minutes, then i sleep until 7:30, when i get up to go to evening services.
the sabbath ends at around 9:30, then i usually work out, surf the web or play guitar until late, then i go to sleep.
On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
Hvil i fred HoreToreA man who casts no shadow has no soul.
Some of you guys need to get out more...