Being my 5,000th post after 4 1/2 years of being at this forum, decided to make a half-decent thread.
Anyone think STW2 will be a sucuess? I hope it will be. MTW2 was said "Oh, it's going to be better", and I remeber Magy and some other old vets coming back to it, but most of the vets ending up leaving and the game needed much patching. Sure, several of today's clans started on MTW2 or ETW and NTW, but in the end, I don't think they lived up to the hype. For someone like myself was was 12 3/4 years old as a MP player back on MTW 1 in 2004, I was hyper for RTW. When it released, I was shocked to see all of my comrades and the "unknowns" (which I would call legends later, AMP, Magy, etc...) disappeared due to the bugs. I stuck around of coure, didn't blow $50 for nothing, and thus, here I still am.
I hope STW2 is a sucuess.