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Thread: Proposals for new units and Narnian stategies in the scenario of the second movies

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Proposals for new units and Narnian stategies in the scenario of the second movies


    You guys realised with Narnia: Total War an idea I also have had in my mind for a longer time...

    Interesting I find about the narnian scenario:

    a) There are lots of special units, like the flying gryphons holding rocks or carrying dwarvish archers...or like the centaurs (able to hold a shield with a weapon like a sword or a spear or a long lance), which could be combined with dwarvish archers (with a low weight) sitting on their back...what would give a deadly and superior cavalry, because of its flexibility in near combat and in fighting from the distance...and being very fast at the same time!

    Also other speaking animals could be creatures with special the big beavers being good in craftsmansphip and swiming through the water...

    b) I also find very interesting, that in the scenario of the second movie "Prince Caspian of Narnia" the good Narnians did definitively NOT using all their opportunities against the Telmarian army of General Miraz.

    I think so, because General Miraz (obviously leaving his bowmen and crossbowmen at his castle for protection against another attac or for protecting the borders) now had to come to the narnian camp or fortress at "aslan`s how".
    What meant, that the narnian army and leaders could at least for 2 or 3 times choose the battlefield - and prepare themselves and the battlefield against the Telmarian army.

    One time they could choose the battlefield before aslans's how as seen in the movie. What they also did indeed.

    (although they could have withdrawn in the surrounding woods and make a distance - with bows - and guerilla warfare against the Telmarian besiegement of aslan's how, where the remaing Narnian archers stood...they even might have brought food there through underground tunnels and cut of Miraz from supplies in destroying the bridge over the river at Beruna).

    But even before at the second, they could have attaced General Miraz Army when it had to cross the surrounding woods and probably also hills and mountains and deep valleys around "Aslans`s how"!

    As the landscape was shown at the movie scene (and on the Narnian maps of C.S. Lewis books), the Telmarians would have had to cross deep wilderness to go to the Narnian camp. And there the Narnians might have surprised them and catched them in a trap form different sides!

    For example with crossbowmen and archers in the trees or from rocks and hills and mountains, while letting big and long trees they prepared falling on the enemy and blocking the road. Or throwing rocks and stones on them, or poisoned and burning arrows. Or letting lots of cut trees together roll from an hill on the enemy fod soldiers. Choped trees also could make hidden walls beside the road.
    They also might have used greece fire, made by the dwarves and witches or alchemists, or oil given on the road of the enemy to burn.
    Or poison in thrown packages and burning bombs to be thrown on the enemy.

    In the woods the Telmarians would not have been able to organise so well and disciplindes in battle formations like those of the Romans.

    The third possibility would have been to destroy the bridge about the river - and when the Telmarian army or some of its soldiers would have liked to cross it again or to get supplies or to withdraw....catch them there with a bridge collapsing under them or at least with having an river in the back or before them with a destroyed bridge!
    While some narnians like the beavers might have reached the other shore of the river before (over the still intact bridge before they destroyed the pillars) - and from this safe position attac the Telmarians on the other shore with bows or crossbows.

    So it could be said, that in the second movie the Narnians did not at all using their military and strategic possibilities and advantages they could have had in chosing and preparing the battlefields...

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: Proposals for new units and Narnian stategies in the scenario of the second movie

    Hello Wolf Thom, welcome to the .Org .

    I am afraid the Narnia project has been abandoned for some: that's why the forum is in the Archives. Maybe you can find an alternative mod on this website, though.
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