I have it.
I have it.
Same here.
That's a horrible video, and they're smiling, traitors.
"Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu
Beats indifference
The fix bayonets.
lol yea the video isn't great but I love the song. It makes more sense with the lyrics
If I felt cynicism, I'd wrap it in a blanket of discontentment, that!,
I feel better knowing that I decided not to,
When you were looking 'round, you veered to the right,
Did you notice that?
And I feel better knowing that I decided not to.
In hindsight, I don't want to be like the people I've liked.
This thread was a satirical attempt at other threads found frequently in the frontroom.
This thread depressed me. :( Alas, so much sadness in the world!
Silence is beautiful
I really can't help not feeling sad. It's way to fun and inspirational.
I cant help feeling sad....it is ....well....
TosaInu shall never be forgotten.
This cheers me up sometimes.
And if I could ever find this one song i listened to a long time ago when ever i was sad, id share it with you guys. I could listen to that song about 200 times in a row and never get tired of it.
Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!Originally Posted by North Korea
Whenever I feel negative I just remember that I'm not drowning in a vat of rat urine, so I can't be doing that bad.
Or I read Dostoevsky, which always cheers me up. And I remember how he said that he did his best work whilst in prison, so then I think, well even if I do somehow end up in prison, I could at least write a decent story. That is, if they'd let me have writing implements.
Or I read Bukowski and think, well he was a prime example of who not to be, and he wrote some of the best work of the 20th century, so even if I'm a selfish, hideous, alcoholic jerk, if I apply myself I can do alright.
Does that make you feel better?
My kingdom for a .