Will moderate this forum.
Will moderate this forum.
Ja mata
quackulations ducky
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."
Keep it Quacky in the Quacky O!
Very good choice. 'Grats, master Duck.
Be intent on loyalty
While others aspire to perform meritorious services
Concentrate on purity of intent
While those around you are beset by egoism
misc kanryodo
Wellcome Ducky! Its great to have expert like you to the moderation team!
Ja Mata Tosainu Sama.
Conquackulations AggonyDuck, a good choice.
R.I.P Great Warrior Ja mata TosaInu
sat at the..Nomad Alliance..campfire
Do your best and do it according to your own inner standard
--call it conscience--
not just according to society's knowledge and judgement of your deeds.
Daffy. Donald. Rubber. Howard. Disco. There's been some famous ducks over the years. We got the best. Congrats Duck.
This space intentionally left blank
A player with not only skill, but honor and is nice as well. Respect to the Duck.
Thank you for the kind words guys. I will do my best.
Friendship, Fun & Honour!
"The Prussian army always attacks."
-Frederick the Great
A very good choice guys. Well done and congratulations Duck. :)
Quack! :)
I love duck...canard a l'orange, confit de canard, rilette de canard, foie gras de canard.
How to cook Canard a l'Aggony?
Last edited by Kas; 09-30-2010 at 15:08.
On Steam: Kas
JoJoSan, can you forgive me?
well deserved ducky!
Clan Wolves: 10 years in Total War
visit us at wolves.magyarkhan.org
and youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ClanWolves
and watch a Creative Assembly employee struggle in battle....
Grats :) a great choice.
One enemy is too many a hundred friends too few.
AggonySpoon, MizuSpoon, EuroSpoon, Linkspoon Li