This software supports different images. Two of those are:
- Avatars
- Profile pictures
The avatars are built in pictures and have an uniform look and feel. You can select an avatar in the Settings menu. When you register an avatar is automatically selected, but you can change this at any time you want.
Each user can decide to stop displaying avatars. That can be done in the General Settings page under the header Thread Display Options
Profile pictures can be selected here. You can upload an image from your PC or link to a picture from your website. In case you like a picture, you can go to the gallery and download something from there. Note that it still needs to be uploaded from your PC into your profile like normally done. By default, your profile picture was only publicly visible in your profile. But any user can choose to also view them when reading the posts. That's also done in your General Settings page under the Thread Display Options. It's called Display profile picture in posts.
Some users don't have a profile picture, but something is still displaying for them. Those are users that either uploaded an Urlavatar in the past or display a default image.
It's possible to view both or none in posts, that's your choice.
This topic will be updated about some other features soon.