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Thread: protectorates

  1. #1

    Default protectorates

    sup all i would ask this on TWC fourms, but its down atm

    anyway i keep hearing that if you gain a protecorate it counts as your region on the objectives pannal, however this is not the case for me, is there something wrong with my game?

    i have a mod that unlocks all fctions but makes no other changes and i have the 1.6 patch

    sorry if this in't the right place to post this

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    East of Augusta Vindelicorum

    Default Re: protectorates

    That is the way it is supposed to work. It counts as an objective.

    The mod may alter this in some way. It is hard to say.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
    and conceals from the stupid,
    the vast limits of their knowledge.
    Mark Twain

  3. #3

    Default Re: protectorates

    well i uninstalled the mod and empire then reinstalled empire and this is still the case so i doubt its to blame, maybe its the 1.6 patch?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    East of Augusta Vindelicorum

    Default Re: protectorates

    That could be it.

    I don’t remember checking when I played last.

    In the original game that was also the case. It got chanced in one of the later patches to count but they may have changed it back, either on purpose or by accident.

    Education: that which reveals to the wise,
    and conceals from the stupid,
    the vast limits of their knowledge.
    Mark Twain

  5. #5

    Default Re: protectorates

    protectorates do no count (unless it is modded in some way).

  6. #6

    Default Re: protectorates

    nah i'm pretty sure they do.

  7. #7

    Default Re: protectorates

    Protectorates effectivly do not count in ETW however in NTW they do.


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