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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Ezio's apprentice Member Tabuu's Avatar
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    Default Hello

    Hey I joined a couple weeks ago some of you may have already seen my posts. Just want to get more information on becoming a member since I can't find anything on the topic. Thanks!
    "Please continue with your threats; I would hate to submit to implication alone." -Cicero.

  2. #2
    Pleasing the Fates Senior Member A Nerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello

    I think it depends on the number and quality of posts. I am not sure though.
    Silence is beautiful

  3. #3
    Praefectus Fabrum Senior Member Anime BlackJack Champion, Flash Poker Champion, Word Up Champion, Shape Game Champion, Snake Shooter Champion, Fishwater Challenge Champion, Rocket Racer MX Champion, Jukebox Hero Champion, My House Is Bigger Than Your House Champion, Funky Pong Champion, Cutie Quake Champion, Fling The Cow Champion, Tiger Punch Champion, Virus Champion, Solitaire Champion, Worm Race Champion, Rope Walker Champion, Penguin Pass Champion, Skate Park Champion, Watch Out Champion, Lawn Pac Champion, Weapons Of Mass Destruction Champion, Skate Boarder Champion, Lane Bowling Champion, Bugz Champion, Makai Grand Prix 2 Champion, White Van Man Champion, Parachute Panic Champion, BlackJack Champion, Stans Ski Jumping Champion, Smaugs Treasure Champion, Sofa Longjump Champion Seamus Fermanagh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello

    Chuse ye a yearling goat of snow-white hue, a brace of albino quail and a virgin yak. Then at sunset on the first evening of the new moon dance widdershins around the yak whilst holding the quail. Thrice shall you pass the horns of the yak chanting "Tosa be kind" in Aramaic. You shall then grab a firm hold of the yearling goat and.....

    Couldn't resist, Tabuu. The admins periodically check those posting in the entrance hall to make sure that they're not posting gibberish and are obeying the rules/etiquette. Then they upgrade the member status. Be patient for a bit, but go ahead and PM TosaInu if you get up to 75 or so and they haven't toggled you over. Welcome to the .org.
    "The only way that has ever been discovered to have a lot of people cooperate together voluntarily is through the free market. And that's why it's so essential to preserving individual freedom.” -- Milton Friedman

    "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." -- H. L. Mencken

  4. #4
    Ezio's apprentice Member Tabuu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello

    Thanks guys. Appreciate it!
    "Please continue with your threats; I would hate to submit to implication alone." -Cicero.


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