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Thread: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

  1. #1
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    In the town where I was born.

    Default Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Forum members and lurkers alike, Europa Barbarorum fans all.

    You may have seen several mod packs, some planned, some made; some good, some buggy, some useless; and many small.

    However, You've never seen Mini Mod pack so large, that it must be named Mega Mod Pack. You have now.
    One that will completely change the way you play and feel the game, that will upgrade your experience to a whole lot better.

    Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The 1.1 Alpha version of the JEBMMP is available to be downloaded by anyone. The current build as of this writing (1.1 Alpha Build 2 + Hotfix 1) is a very barebones version that contains many fixes I deemed essential to the mod pack; it is perfectly stable (I have used it personally ever since I developed it, even for video game streaming and multiplayer on EB Online), but contains no enhancing mods at all except for my own ExTSO and the Historical Battles Add-On (which I also deemed indispensable, hence why I added it to the alpha build).
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    With two versions:
    Jirisys' Rome: Total War - Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Current version is 1.0.2
    With 22 Mini Mods, Mega Mods, Fixes and changes included and bug tested to be compatible with each other.

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    v. 1.0.2
    *Removed bugged mods
    *Removed the preferences.txt file
    *Edited the ReadMe
    v. 1.0.1
    *Corrected mispelled name in the ReadMe.
    *Corrected mispelled mod name in the ReadMe.
    *Added Rome sign on both installation images.
    *Added .exe at the end of Rome in the Installation's program name.
    *New Splash Screen.
    *Edited Typographical error in the ReadMe
    *Added several new mods
    Jirisys' Rome: Total War - Alexander - Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Current version is 1.0.3
    With 27 Mini Mods, Mega Mods, Fixes, changes and the capability to run EB on the Alexander expansion engine, with more stability and greater units, the one recommended by the creator (if you have the Alexander expansion).

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    v. 1.0.3
    *Removed bugged mods
    *Corrected an EDU entry
    *Removed the preferences.txt file
    *Edited the ReadMe
    v. 1.0.2
    *Corrected mispelled name in the ReadMe
    *Corrected mispelled mod name in the ReadMe
    *New Splash Screen.
    *Edited Typographical error in the ReadMe
    *Added several new mods
    v. 1.0.1:
    *Added missing name from an uncredited mod from Atraphoenix to the mod list.
    *Edited several typographical errors in the ReadMe and Install.
    *Changed the name to "Jirisys' Rome: Total War - Alexander - Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack" in order to distinguish from the Rome: Total War version.
    *Added Atraphoenix' Extended Offices Mod and Atraphoenix' Roma Surrectum Legions Adaptation Mod to the installation
    *Corrected a Typographical error in the 'Saka Late Cataphract UI Correction''s folder name.
    *Added an Alexander sign in both installation images.
    *Correctly replaced an old modified "descr_cultures.txt" with an error for a fully functional one.
    *Added the Force Diplomacy 1.2 ReadMe inside the root folder, it was stated that it was already there, but it was forgotten.
    However, there is no planned version for the Barbarian Invasion engine since it has mostly the same properties as the Rome: Total War engine

    The list of mods that are contained in common between each other are as follows:

    • EB 1.2 Official Script, Sprites and EDB fixes.
    • Darth Vader's AI Formations v. 16.2 for EB.
    • Cute Wolf's Garamantine and Habukoz Scandinavian Fix.
    • TuCoT's Eastern Hellenic Portrait Pack.
    • Jarardo's ForceDiplomacy Minimod.
    • Jirisys' Phalanx Mod Reduplication.
    • New EB Quotes.
    • Tellos Athenaios' Unnoficial Trivial Script Update.
    • Vartan's EB Online MP EDU 1.1
    • Megas Methuselah's Watchtower/Village Mod.
    • Jirisys' Watchtower/Village UI Mod Addition.
    • Centurio Nixalsverdrus' Getting Rid of the Giant Trees Mod.
    • LDC Historical Battles Pack Mod 2.0
    • Jirisys' Saka Late Cataphract Unit UI Correction.
    • Atraphoenix' Realistic Movement Mod.
    • Atraphoenix' Extended Offices Mod.
    • JEBMMP's splash screen for Rome: Total War.
    • socal_infidel's Strat and Battle Map Mini Mod.
    • Hannibal Smith's Roma Surrectum 2 Environements for EB (Only water is included).
    • Archer's Skymod (Only lens flare).
    • konny's Trait Changes (only command stars).
    • Jirisys' Polybian Triarii and Pedites Extraordinarii Unit Size Correction.

