Hello all,
In a recent attempt to up the difficulty in Shogun, I've found myself changing the settings to 120 men units... which seems popular around here.
It gives :
- More maintenance (I assume the AI has discounts on units maintenance) ;
- Scarcer reinforcements for a reduced mobility on the strategic map.
Well, I find it very difficult to use on the battlefield for several reasons. Hence I have plenty of questions regarding this setting :
1) Units seem to respond to orders more slowly than with 60 men units. How do you manage this ? Is it only a matter of anticipation ?
2) If they are only 3-4 ranks deep, units are very wide. How do you adjust this, if at all ? Ranged units are obviously more efficient with only few ranks ; what about melee units ? Or, to put it otherwise, what's the tradeoff between a larger front or deeper ranks ?
3) We have less units, which makes flanking more difficult. Ranged units seem to gain more importance on the battlefield to make up for this. Is that what you noticed as well ?
4) (Related to 3) Small battles seem to incurr many more losses than with 60 men units. Is there a way around this ?
Thanks in advance for your enlightened opinion,