Something has struck me watching the news about the TSA of late is the balance between safety and freedom. Or, how it seems that most people just pick safety over freedom every day of the week.
I wanted to get the Org's thoughts on a law with this issue in the middle; seatbelt laws.
For the purposes of argument, this law would only affect adults; those 18 and older, not children; and that failing to wear a seatbelt can only result in injury to yourself, not anyone else.
With those in mind, should adults be forced by law to wear seatbelts?
I say no. Seatbelts may make us safer. Putting them on is no big deal.
But the government should not be able to tell you how to live. It is our life, and if we are to be free citizens and not serfs that means we must have control of our bodies, and the freedom to make decisions about them.
What purpose can be argued for forcing adults to wear seatbelts? Yes, they make you safer, but what is the point of living life if you are not free to make your own choices?