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    EB 1.2 Official Script, Sprites and EDB fixes.
    This official EB 1.2 fix adds missing sprites, missing nomad mercenary general recruitment and several EBBS script fixes. This will possibly remove any errors you may have had before. No screenshots (obviously).

    Darth Vader's AI Formations v 16.2 for EB.
    What it does is make the AI get better formations at the start of a battle, with many historically realistic formations. Adapted for EB by Lysander13.
    Image from Darth's TWCenter Thread (in RTW engine, not EB):
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    Cute Wolf's Garamantine and Habukoz Scandinavian Fix.
    This mod changes the model of the Garamantine, Gaut and Scandinavian spearmen, so that they use their sharp side of the spears (they used the blunt side, the back).
    Screenshots (Don't worry about the silly banners, It's Cute Wolf's idea of historicity):
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    TuCoT's Eastern Hellenic Portrait Pack.
    Quote Originally Posted by TuCoT View Post
    This add-on includes new and more realistic diadochi general and civilian portraits. (Arche Seleukeia, Ptolemaioi and Baktria)
    Don't worry about the historical accuracy (...) They're just Greek generals wears in Egyptian and Eastern fashion.
    A Collage of many portraits:
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    Jarardo's ForceDiplomacy Minimod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarardo View Post
    This mini mod (V 1.2) will allow you to force the AI factions to agree to your diplomatic proposals in EB v 1.2
    As long as you activate it anyway. Instructions are in the ReadMe contained in your Rome: Total War folder.
    Screenshot of it's use:
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    Jirisys' Phalanx Mod Reduplication.
    It modifies the Makedonian and Classical phalanx, the Makedonian phalanxes are now more vulnerable from missiles, they push harder, but it may make them push so hard that they lose formation cohesion. The Classical phalanx now marches without dragging the spears beneath the ground, have shorter, 9 foot spears, keep the formation when charging and fighting, making them push harder, being less lethal to reflect hoplite warfare.
    Screenshots from the original creator's thread (Only from the classical phalangites, as the effect for the Makedonian phalangites cannot be shown on images):
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    New EB Quotes.
    Modifies and adds several new quotes for the transition screen, the old ones have a more expanded source and new ones are great just as well. An official EB AddOn.
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    Tellos Athenaios' Unnoficial Trivial Script Update.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tellos Athenaios View Post
    I've stumbled on a bug in the ebconfig.xml file shipped with the Trivial Script in the EB 1.1 installer: instead of using -show_err, it uses -show_error.

    While I was editing my ebconfig.xml anyway I added a few other options I thought might come in handy:

    1.Support for multirun parameter: use it to run multiple instances of EB side by side
    2.Support for na parameter: use it to disable all audio from EB
    3.Support for ai parameter: use it to let the AI control all factions so you can watch
    4.Support for movie_cam parameter: use it for better screenshot capture in replays
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    Vartan's EB Online MP EDU 1.1
    It's a modified EDU version for playing the Official (Unofficial) EB Multiplayer and their respective tournaments, to be played with Vartan's Hamachi Network. For more information, visit the EB Online Website. No Screenshots (Obviously).

