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Thread: One month with an iPad

  1. #1
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default One month with an iPad

    5 weeks ago I finally stopped resisting (the app store has also just been opened up for Denmark) and ordered a 16GB version on Ebay UK. So after a month of using it I thought I should give my verdict of it as a follow up to the pre-release thread we had back in

    Steve Jobs used words like magical and revolutionary but was that just Apple hyperbole? Something that is just a big iPod Touch can hardly be that magical right?

    I'd like to point out that I don't have any experience with smartphones, so part of my amazement from using an iPad might not be as big to someone who is already used to a multi-touch UI. Nor have I tried any e-ink readers.

    Weighing 680 grams does make it heavier compared to e-ink devices like the Kindle (the similar sized DX is about 80% and the smaller 6 inch Kindle 2 is 40'ish % of an iPad) but as I got lots of hardcovers I'm used to books of similar if not heavier weight. Maybe the backside could have been less smooth but so far I have managed not to drop it, so overall it is not bad.

    The multi-touch UI does indeed work great and most apps start up quickly. One thing that really took me by surprise was just how well the iPad works as a photo album. Yes it's not perfect as you can't see the name/date or rotate nor delete a picture, but if you already have sorted it out on your pc the pinch to zoom and overall speed of browsing through even large albums is great.

    Google Earth/Maps also works great with multi-touch, although it does miss some of the more advanced features like measuring distance. Both apps might be more advanced if using Android.

    Streaming video from your pc/NAS is handled rather nicely by Air Video. Install the server software on your pc, add your video folders and you can watch even big files with live conversion over wifi.

    But the main reason I got an iPad was for reading. With the Kindle and iBooks apps most of your non-pdf needs should be covered. The iBook store only allow free books for Danish customers, so Kobo is another choice and prices seem cheaper compared to Amazon (at least for the books I have checked) AFAIK there is also a Barnes and Noble eReader but that is for US only.

    IBooks have just been updated to allow for pdf files but IMO the best pdf reader is GoodReader. It can handle large 100+ MB files with ease and A4 sized files are fine when using either landscape mode or zoom/cutting margins.

    Reading on an LCD display is to me a non-issue as you can easily adjust the brightness level. Both Kindle and iBooks allows for a Sepia scheme and inverting the colours is also possible in Kindle as well as Kobo. Overall the Kindle app might be the best reader as it's more flexible. It should get a dictionary soon and that will remove the main advantage of iBooks.

    If there is a problem, then it is the temptation to check all kinds of other stuff instead of just focusing on reading. That might be expected with such a device that can do so much and especially since it is still so new and fancy.

    So what about all that talk of revolution and magic?

    Apart from things like the pc (especially with the internets) and perhaps the digital camera then yes the iPad is a revolutionary gadget in my life. I'm no longer tied to the desktop in the same way and having Wiki, dictionaries, maps and notes in the same place as the actual book is close to magic.

    The ability to save a webpage from my desktop browser, and have it available on the iPad as soon as I start up the Offline Pages app, is also great for those long articles or when you just feel like sitting somewhere else or have more pressing matters in the bathroom.

    Apple has IMO set a new standard and I'm sure we are going to see some interesting devices from the competition later this year. And I think the fun has just started as future thinner/lighter display technologies and faster processors will really have its biggest impact in this category of handheld devices.


  2. #2

    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    I'm really not convinced by them, to me they do just sound like a big Ipod. As far as I can tell the biggest one you can have is 64Gb which isn't great these days but as I doubt the processor is good enough to play games on I guess it doesn't matter.

    Also things like not supporting flash is just poor in my opinion.

    I'll stick with a laptop I think.

  3. #3
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    There seems to be many games for it but obviously they are not higher end games that can only be played on a pc, and I guess consoles.

    I'd say it depends a bit on what an iPad is supposed to be used for so 16GB might actually be fine. At home all music and video can be streamed. I don't even need to have all my books on it either since it is possible to get them from my NAS.

    OTOH 16GB is a wee bit small for me as I'd like all my photos on it, and I'd have to do some sorting out for all the pics taken by my old camera. It would have been easier if I could just dump them all into the iPad.

