I'm playing EB 1.2 (romani for change )and I'm wondering if there is some special time or event to get the building which enables you to recruit war machines. I mean scorpios, ballistas,catapults,onagers...
I'm now in 219 Bc, just before the second punic war following an historical path (actually then occupying only the all italian peninsula+ Sicily without Syracusa + Cisalpin Gaul and Illyria +Sardinia/Corsica + Massilia.
My gov building in Rome is a Proconsul one.
I hope not having some bug or misintalled EB game and I didn't find anything about this. As EB buildings are nearly completely different from RTW vanilla I'm not sure at all if there is stg wrong or not.
For example in EB velites and slingers (soccii) are recruited in a specific building named "shooting field" or stg like that . Upgraded it becomes archery then catapult field...
But in EB I never got such building. Velites and slingers are recruited through classical barracks like other typical roman troops.