Looks like there will be a
demo coming out tomorrow. You're restricted to playing the USA, and it lasts for 15 years. No MP or save/load, but it will include the tutorial.
Not sure how I feel about this one. I know the original Vicky received a lot of praise, but I know it's also been -- criticized? observed to be? -- complex to the point of being intimidating for some players. As someone who's still learning the ropes of (and occasionally overwhelmed by) EU3 -- a game which, by almost all accounts, is far more user-friendly than most previous PI titles -- I admit to feeling less than totally optimistic about my ability to get a handle on an even more....involved game.
On the other hand, it's a fascinating time in history, especially as it explores various social, cultural, & economic ideas that hadn't received much attention til then. And supposedly the sequel will make things more accessible this time around, so I can perhaps hope I may have a(n at least somewhat-realistic) chance of being able to grasp it.
I suppose I'll just have to try out the demo and see what it's like. (I wish a country other than the U.S. was playable, though....)