The thing that concerns me more than anything else for STW2 Multiplayer is the current lack of a chat lobby or foyer in the current games. I found napoleon to be a decent game but the lack of a lobby/foyer meant i lost interest in around 2 weeks, the whole experience was just shallow without a proper way to communicate with all the people online.
I really hope that CA when making the big changes to multiplayer dont forget that the game currently is missing the basics, It would be an absolute travesty imo for shogun2 to be a good mp game without a foyer when the implementation of the foyer is so simple.
Looking at all games ive enjoyed over the years shogun, world of warcraft and dawn of war all these games had at least basic chat foyers or in the case of wow every type of chat feature imaginable.
Whats the thoughts of players who plan to play shogun2 multiplayer on this? And has anyone heard anything from ca that i maybe missed about a foyer being added back into the game?