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Thread: Cant build Polybian Roman MIC in Mediolanum, Patavium, Taras, Rhegion

  1. #1

    Default Cant build Polybian Roman MIC in Mediolanum, Patavium, Taras, Rhegion

    I just dont get the building in the buildings list. Just the regional (celtic) mic. I tried demolishing and building everything back up again and it doesnt fix the issues. I got Polybian reforms in 242 everywhere else in italy, but somehow i cannot build a roman mic in Med, Pat, Rheg, or Taras... I engage the script every time i load, and i am playing on RTW.exe

    please! how can i fix this ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Cant build Polybian Roman MIC in Mediolanum, Patavium, Taras, Rhegion

    Is the reform marker there?
    If not it should be possible to spawn them by script, but I don't know exactly how.
    An other possibility is to change the EDB (export desc buildings) so that the reform marker (building) is not needed to build the mics. Then you could build them in this cities (and all others).

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