    Megas Methuselah's Watchtower/Village Mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Megas Methuselah View Post
    I think the "barbarian" factions get the coolest watchtowers. They look like little villages, you know? It gives off the appearance of the map being more densely populated. Anyways, I thought, "Why not give all the factions a village for a watchtower, eh? It would look awesome, having more than one settlement per region." So, did is what I did. It's quite simple, to be honest.
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    Jirisys' Watchtower/Village UI Mod Addition.
    (Unlisted Mod). This Mod replaces the regular Watchtower UI from watchtower images to village images to be paired with Megas Methuselah's Watchtower Village Mod.
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    Centurio Nixalsverdrus' Getting Rid of the Giant Trees Mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by Centurio Nixalsverdrus View Post
    I have edited the map_climates.tga file (which determines the vegetation of a tile in the EB main campaign) to get rid of the annoying giant California Redwood Trees. These were loaded into a battle or settlement-on-battlemap-view when the tile in question had the dark green "alpine" colour. To get rid of these, I changed every single tile with this colour to either northern European (dark orange) or lower mountainside (yellow) colour.
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    LDC's Historical Battles Pack Mod 2.0
    Adds 32 Historical Battles created by LDC to the Historical Battles menu.
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    Jirisys' Saka Late Cataphract Unit UI Correction.
    Not a mod in itself, it's a fix, the UI image has a space after the name, which causes the Late Cataphract UI Unit Card Image to be the "generic" one. No screenshots.

    Atraphoenix' Realistic Movement Mod.
    This mod adds realistical movement points to every army, character and navy to be able to move the distance each of them would within three months.
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    Atraphoenix' Extended Offices Mod.
    This mod adds ancilliaries to several factions, adds legatus for 35 legions and several satraps or governor ancilliaries. They are a great roleplaying mechanism and add to your faction's governors abilities.
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    JEBMMP's splash screen for Rome: Total War.

    socal_infidel's Strat and Battle Map Mini Mod.

    Hannibal Smith's Roma Surrectum 2 Environements for EB (Only water is included).

    Archer's Skymod (Only lens flare).

    konny's Trait Changes (only command stars).

    Jirisys' Polybian Triarii Unit and Pedites Extraordinarii Size Correction.

    The list of mods that are exclusive the the Alexander expansion engine are:
    • Maksimus' Alexander EB Mod.
    • Jirisys' No Torches for Night Battles (Light Effects Off) Mod.
    • Atraphoenix' Roma Surrectum Legions Adaptation.
    • lt1956's Aquilifer unit.
    • JEBMMP's splash screen for Rome: Total War - Alexander.

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    Maksimus' Alexander EB Mod.
    This mod gives you the ability to run EB with the Alexander expansion engine. Gives you the ability to fight night battles, the retraining feature is used by the AI, also is the naval invasion and battle flanking and better tactics; it also adds better movement to phalanxes than the one on Rome: Total War. Use the most stable engine of all Rome: Total War expansions.
    Screenshots (From the mod thread):
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    Jirisys' No Torches for Night Battles (Light Effects Off) Mod.
    (Unlisted mod). It provides realism to night battles; the soldiers no longer hold torches and fight, and the light glow (to which the Light effects Off refers) beneath their feet is removed, gives a far better aspects to night battles.
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    Atraphoenix' Roma Surrectum Legions Adaptation.
    It adds 39 Roma Surrectum Legions to recruit for roleplay purposes and also a great addon for Romani (and non-Romani fans) to be able to battle through the main Roman legions of the marian and imperial era. 13 for marian reforms, 22 for the imperial reforms and two praetorian legions.
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    lt1956's Aquilifer unit.
    It adds a Aquilifer (Eagle carrier (Roman officer, carrier of the Aquila (Eagle Standart))) to the roman first cohorts (and Atraphoenix' Praetorian first cohort).
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    JEBMMP's splash screen for Rome: Total War - Alexander.
    Instructions for both the Rome: Total War and the Rome: Total War - Alexander versions are contained either, in the ReadMe file (JRTWEBMMP ReadMe.txt and JRTWAEBMMP ReadMe.txt respectively) in the Installation section. Or within the executable, in the same section in the readme within it.

