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Thread: Pergamon games

  1. #1

    Default Pergamon games

    I would like to ask what playing as Pergamon is all about. Is it a new faction that is unlocked or something else?

  2. #2
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    It's not in the game, when they did 1.2 it didn't make the cut. It's neither new nor secret, nor unlock-able.

    It's turning out to be a popular "migrated faction" choice, where you take another faction (Epeiros, Pontos or Koinon Hellenon are the main favourites), move their FMs and armies to Mysia and take Pergamon, then let your original settlements rebel.

    As it turns out, it is an option that is economically viable (mines and ports in a lot of Asia Minor), challenging (wedged between the Seleukids and Ptolemies, with a hungry Pontos to the east and Makedonia to the west) and with some neat historical imperatives (rebuilding Lysimachos' Thracian Kingdom is one goal, or else Pergamon's historical conquests). The irony is there's probably more justification for Pergamon being a faction than Epeiros, just not necessarily in 272BC.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    The irony is there's probably more justification for Pergamon being a faction than Epeiros, just not necessarily in 272BC.
    Not really. Just because historically Epeiros happened to fall in the proverbial toilet shortly after 272 BC doesn't make them any less valid of a faction, because they were still a pretty significant power in 272, much more so than something like Saba or Casse (both factions that I, unlike many, actually quite like, but I will freely aknowledge that they were really only included to "fill in" otherwise blank parts of the map). Not to mention, of course, that Pergamon was the very first faction announced for EB II, really only missing the cut for EB I by (as Maxwell Smart would put it) "that much". I mean really, of all the factions in EB, one of them has to be the one that disappeared first historically, that just so happens to be Epeiros.

    I don't know, I'm just not much of a migrator myself. I prefer to play the existing factions to victory conditions, particularly with factions that many players can't seem to get past the first few turns with (such as Saba, which I am currently playing with and have just taken Alexandria and am about to take Memphis).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Pergamon..ahh Pergamon..I choose to play it often as it was one of the major supporters of early rome, which i have a special place for. Also, it did unfortunately miss the cut for EB I, and being that im playing on a mac (yes..i know), i wont be able to enjoy EBII just yet. Seeing as how Epieros, while a tiny region somehow dominates the map, it makes for a good swap to allow Macedon and the KH the major players in greece.

    Its sometimes a hassle, but i enjoy modifying some files to give different provinces to different factions. I just recently edited the map to replace Sardis and Halikarnassos with Ephesos and Miletos respectfully (nothing against EBs historical accuracy, just wanted those two cities in as they were major centers in Asia Minor).

  5. #5
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    I dunno if its just me but you have said "unfortunately" twice in the post above. I have seen this MANY times (my own posts too) and it is always in the first line at the end with the repeated word on the start of the second line. The interesting thing here is that when I try and quote you it shows that you only typed the word once. Hmm, is this a bug in the forums? I wonder why it happens? Maybe my browser is old and not reading it right? Does anyone else see this? AM I GOING MAD!!!!!???
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  6. #6
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Pergamon games

    I am guessing it's a browser issue. The posts shows up right for me.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    I think you are man, it's only in his post once lol

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    wow way to drive me mad as well, making me sit there reading my post over and over looking for a second "unfortunately"..unfortunately i unfortunately used unfortunately quite often...unfortunatley...=)

    Ok off topic...Pergamon, fun, not in EB I..

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    there's definiatly only "Unfortunately" in his post once :p

    (though I do know the feeling..)

  10. #10
    Apprentice Geologist Member Blxz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Hmm, changed my screen resolution and it disappeared.... Thats so weird.
    Completed Campaigns:
    Macedonia EB 0.81 / Saby'n EB 1.1
    Qart'Hadarst EB 1.2 / Hai EB 1.2
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    donated by Brennus for attention to detail.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by Blxz View Post
    Hmm, changed my screen resolution and it disappeared.... Thats so weird.
    It's a visual artifact that is easily cleared by showing desktop, refreshing page, and re-switching to the browser task. Happens to me at times. Thankfully only rarely.

    Has anyone made a Pergamon install file that makes it simple for non-technical players? If so, a corresponding file that reverts back to original EB files would be great. Also, it would be nice to have several, where one installs over KH, one installs over Epeiros, etc.
    EB Online Founder | Website
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  12. #12
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by vartan View Post
    Has anyone made a Pergamon install file that makes it simple for non-technical players? If so, a corresponding file that reverts back to original EB files would be great. Also, it would be nice to have several, where one installs over KH, one installs over Epeiros, etc.
    Depends how deeply you want to go. I just changed two files, expanded_bi.txt which has the reference names (faction name, how to refer to your settlements, etc) and descr_sm_factions.txt (for the map colour) so that it was at least cosmetically different. Then I moved everything with the console commands.

    If anyone wants it made really easy, here's my two edited files (for using Epeiros as Pergamon). You put the expanded_bi.txt in EB\Data\text and the descr_sm_factions in EB\Data. Backup your previous ones, while this won't crash the game, you do need to know how to restore the original titles and colours. Easier to just revert to copies of the original files. Also bear in mind, I changed the colour of Egypt from gold to yellow, so it's easier to see against Seleukid silver.

    Then you open the console, hover the cursor over somewhere in Mysia and type show_cursorstat. That gives you a co-ordinate x,y (something like 132,112) for the move_character command. To move Pyrrhos to Mysia to besiege Pergamon, you'd type move_character "Pyrros Aiakides" 132,112. I'd recommend disbanding navies and elephants, removing the garrison from Taras and moving them, and using Force Diplomacy to trade Taras for a ceasefire and trade rights with the Romans, all in the first turn. Once you've got Pergamon, set it as your capital, destroy all the buildings in Ambrakia and Epidamnos and let them revolt. Normally by spring of 271BC you're a single-settlement faction ready to roll.

