International Laws don’t prohibit declaration of Independence but don’t say it is legal.
The International Court of Justice, in a monument of casuistic, has found out a way to tell the law that tells nothing.
What in French we call a Norman Answer: I don’t say yes, I don’t say no, perhaps yes, perhaps no, etc.
And newspapers are actually praising the Courageous Ruling; they are apparently unaware it is an empty package.
What is the future for Kosovo?
Will this ruling help Peace, or will it push Serbia and Allies to stay firm on their positions?
What impact on all the Freedom Fighters and Separatists in the world?
First question: Can the Mexican in Texas declare Independence (or Corsican, Bavarians etc) as it is not illegal (but is not said it is legal as well) but as they don’t have a territory as such, it is not legal, as International Borders can’t be changed?
Second question: Is taking a part of territory including one populated with enemies without asking their opinions a way to built a peaceful democracy when all monuments and commemorations you built are in fact raised to commemorate your victory that is their defeat?