    Unfortunately, this mod is Not Save-Game Compatible, and very likely that newer versions will not be either with the old ones, or on themselves.
    Unless expecifically stated, The newer versions will be fully compatible, but you will still need to restart your campaign.

    The file is an executable (.exe) and is 113 MB for the Rome: Total War current version (v. 1.0.2) and 148 MB for the Rome: Total War - Alexander current version (v. 1.0.3).

    Download links are in the post below, or you can go to the downloads page on my website.
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    This page will be automatically updated with each new version, so stay tuned to it

    Please consider providing feedback, and any suggestions.
    Thank you, and enjoy!

    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 08-09-2020 at 17:32.
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  2. #2
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    JEBMMP 1.1 Alpha Build.
    The 1.1 Alpha version of the JEBMMP is available to be downloaded by anyone. The current build as of this writing (1.1 Alpha Build 2 + Hotfix 1) is a very barebones version that contains many fixes I deemed essential to the mod pack; it is perfectly stable (I have used it personally ever since I developed it, even for video game streaming and multiplayer on EB Online), but contains no enhancing mods at all except for my own ExTSO and the Historical Battles Add-On (which I also deemed indispensable, hence why I added it to the alpha build).

    Download link.


    There is a serious problem that causes lots and lots of CTDs, it's the New Quotes and a Watchtower Village Mod error I made, they have some issues that cause CTDs, so here is the fix. MUST HAVE. Just extract it into your RTW folder (e.g. D:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War).

    Download CTD fix

    Jirisys' Rome: Total War - Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0.2
    (113 MB)
    Download link.

    Jirisys' Rome: Total War - Alexander - Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0.3
    (148 MB)
    Download link.

    I took into account the advice of "Easterner" back in the Guild, so, I'm releasing these semi-complete submods that I had stored for the new release.
    These submods are 100% save-game compatible, just extract it into your RTW\ folder.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    • Victory Conditions images for the Victory Conditions mod. (I've altered the VCs a tad, but it's fully SGC).
      Download link.

    • The Epilektoi Hoplitai Voice Correction (No longer do they say "Thorakitai Hoplitai", but "Hoplitai").
      Download link.

    • Extended Trivial Script Options (ExTSO) 1.1 (you can use Trivial script to play with multiple engines now!).
      ExTSO at the JEBMMP Website

    Requested fixes:
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    • Disable Realistic Movement Mod.
      Reverts strat map movement to vanilla settings. To disable the Realistic Movement Mod, just extract this file in your RTW folder. NOT YOUR EB FOLDER. Your RTW one, where RTW.exe is in..
      Download link.
    Unofficial Submods:
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    ~Jirisys ()
    Last edited by jirisys; 08-09-2020 at 17:35.
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  3. #3
    Sovereign of all England! Member Donkey Kong Champion Arthur, king of the Britons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    I might try this later, looks really impressive!

    A small n00b question though; Installing this doesn't in some magical way mess with my RTW-exe EB files, non?
    Last edited by Arthur, king of the Britons; 01-08-2011 at 17:09. Reason: Jag är konungen av l33t skillz samt teh internetz

    King Arthur's Court at Camelot

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    Marble bust of Arthouros the Divider, first man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance.

  4. #4
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    Yes it does, you can only play with alex.

    I'll try to make an installer for RTW only, today

    ~Jirisys (and correct some typos, such as screwing up Jarardo's name )
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-09-2011 at 19:26.
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  5. #5
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    I would like to ask for Konny's Trait changes mod to be able to be played (with this mod and without CTD before starting a campaign)
    And also V.T. Marvin's Spoils of victory.

