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Thread: The Nusantara Team Members, Credits, and Recruitment Boards

  1. #1
    Near East TW Mod Leader Member Cute Wolf's Avatar
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    Default The Nusantara Team Members, Credits, and Recruitment Boards


    for a while, the credits are located on the second post...

    sorry for your incovenience...
    Last edited by Cute Wolf; 11-19-2010 at 20:13.

    My Projects : * Near East Total War * Nusantara Total War * Assyria Total War *
    * Watch the mind-blowing game : My Little Ponies : The Mafia Game!!! *

    Also known as SPIKE in TWC

  2. #2
    Near East TW Mod Leader Member Cute Wolf's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Nusantara Team Members + Credits

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Here's our updated lists of team members (after discussing with Rahwana and GSS about this, as well as some changes)

    Team Leader : Cute Wolf
    Co-Leaders : Rahwana (inner issues), Gaius Septimus Severus (public relation and administration)

    Historical Researchers:
    - Character naming head : Intifadanyz
    - Name Researchers : Plutoboyz, Rahwana, Juragan Bata, Condestavel

    - Aceh and Melayu head researchers : Intifadanyz
    - Melayu researchers : Quirinus

    - Pajajaran head researchers : Plutoboyz
    - Pajajaran researchers : Cute Wolf

    - Javanese head researchers : Cute Wolf
    - Javanese researchers : Rahwana

    - South Sumateran head researchers : Rahwana
    - South Sumateran researchers : Juragan Bata

    - European head researchers : SkullheadHQ
    - European researchers : Gaius Septimus Severus, Cute Wolf, Jolt, Condestavel, Gamegeek2, ViriathusRex

    - Gramatical head: Quirinus
    - Gramatical proof readers :Ghaust the Moor, Anyone that wasn't Indonesian with Bloody grammar

    Map and Region Researchers:
    - head mapper and map implementation : Cute Wolf
    - researchers : Rahwana, Intifadanyz, Plutoboyz

    - head : Wlesmana
    - modellers : Wlesmana, FinnMacCummhail, Cute Wolf

    Skinning and Graphical Arts:
    - head : Cute Wolf
    - skinners : Jirisys, Cute Wolf
    - artists : Plutoboyz, Intifadanyz, SkullheadHQ

    Battle Mechanics:
    - battle mechanics head and implementation : Rahwana
    - researchers : Gamegeek2, Cute Wolf

    Scripting and In Game Events:
    - head : Gaius Septimus Severus
    - main scripter : Rahwana

    Special Thanks to :
    1) Wlesmana and his awesome LOTR-TW, for some models to be modified and used in this modification.
    2) Halie Satanus, Shogo and EOD, currently we are borrowed some model parts from them
    3) Moros and Europabarbarorum, for borrowing some animations
    4) Aradan, Balbor, Shrimpy and FATW, for the Awesome two handed Swords animation
    5) Signifier1 for his animation packs that we used...
    6) and facebook (as we hold most discussion there )
    7) Darth Vader for give us permission to use his awesome formations mod as base formations
    8) Raz and Rise of Persia for the Magadh and Egyptian chariot models (the umbrellas - in old times, nobles apparently hate sun)

    Inactive :

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    If you want to correct or add something, feel free to contact me, and I'll repair it


    Cute Wolf

    ahh, sorry, in the spoiler, we're still under construction
    Last edited by plutoboyz; 04-16-2011 at 02:58. Reason: editing names

    My Projects : * Near East Total War * Nusantara Total War * Assyria Total War *
    * Watch the mind-blowing game : My Little Ponies : The Mafia Game!!! *

    Also known as SPIKE in TWC


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