Hello ,
I've been playing EB for quite a while now and i think i tried almost all factions. I've played them methodically to such extent that factions such as Saka or Pontos have no challenge anymore.
Lately , i've tried playing the Casse and trying to establish a Belgae empire by capturing the 2 belgae provinces first . After managing that i've tried to expand into Aedui lands and also get some germanic rebel provinces with seaside opening including "Denmark". But that put me in a whole lot of trouble with both Aedui and Sweboz , conflict that proved to be a regular Bloodbath. I mean , my cities literary can't grow becouse i'm recruiting like mad.
the momentum going back and forth is amazing and gave me a hell of an adrenaline rush.
Also , tried the Lusotann but imposed on me the rule that i would only adopt ambush tacs. I would never have imagined how fun setting an ambush and springing the trap can be. I mean , it is so much different than using the typical infantry line + ranged units which gets soo boring sometimes.
A great surprise was when i started to play Sauromatae. I set my objective to move all Sauromatae to Iberia using no cheats , just fighting power. I couldn't explain in words the satisfaction i got when i managed to beat those pesky Romans , crush their lands and pillage rome , destroying all buildings. Also , crossing the alps and pirineis was a doozy.
Now my question . can anyone suggest similar fun kicks? And i don't mean fighting countless grey death stacks:)