    New Alex version and RTW version is up :D

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    Not to degrade his work (It's awesome and maybe i'd never be able to do it) but Atraphoenix is very sloppy, he copies all the folder, so I don't have the time (or patience) to eliminate those files not necesary to work and have less file size, so it's a little bit (a lot more) heavy in sizes thanks to his mod's contents)

    ~Jirisys (I'd like to reccolect many other great mods)
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-09-2011 at 04:39.
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  6. #6
    Sovereign of all England! Member Donkey Kong Champion Arthur, king of the Britons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    Dowload Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2 © now and get a free pair of stockings!

    Limited offer

    Seriously though:

    I'd dowload it if it wasn't for my Makedonia savegame; along with my EB data file which I've edited, which my Makedonia campaign gaming experience somewhat depends upon.

    So fellow orgah members please do try this out, comment etc. Let us not allow jirisys efforts go unnoticed.
    Last edited by Arthur, king of the Britons; 01-10-2011 at 19:29.

    King Arthur's Court at Camelot

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    Marble bust of Arthouros the Divider, first man to pass a Koinon Law since the foundation of the Alliance.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack v. 1.0 for EB 1.2.

    Hey there guys, I just created an account here exclusively to comment on this thread! So good job! Now why I did that was to suggest uploading this mod to the Total War Center, it seems that most of the traffic still coming through EB is there and this mod could get a better recognition if more people got at it.

    I also wanted to say that I seem to be having some issues with the Alex version. Im redownloading and installing the mod, but I got errors that wouldnt leave about my export descr_buildings file concerning the legions. I even went in to delete all referances from them and then I got errors about a reasorce not being found in the same file. The only other slight minimod I use is the new textures for the battle maps and those are simple graphic swaps not affecting the buildings file at all. Hopefully reinstalling the mod will help, but it was a really wierd thing. I got it to run once, started a campaign and exited jsut to create a new Map.rwm file, and then it crashed on the first loading screen with those errors all other times. Ill check back in if reinstalling doesnt fix it

  8. #8

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Ok it turns out that if you even touch the trivial script after this is installed it breaks it. A reinstall of the mod fixes it again though so thats good. Unfrotunatly this mod turns on minimal UI and I have no means of turning it off. I cant stand minimal UI personally and even though it appears to be turned off in ever preferance file I can find in the entire Rome folder, it still is on in EB. A way to fix it would be greatly appreciated as its already off in the trivial script and like I said, I cant even touch that of the game will crash at startup.
    Last edited by ninja51; 01-12-2011 at 00:06.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Sorry to make three posts in a row, but man... I just started a campaign with this as my only active mod for EB. Movement points are destroyed, like compeltely destroyed. And I dont mean no one has any, every single unit can move MASSIVE distances in a single turn. In fact they get to the edge of their green movement zone (which is already huge) and then they can keep going for nearly 2 times the original giant movement zone. My elephants at the start of the Carthage campaign could walk to Rome in a single turn. My general in Sidon could move within 6 tiles of Babalonia in a single turn. It is the realist movement mod but I NEED a way to turn it off, would installing the backup descr_character text from the mod itself remove it and still be compatible with this? I dont care if realisicly a roman army with fully paved roads could move very far away in a few months, the whole series of Total War tries to balance gameplay with history, and that crushes gameplay completely.
    Last edited by ninja51; 01-12-2011 at 00:06.

  10. #10
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Hello, glad to see you are here, First off, you turn Minimal UI off or on on the preferences.txt in the Rome - Total War\EB\preferences\ folder, in the section MINIMAL_UI=TRUE change it to FALSE.

    Second, to turn off the Realistic Movement mod, just go to you descr_character.txt on BOTH EB\Data\ and EB\sp game edu backup and change the line "starting_action_points 260" to "starting_action_points 80" and that's it.

    I'll post it on TWCenter right now. Thanks

    EDIT: As a side note, I'd recommend not touching any files of a mod without either:
    a. Asking to the modder which files you would need to edit and how.
    b. Having a very detailed ReadMe on EACH of every single mod (and file modification). Or.
    c. Having advanced knowledge of text modding.

