Welcome to...
Order Of The Stick Mafia!
Small Mafia Game is going to take place in the universe of the D&D-esque world of the Webcomic
Order of the Stick. I must say in advance, though, that
the game will be in an alternative timeline compared to the comic, breaking off from the "real" story of OotS around midways thought the story arc taking place in
Azure City.
Also, before we get further: Even though the game is in an alternate reality,
the game may be spoilerish for those who have not read up and until around strip 500 of the webcomic; Many of the characters will be from the Azure City story arc. I advice everyone who wants to play to read the comic to this point before the game starts, since it's a great work of art and having some of the surprises spoiled by this game would be sad.
Another note on characters: All of the characters will be recognizable from the webcomic, although I am arranging it so that
a few main characters will be missing (no-one will know who), and
there is a good share of minor characters (up to and including one-strip wonders). This means that
you cannot count on any single character being in the game without having seen them mentioned in the updates or having the role yourself.
Some other rules info I want to get out of the way:
Quoting Personal Messages from the host is only allowed in public!
Captured images and screenshots are
not allowed, ever!
Traditional formats of voting apply;
unvote; vote: name, and there is no
no lynch option (but one can abstain).
Being active in (and maybe outside) the thread and voting is paramount. Inactivity
will get you Wrath Of God'ed, to the detriment of your team.
I am expecting night phases of 24 hours; the day phases will probably be 24 hours as well, but may occassionally be extended another 24 hours.
Also, mainly to entertain myself (and the audience), I will occassionally be inserting
links in the writeups, not to music clips like some of my fellow Game Hosts, but to TVTropes.
So be warned.
With that said, once again welcome to
Order Of The Stick Mafia
- Cue the dramatic intro!
Lord Shojo was sitting in his throne, his eyes narrow. To the common outlooker (were there any), it would look like he was sleeping, but the old aristocrat was actually peering through the tiny lid openings, always alert of any dangers that the darkness of the Throne Hall might hold at night. A few torches were burning, but the vast locale was all but dark, and apart from the guards at the Palace entrance, Shojo was alone (apart from his cat, of course).
Or so he thought: Stepping out from the darkness just in front of him was a Dark Elf, his long white hair flowing elegantly behind him and lightening up in the dark room, and his scimitars glistening in the darkness. "So," Shojo moaned, "This is my killer? Have I staved off legions of assassins and outside invaders to fall at the hand of someone who clearly should be behind bars for copyright infringement of another fantasy series? I bet your name has a double-Z in it somewh-"
"Now let's not talk about silly names, old man, because yours is not the most masculine, I must say. Scream, Shojo, like a little girl!"
The figure attacked even as the last syllable left his tongue, and the old aristocrat could do nothing to deflect the attack. He did manage a gurgling yell for 'guards', but he knew that they would never arrive in time...
In his dying moments, Shojo's eyes lit up with an unexpected calm, and to his attacker, it was as if something azure reflected in his eyes. As the Dark Elf began climbing the throne to secure the Sapphire mounted on it, a voice came from behind him, its tone as hard and unforgiving as justice itself.
"Turn and face me, assassin!"
The voice was so that the Drow found himself face-to-face with his enemy before even questioning the command. In the Darkness, the azure cape hid the features of the newcomer, but it was clear to see that whoever stood before him was a Paladin of much power and with a clear idea of what was about to happen. The azure-clad warrior unsheathed its weapons; a katana and a wakisashi gleamed in the shallow lighting of the room. The drow backed into the wall behind the throne; there was nowhere to hide.
"In the name of the Twelve Gods..."
The samurai lifted her weapons to strike, and the Drow raised a feeble parade.
The pair of scimitars clattered against the marble floor, followed by the dumb sound as the body of Lord Shojo's assassin collapsed, bereft of any life.
Some hours later, a Red Dawn would herald the events of the night, and panic would arise...
Sign-Ups (17):
Cecil XIX
Winston Hughes
God Emperor
Double A
Captain Blackadder