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Thread: What kind of helmet is this??

  1. #1
    Loving being a Member Ghaust the Moor's Avatar
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    Default What kind of helmet is this??

    I was browsing the internet looking for intresting and not important information concerning ancient greeks when I stumbled upon this picture of a greek helmet variation, I've never seen before. The image was linked to the macedon preview for Roma Surrectum 2. I was hoping someone would be able to inform me on what the variation of helmet this is. Unfortunaltly the article the images are on, it does not tell me so i'm here to ask you all. Thanks ahead.

  2. #2
    Villiage Idiot Member antisocialmunky's Avatar
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    Default Re: What kind of helmet is this??

    It looks like the Thracian one that the Macedonian Peltastai in EB2 have except the cheek protectors have been elongated for the neck and any sort of delicate facial hair.
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  3. #3
    Krusader's Nemesis Member abou's Avatar
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    Default Re: What kind of helmet is this??

    It's an old school Thracian helmet that has shown up in a few places - most prominently on some pottery from the Greek Classical period. It lacks the reversing peak, but the general shape is the indicator. Those cheekpieces, while very cool, don't appear in our time frame.

  4. #4
    Loving being a Member Ghaust the Moor's Avatar
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    Default Re: What kind of helmet is this??

    What time frame are the neckguard cheek pieces from?? Thanks for your help btw

  5. #5
    Krusader's Nemesis Member abou's Avatar
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    Default Re: What kind of helmet is this??

    Something like mid-5th to mid-4th century.


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