    It has happened to me, a reason why I can't put some mods in.

    ~Jirisys (Any other questions?)
    Last edited by jirisys; 01-12-2011 at 06:08.
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Ah thanks a bunch mate. I finally got everything working up to snuff with all changes I wanted. Thanks for the help and more importantly the kickass mod!

  12. #12
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    You know it, although... I'd recommend using your campaign as a test drive, because more and more versions will come up... Just to taste the awesomeness of this mod, until I stabilize it's development.

    ~Jirisys (BAD ARSé)
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  13. #13

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Sounds awesome Jirisys. Looking forward to use it later :D

  14. #14

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    you better. I'm getting tons of CTDs =/. That said, it's a novel addition and a fresh change to the EB experience.

  15. #15
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Is there any particular ocurrence to this?
    I might check the files right now to see if there's a problem with them, cause they work fine with me

    ~Jirisys (Please tell me about it)
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  16. #16

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    random ones that happen at the ends of turns....very frequent end of battle CTDs...all annoying and frequent. I'm talking about them happening almost every several minutes/turns. The longest campaign I've managed w/o a CTD thus far is pontos: at around 263 BC

  17. #17
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    I'm uploading a new version, maybe It will erase some bugs; by the way, do you use the Alex version or the Rome: Total War version?

    ~Jirisys (Give me the details like you would to the EB Bug reports)
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  18. #18
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Version 1.01 for JRTWEBMMP and 1.02 for JRTWAEBMMP are up.

    Check them out.

    ~Jirisys (Have a good play)
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  19. #19

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Ok I installed the mini-mod pack a while ago, and I put this on top of there, and it seems to work fine except a few CTDS which other people already reported without using the mini-mod pack.
    The most frequent CTDs are actually when I'm going INTO a battle though. Could it have something to do with having RS2 environments? Because I do. Other than that, the only CTDs I get are the pretty standard after-battle crashes, which I think everyone probably gets at least every once and a while, and the rare (every 10-20 years) crashes after/before a turn.
    1x From Fluvius Camillus for making him laugh.

  20. #20
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    I think yes, RS2 env and other texture altering mods most likely cause Pre-Battle CTDs...

    I cannot assure the stabily of this, as mods always push the limits of EB to it's max and since EB itself pushes RTW's to the max, then the result is pretty much desktopy

    ~Jirisys (However, I assure myself to test compatibility and stability beforehand)
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    Because we all need to compensate...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    I noticed more CTD's than I remember having with vanilla EB while playing as Rome and Makedonia. Happens most frequently when ending turns or loading a battle.

    However, playing as the Casse I cant get past turn 2 without it crashing. It just crashes at any time during turn 2, just on simple things like moving some troops or changing a tax rate.

    I've just downloaded the new version and will see if it makes a difference.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Ok, well I installed the update, (1.01) and it works much better, I can sometimes go 15 turns or more without a crash, (which is basically how my game always is) so that's good. However, I think I found a weird bug, that can only have been caused by this. It was roughly 250 B.C., and I find a Carthaginian General named Bisaltes, who was 27 years old at the time. He had the Biography trait of Hamilcar Barca. Now, perhaps Bisaltes is Hamilcar in a devious disguise, because Hamilcar should be about 27 in the time that I am in, however I doubt it. I only mention this here because I know this mod affects quite a few traits, and it is conceivable that some traits got misplaced.
    1x From Fluvius Camillus for making him laugh.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    It's working better on the new version as Casse. Haven't crashed so far and it's running smoother. When I played previously I did revert the movement to normal but will keep it in this time and see how it changes things.

    By the way I noticed with this new version you've set the preferences.txt to be in minimal UI by default. I think most people who download your mod will find this extremely confusing, as their first experience will be entering battle and no longer having the ability to issue the essential commands that they are used to having on their screens.

