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Thread: A most funny and enjoyable work

  1. #1
    The great Shai-Hulud Member God Emperor's Avatar
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    Smile A most funny and enjoyable work

    A good day to all the people on this site

    I wanted to present to you a dictionary written by Ambrose Bierce, and american author who was born in 1842. Amongst his many novels he also wrote a cynical and sardonic partial lexicon of the english language named: The Devils Dictionary

    I have spend good times in the evenings reading this dictionary and I should present to you, the fellow readers of this text, a few examples of the books style and wit.

    CAT, n.
    A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

    EGOTIST, n.
    A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

    Also among these funny descriptions you will find some words, that are descriped with the most keen and sharp observation. a link to The Devils Dictionary
    In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.

    I have got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel


  2. #2
    Just another Member rajpoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    Yup. Very funny. And the author himself was a very interesting man. Apparently he vanished without a trace in Mexico, in the 1910's.

    The horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    SAINT, n.
    A dead sinner revised and edited.

  4. #4
    Hope guides me Senior Member Hosakawa Tito's Avatar
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    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    APOLOGIZE, v.i. To lay the foundation for a future offence.
    "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." *Jim Elliot*

  5. #5
    Beauty hunter Senior Member Raz's Avatar
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    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    Ah the Devils Dictionary. Many, many a laughs beheld. Thanks for the link!! Haven't been there for years now. :D
    Quote Originally Posted by drone
    I imagine an open-source project to recreate [Medieval: Total War] would be faced with an army of high-valour lawyers.

    Live your life out on Earth; I'm going to join the Sun.

  6. #6
    Poll Smoker Senior Member CountArach's Avatar
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    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    It is also available on Project Gutenberg meaning you can put it on the Stanza app on your iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad. I have it sitting on there and it is great for train rides where you can't be guaranteed a lot of space for a book. His cynicism is just hilarious. I used to have a few quotes from it in my sig at various points and these are a few of my favourites:

    HISTORY, n. - An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools.

    FREEDOM, n. - A political condition that every nation supposes itself to enjoy in virtual monopoly. Liberty. The distinction between freedom and liberty is not accurately known; naturalists have never been able to find a living specimen of either.

    REGALIA, n. - Distinguishing insignia, jewels and costume of such ancient and honorable orders as Knights of Adam; Visionaries of Detectable Bosh; the Ancient Order of Modern Troglodytes; the League of Holy Humbug; the Golden Phalanx of Phalangers; the Genteel Society of Expurgated Hoodlums; the Mystic Alliances of Georgeous Regalians; Knights and Ladies of the Yellow Dog; the Oriental Order of Sons of the West; the Blatherhood of Insufferable Stuff; Warriors of the Long Bow; Guardians of the Great Horn Spoon; the Band of Brutes; the Impenitent Order of Wife-Beaters; the Sublime Legion of Flamboyant Conspicuants; Worshipers at the Electroplated Shrine; Shining Inaccessibles; Fee-Faw-Fummers of the inimitable Grip; Jannissaries of the Broad-Blown Peacock; Plumed Increscencies of the Magic Temple; the Grand Cabal of Able-Bodied Sedentarians; Associated Deities of the Butter Trade; the Garden of Galoots; the Affectionate Fraternity of Men Similarly Warted; the Flashing Astonishers; Ladies of Horror; Cooperative Association for Breaking into the Spotlight; Dukes of Eden; Disciples Militant of the Hidden Faith; Knights-Champions of the Domestic Dog; the Holy Gregarians; the Resolute Optimists; the Ancient Sodality of Inhospitable Hogs; Associated Sovereigns of Mendacity; Dukes-Guardian of the Mystic Cess-Pool; the Society for Prevention of Prevalence; Kings of Drink; Polite Federation of Gents-Consequential; the Mysterious Order of the Undecipherable Scroll; Uniformed Rank of Lousy Cats; Monarchs of Worth and Hunger; Sons of the South Star; Prelates of the Tub-and-Sword.
    Rest in Peace TosaInu, the Org will be your legacy
    Quote Originally Posted by Leon Blum - For All Mankind
    Nothing established by violence and maintained by force, nothing that degrades humanity and is based on contempt for human personality, can endure.

  7. #7
    The great Shai-Hulud Member God Emperor's Avatar
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    Default Re: A most funny and enjoyable work

    I find it almost odd that the humor that is used in this dictionary, can be extreemly funny for the readers to read. Either the humor of people have not changed over more than a century or some humor is just universal :p
    In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.

    I have got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel



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