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Thread: Governer ancillaries

  1. #1

    Default Governer ancillaries

    I've read a lot of threads about governer traits and ancillaries. What I don't understand is- how do I pass on desirable traits(good trader, confident commander,etc.) to other family members? Can anyone just explain this traits and ancillaries thing in general? Its getting kinda confusing.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Senior Member ReluctantSamurai's Avatar
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    Default Re: Governer ancillaries

    The Ludus Magna has excellent topics concerning both traits and ancillaries.

    The traits were a good idea taken to an absurd extreme, IMHO. I don't know what the design team for this aspect of the game were smoking....but I want some My three favorites are: Falling Sickness, Unhinged Loon, and Hooting. W00t!!!

    Traits are something passed from father to son, but there's no absolute guarantee this will happen. Ancillaries can be passed from one family member to another by bring two or more members into the same stack and dragging the ancillary from one members information screen to another.

    If you haven't read the 'governors traits' thread, or the one on ancillaries in the Ludus, I would highly recommend you do so.
    High Plains Drifter

  3. #3
    Aged retainer Member Guyus Germanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Governer ancillaries

    Quote Originally Posted by !@#$%^&* View Post
    I've read a lot of threads about governer traits and ancillaries. What I don't understand is- how do I pass on desirable traits(good trader, confident commander,etc.) to other family members? Can anyone just explain this traits and ancillaries thing in general? Its getting kinda confusing.
    Welcome aboard, Herr Special characters. ;)

    When I first started playing the game years ago Aesculapius had a very good write up on Governors. I can recommend that one as well. You can control some of your governor's traits by posting him in a city where there is a good temple. By good temple I mean the Athena temple series or the Jupiter temple series as examples. Most of the temple series have an influence on some of the traits that your faction members develop, but not all. These two series in particular help your governor to develop good governing and administrative traits. The game designers tried to design some balance into the different factions. Since the Julii start the game at distance from any of the ancient wonders, and proper development of their campaign tends to lead them away from those areas on the mapboard, they gave the Julii a temple series that helps with administration and public order to compensate - the Jupiter series. There are other good series as well. Cities worth avoiding for the sake of your governor are any where there are happiness temples - Bacchus, Dionysius, etc. You're almost guaranteed to turn your faction member into a drunk, if he stays too long. Want to help your faction member breed kids? Post him in a city with a temple of Ceres or Freya.

    Passing ancillaries is a trick I picked up from someone, can't remember who. Master Samarai is right - simply post two of your faction members in the same 'square' or city on the mapboard. Double click on the faction member who has ancillaries you wish to give away. Place your cursor on the ancillary's picture on the faction member's list of 'camp followers' on the left side of his screen and drag and drop it to the other faction member's picture at the bottom of your screen. You can pass both good and bad ancillaries. Got a lunatic in your faction? Take the faction member who has a drinking companion, drunken uncle or bad mother in law and give it to the lunatic.

    There are lots of good write ups on this website. I remember reading years ago one on suggested military formations and different tactics. There are some sharp cookies hanging out here at the guild. It's worth your while to explore this website a bit. Anyway, enjoy!!
    Last edited by Guyus Germanicus; 01-24-2011 at 05:09.
    "Those who would sacrifice a generation to realize an ideal are the enemies of mankind."
    -- Eric Hoffer

    "Everyone after he has been fully trained, will be like His teacher." -- Luke 6:40

  4. #4

    Default Re: Governer ancillaries

    Thanks for the help! That "passing the ancillaries" trick was a good one.
    Too bad you can't do that with traits as well.

  5. #5
    Aged retainer Member Guyus Germanicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Governer ancillaries

    Quote Originally Posted by !@#$%^&* View Post
    Thanks for the help! That "passing the ancillaries" trick was a good one.
    Too bad you can't do that with traits as well.
    Something that can be a bit helpful on traits - after you've conquered enemy cities, see what the temple is in that city and whether you can benefit from it. For example, in a recent game playing the Scipii, I took Thapsis from the Carthaginians. It had a temple of Tanit which is the Punic goddess of fertility and farming. I posted two different faction members in the city as governors while I was consolidating my military position before moving on Carthage. Both of them managed to pick up good farmer traits and some ancillaries like 'herbalist,' etc., which will not only help them boost my farming productivity wherever they're posted as governors. But I can pass on their ancillaries to their 'hiers,' so to speak.

    Shrines to Freya, temples to Ceres, are good for fertility. Temples to Hermes and Mercury will promote good trading characteristics in your governors. A governor who is a master trader will boost your trade profits.

    Then, get those academies built when you have an opportunity. The governor you post in Athens is going to pick up some good people in his entourage as well as some good administrative traits.

    Yes, there are several ways you can help your faction members to acquire good characteristics.
    "Those who would sacrifice a generation to realize an ideal are the enemies of mankind."
    -- Eric Hoffer

    "Everyone after he has been fully trained, will be like His teacher." -- Luke 6:40


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