    Personally I click on the screen to change run speed, take men off battering rams etc and I've never used minimal AI before so basically had to cancel my battle, quit the game and go change the preferences so that I could keep playing. Considering that having minimal AI is a purely cosmetic thing that most people arnet used to I think it's better to have it off by default.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    I agree, it can be confusing, but as far as I'm concerned, I never knew minimal AI was an option, now that your mod had it activated, I love it!
    And it's fairly easy to use the EB Configuration to switch back.
    1x From Fluvius Camillus for making him laugh.

  25. #25
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Quote Originally Posted by CashMunny View Post
    Ok, well I installed the update, (1.01) and it works much better, I can sometimes go 15 turns or more without a crash, (which is basically how my game always is) so that's good. However, I think I found a weird bug, that can only have been caused by this. It was roughly 250 B.C., and I find a Carthaginian General named Bisaltes, who was 27 years old at the time. He had the Biography trait of Hamilcar Barca. Now, perhaps Bisaltes is Hamilcar in a devious disguise, because Hamilcar should be about 27 in the time that I am in, however I doubt it. I only mention this here because I know this mod affects quite a few traits, and it is conceivable that some traits got misplaced.
    I just edited several traits, never touched the Biography ones. I'll take a look at the descr_strat.txt to see why that happens.
    Thank you, I may release an update sooner than expected if there's a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dram View Post
    It's working better on the new version as Casse. Haven't crashed so far and it's running smoother. When I played previously I did revert the movement to normal but will keep it in this time and see how it changes things.

    By the way I noticed with this new version you've set the preferences.txt to be in minimal UI by default. I think most people who download your mod will find this extremely confusing, as their first experience will be entering battle and no longer having the ability to issue the essential commands that they are used to having on their screens.

    Personally I click on the screen to change run speed, take men off battering rams etc and I've never used minimal AI before so basically had to cancel my battle, quit the game and go change the preferences so that I could keep playing. Considering that having minimal AI is a purely cosmetic thing that most people arnet used to I think it's better to have it off by default.
    Yes, I know it's confusing, I'll edit it, anyhow, I think the problem was that AutoSave was turned on, and since saving before a battle is very buggy, this just made a full on destruction of the game. Hope you keep me posted tho

    Quote Originally Posted by CashMunny View Post
    I agree, it can be confusing, but as far as I'm concerned, I never knew minimal AI was an option, now that your mod had it activated, I love it!
    And it's fairly easy to use the EB Configuration to switch back.
    Yes, but I might add it to the recomendations section of the ReadMe, in any case; you could just edit your setting, and backup the preferences file, so that you may replace the one included with the installer.

    ~Jirisys (Hipoglucemia)
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  26. #26
    Sovereign of all England! Member Donkey Kong Champion Arthur, king of the Britons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    jiri, I may be misstaken, but your OP earlier said something about the City Mod and Alex.Exe nightbattles being non-compatible. Perhaps it can be included as a RTW.exe only mod?

    King Arthur's Court at Camelot

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  27. #27
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Yes... Didn't think about it, since at first it was Alexander only

    ~Jirisys (Thanks friend)
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  28. #28
    Sovereign of all England! Member Donkey Kong Champion Arthur, king of the Britons's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    No problem, amicus.


    King Arthur's Court at Camelot

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  29. #29
    JEBMMP Creator & AtB Maker Member jirisys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Too buggy, it needs an update, an I still can't mod the EDB.

    ~Jirisys (Maybe if you contact him?)
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  30. #30

    Default Re: Jirisys' Europa Barbarorum Mega Mod Pack for EB 1.2

    Okay, I have decided to switch my game from RTW.exe to Alexander. Do I need to install Maximus' mod from his thread, and THEN this, or is that mod 100% included in this modpack?
    1x From Fluvius Camillus for making him laugh.

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