    Here's one I prepared earlier (set by winter 272BC):

    You could go for the full change, altering the descr_strat.txt for starting position, troops and names of FMs, but that takes more work and is more bug-prone.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; 10-23-2010 at 18:41.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Has anyone made a Pergamon install file that makes it simple for non-technical players? If so, a corresponding file that reverts back to original EB files would be great. Also, it would be nice to have several, where one installs over KH, one installs over Epeiros, etc.

    im actually working on something of the sort. But im still trying to work out some bugs (damn that descr_strat.txt). However, its getting closer and closer so just bear with me! Im doing multiple ones as well...Epieros as Pergamon and Pontos as Pergamon, maybe KH as Pergamon

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quintus's would work except for the fact that I literally can't cheat in the game :( the console consistently refuses to open. Would just moving the FMs and such over work? Or, even better, could someone explain how to change the files to change P's starting postition?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by AspisPhalanx90 View Post
    im actually working on something of the sort. But im still trying to work out some bugs (damn that descr_strat.txt). However, its getting closer and closer so just bear with me! Im doing multiple ones as well...Epieros as Pergamon and Pontos as Pergamon, maybe KH as Pergamon
    If you or anybody else manages to get the right files fixed, and it does not require sharing a saved campaign file, let me know so I can make the installation for you (unless you want to zip files and share that way). It's just that I've been working for the past week on packaging systems and I've learned first hand a lot about installations. Just a convenience for the end user.
    EB Online Founder | Website
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  16. #16

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by vartan View Post
    If you or anybody else manages to get the right files fixed, and it does not require sharing a saved campaign file, let me know so I can make the installation for you (unless you want to zip files and share that way). It's just that I've been working for the past week on packaging systems and I've learned first hand a lot about installations. Just a convenience for the end user.
    Im uploaded a "beta" of an Epieros as Pergamon still requires some fixing to permanently removes original settlements and add buildings/soldiers, but, you dont need to cheat to migrate. However, you may want to cheat to give some units to garrison pergamon. Try it out, let me know what you think should be done. the load takes longer, so dont worry if its taking a while. If you can fix more descr_strat files, then by all means do what you can. It can be a group project =P

    Edit: Uploaded
    Last edited by AspisPhalanx90; 10-23-2010 at 21:40.

  17. #17
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by Biowulf View Post
    Quintus's would work except for the fact that I literally can't cheat in the game :( the console consistently refuses to open. Would just moving the FMs and such over work? Or, even better, could someone explain how to change the files to change P's starting postition?
    Is it a keyboard issue or something else?
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    I believe it's a Windows 7 issue more than anything. I've tried all the fixes suggested and they either can't be done (disabling the infrared reciever), or don't work (modifying the RTW key commands to add a button that opens the console).

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by Biowulf View Post
    I believe it's a Windows 7 issue more than anything. I've tried all the fixes suggested and they either can't be done (disabling the infrared reciever), or don't work (modifying the RTW key commands to add a button that opens the console).
    Please try reinstalling your game from scratch. Since you tried the recommended fixes, it might be the case that your installation is incomplete or corrupt. That is, most of your game works fine but your console aka command prompt is not functioning.
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  20. #20

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    That'll make it the 4th or 5th time uninstalling/installing rtw/eb, but okie dokie.
    And the discs and EB worked perfectly on my last comp, so it's either the computer or the new OS

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Quote Originally Posted by Biowulf View Post
    That'll make it the 4th or 5th time uninstalling/installing rtw/eb, but okie dokie.
    And the discs and EB worked perfectly on my last comp, so it's either the computer or the new OS
    If the rest of your game works, there's no reason why the OS or computer can cause simply the console not to work. I don't see how that is possible. At worst, you need a new keyboard because your tilde button doesn't register. Who knows?

    P.S. Over the course of my lifetime I've probably uninstalled/reinstalled RTW several dozen times.
    EB Online Founder | Website
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  22. #22
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    If anyone wants them, here's all my Pergamon saved games (9 files in all), I think going from about 260-something to 196BC. Bear in mind, though, you have to be using the City Mod 5.1b (the one where barbarians don't grow cities), and probably Victory Conditions. I don't think Force Diplomacy is necessary to use them. Those are the only three mods I've got at work.

    For the full effect I'd recommend downloading those other two files, upthread.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; 10-27-2010 at 02:16.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR

  23. #23
    EBII Hod Carrier Member QuintusSertorius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pergamon games

    Since we're talking about Pergamon, I've stalled a bit in my game. Things look thus in 196BC (I'm attempting to playing semi-historically, and want to hand over the kingdom to the Romans in 133BC):

    I'm at war with Makedonia having restored the Aedui to Singidnum (screenshot is a few turns old), but it feels a bit same-y. In spite of all that territory, the Makedonians still make rubbish armies that are easy to beat. No one comes a-calling any more, I think I've passed the point of the AI wanting to have a go, aside from Kyrene which the Karthadastim are obsessed with.

    I sent a punitive expedition to restore the Silver Death, after the Yellow Death removed them from Syria, things have stabilised there. I'm rolling in money, I wonder if that's part of the problem. Is it time I took a more active hand in humbling the Ptolemies? Engineering the gradual decline of the two superpowers could be fun.

    Perhaps having rebuilt the Thracian Kingdom of Lysimachos, I've exhausted the fun in this particular game? That's why I've been playing my Massalia game recently.
    Last edited by QuintusSertorius; 10-27-2010 at 02:25.
    It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
    Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
    Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR


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