The Senate
I got the idea for this game actually from Europa Universalis: Rome.
The basic idea is to make sure your faction wins. There are 5 factions: Military, Civic, Mercantile, Religious, Populist. When signing up players must choose one of the factions and by adding 1 senator into your faction while reducing another factions senator.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
The Rules
1. There are turns that last 24 hours.
2. Player can vote once per hour.
3. Each turn Consul must be elected. To do it player must post Vote: Name.
4. Consuls powers:
1) Can once a day* give +2 to his faction while reducing the power of another faction by -2.
2) Can once a day* declare someones vote invalid.
3) Being a Consul will give some personal popularity.
5. Personal popularity shows how popular you are among the citizens. Higher popularity will give more power for that player.
6. Each faction will give certain bonuses to the players.
7. It is possible to kill other players. So, don't be surprised if you get PM stating that you are dead.
8. Killed players can join the game again 1 turn after they died.
9. It is possible for new people to join the game all the time but they can start voting only after I have accepted them.
10. There is more but that will be revealed during the game.
11. PM's from me can not be posted in the thread.
* - This should be read "once a turn". Consul can use that power once per his term and that is 1 turn.
ATPG - Mercantile
slashandburn - Mercantile
Double A - Military
Secura - Military
Diamondeye - Populist
Romanic - Populist
God Emperor - Religious
robbiecon - Civic
Yoyoma1910 - Civic
Subotan - ?