    When it comes to flash then it really depends on what sites you are using. I have not found it a major issue for my use which does include a fair bit of browsing. After all I still got my desktop and it can handle the rest if I need it.


  4. #4
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Concerning games, depending on what you like, and from what I gathered from their iPhone versions, you may want to check out games like:

    -Babylonian Twins
    -GTA: Chinatown Wars
    -Real Racing
    -Plants vs Zombies

    those are just some I thought were of rather high quality.

    "Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu

  5. #5
    Nobody expects the Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Speaking of games, looks like pornographers are following the trail blazed by Apple:

    According to a report by ConceivablyTech, leading adult film studio Digital Playground has announced its intentions to make the leap to HTML5, based in part upon needing to target HTML5 to reach Apple's iPhone users. [...]

    The power of Apple's mobile platform to shift content producers toward open standards is based on dollars. Digital Playground's founder reported, "We were surprised how loyal iPhone and especially iPad owners are. 70% of our customers are returning customers. They spend a lot of money.”

    Joone added that people like to watch adult content on mobile devices for the sense of personal space. “First there was the TV. Then there was the PC, which is now shared by the entire family and it’s not personal anymore. The phone is very personal to us, which is why our content works on this platform.”

  6. #6
    pardon my klatchian Member al Roumi's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by CBR View Post
    ... or when you just feel like sitting somewhere else or have more pressing matters in the bathroom.
    I appologise for erring towards crassness, but -even though a book is conceivably no different, I do hope one keeps one's hands clean.

  7. #7
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Heh, having a microfiber cloth nearby is quite handy for removing all the smudges. But part of the problem is also how hard I press on the screen when it is not needed at all. So still working on mastering that one, but in the meantime another fix is simply to change the wallpaper

  8. #8
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    yeah buy a case. im not a fan of screens but a protective case can only help.

  9. #9
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    Concerning games, depending on what you like, and from what I gathered from their iPhone versions, you may want to check out games like:...
    Thx for the suggestions. Have not thought that much about gaming on it but maybe the racing game so I can try out the iPad as steering wheel, heh.

    I did notice Civilization Revolution so at least there are some strategy games for it and hopefully there will be more.


  10. #10
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Heh, the steering by tilting the device is nice and novel but in the long run I found it rather tiresome, especially when you want to relax on the sofa but have to tilt the device all the time so I changed it to steering by touching on the left side of the screen and moving the finger, touching the right side to break, works really fine and I think the touch screen is very accurate as well.

    But yeah, Real Racing is pretty nice, I'm usually not that much of a racing fan but found myself on the couch playing it quite often.

    "Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu

  11. #11

    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    The iPad sounds really nice :)

    You description of it's ease of use and wide range of applications makes it sound tempting.

    I just can't see any use for an electronic e-reader since it would be (likely) fatal in the bath
    Ja-mata TosaInu

  12. #12
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad


    But where there is a need there is a solution :

  13. #13

    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    Thanks for the thorough review CBR.

    I've been considering one of these lately for some of the same reasons you did. The only Apple product I own is an IPod, and I like it well enough. (Verizon didn't carry the Iphone when I got my Android-based smartphone.)

    I have my life basically integrated on Google at this point (email, calendar, documents, and photo albums) plus the Android phone, so I wonder if it would be wiser to get an Android based tablet? I've always envied Iphones for their ergonomics and aesthetics, but Android hasn't let me down so far.

  14. #14
    Clan Takiyama Senior Member CBR's Avatar
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    Default Re: One month with an iPad

    You are welcome

    I don't know how much better Android integrates with Google compared to iPhone/Ipad. But emails work fine with Gmail and my Notes and Calendar app sync with my Google account. I don't do webalbums much, but I have an app that can upload photos to Picasa and there is the Google app that acts as shortcut to all your Google services (incl Documents).

    I am of course a newbie when it comes to mobile operating systems as I only started with the iPad 10 months ago and later on an iPhone, but overall I'm quite happy with how it works with Google.

    If you do want an Android tablet then I'd say you should a wait until all the bugs have been cleared out (Android 3.0 was released too early) and perhaps take a look at the Samsung tablets coming in a few months (this summer?)


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