Hello everyone,
I have a slight concern regarding the depiction of Pritanoi nobles riding chariots in battle. Now before the historians jump on me and tear me limb from limb quoting Caesar's (BG 4.24) description of British nobles riding chariots or Tacitus (Annals 14.35) description of Boudicca riding in a chariot I would like to ask something.
As far as I know, and I welcome anyone who can show me otherwise, there is no archaeological evidence to suggest that the Britons in the south east of England fought from chariots. There are chariot-like vehicle burials from the Arras culture in Yorkshire as well as late La Tene chariot burials in Gaul (and in these cases these were not war vehciles) and Hallstatt-Ealy La Tene two wheeled vehicles from the Rhine area, but I know of no archaeological evidence to support the notion that Britons in the region of the Pritanoi faction fought from chariots.
And if there is no archaeological evidence for chariots (let's be honest they are fairly big and quite likely to leave some trace) then doesn't this mean that British nobles in EBII should be depicted fighting on foot or from horseback?