Thanks for your additional info on these keyword/parameters. It all helps. The keyword "set_init_agri_income_id:: 100" may be very useful. I'm playing around with this at present.


The hardcoded elements of MTW in respect of The Pope/Papist faction, the Swiss, the Golden Horde are all annoying at times for modders. However, this is only to be expected. MTW is really based heavily on the Crusades and it would probably have been called CTW had it not been for the unfortunate politicvs surrounding the events of 9/11.

ECS/CA has/have confirmed in other threads two things -

1) VI will be based in a time perioed that does NOT rely on either the necessity for, or the emergence of, the Pope/Swiss/Golden_Horde. This makes VI especially attractive for modders.

2) the VI add-on will change some hardcoded constraints in respect of the MTW engine and Script files (the startpos files) in that -

- region/province names can be changed/modded to be whatever you wish them to be
- faction names can be changed
- faction colours can be changed

Implicit in this is that the VI add-on will remove several major obstacles to MTW modding.

Whether or not such 'obstacles' are removed for just the VI campaign or for the general MTW campaign as well is as yet unknown.

ECS - any confirmation/advice/input on this?
