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Thread: lusotanna recruitment

  1. #1
    graduated non-expert Member jerby's Avatar
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    ..your not my mother..

    Default lusotanna recruitment

    Hey there,

    I have a question for recruiting the Iberians units as Lusotanna. Units like the Ib. heavy/medium cavalry and loricati scutarii (heavy inf). They're ony available in the more eastern city's but what do I need to build? Regional or factional barracks? If I want the more elite units, do I need to install a type 4 government?

  2. #2
    iudex thervingiorum Member athanaric's Avatar
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    Default Re: lusotanna recruitment

    Regional barracks. For the heavy cavalry, you have to build a Type IV government (in order to reach regional MIC level 5). Although this is some kind of a glitch since they should already be available on tier 4, like they are for Carthage (requiring only a Type III government with Lusotannan and a Type II government with Carthage -> you see why Carthage is considered one of the easiest factions).
    The Vasci infantry tanks, should you have enabled them, require a level 5 factional MIC.

    Swêboz guide for EB 1.2
    Tips and Tricks for New Players
    from Hannibal Khan the Great, Brennus, Tellos Athenaios, and Winsington III.

  3. #3
    graduated non-expert Member jerby's Avatar
    Join Date
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    ..your not my mother..

    Default Re: lusotanna recruitment

    Thank you so much :)


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