I doubt anyone will know what to do about this... but it made me unhappy and I figured I'd post it especially as if I ever figure it out it will be good knowledge.
The AI in my campaign does not attack, ever. I let a campaign auto run for 40 years and no borders changed. Difficulty is on hard. It's got to be the result of some of my modding but I don't know what particularly as I've modded many things.
I have not changed the AI personalities. I did change unit upkeep costs, some construction times and other aspects of buildings. I removed the armor/weapon/valor bonuses from buildings and provinces. Ships are removed but landbridges are everywhere. All nations start with plenty of money.
They just build buildings and recruit armies until they run out of money but they never attack period.
They buy all of the horse breeder buildings in every province first but I seem to recall that happening in vanilla as well.