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Thread: Should i buy?

  1. #1
    BLEEEE! Senior Member Daveybaby's Avatar
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    Default Should i buy?

    Just spotted that S2 is now available for pre-order on steam for 20 quid (a tenner off).

    Been out of the loop for quite a while now, what's the general concensus on shogun2? Is is gonna be worth it?

    (obviously i'm assuming that the game will be released in a nigh unplayable state, as usual, pending several patches over the course of a year, and i swore i was going to wait next time, but.... GAH! for 20 quid it might be worth the pain)

  2. #2
    the G-Diffuser Senior Member pevergreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should i buy?

    Holy Zeus!

    Its for sale for...$89.99 USD. Steam wont even give me a price in my own currency. AS IF THEY WOULD SELL AT THIS PRICE TO AMERICANS.

    Go down to the local EB and preorder a better version for less. Or pay an orgah to gift it to me.
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  3. #3
    Badger Member foop's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should i buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daveybaby View Post
    (obviously i'm assuming that the game will be released in a nigh unplayable state, as usual, pending several patches over the course of a year, and i swore i was going to wait next time, but.... GAH! for 20 quid it might be worth the pain)
    I'm assuming exactly the same thing, and was planning not to buy until after all the patches had come out. My idea was that there will be an add-on after a year or so, and there will probably be a sale on Steam to publicise that. Who knows, maybe even 50% off? I've seen this happen to a lot of games recently.

    The flaw in this plan is that all the publicity videos are making me almost incontinent with excitement about Shogun 2. I know it's going to be awful, but I just can't help myself. My main task now is to avoid buying the limited (or, heaven forbid, the collector's) edition.

    On the plus side: they keep saying they're putting a lot of effort into the AI this time. I've also seen some previews by game journos who aren't completely stupid saying that it has improved.

    On the minus side: they've said this every game, and we've still ended up with generals who stand in front of their own cannon.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Should i buy?

    £20 was a misprint i believe and has now been upped to 29.99.

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  5. #5
    BLEEEE! Senior Member Daveybaby's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should i buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swoosh So View Post
    £20 was a misprint i believe and has now been upped to 29.99.
    Yeah, just spotted that myself (and only because i weakened and went to buy it). Dagnabbit!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Should i buy?

    I'd hold off, for all the aforementioned reasons. CA/Sega have disappointed me time and again with the state of the TW games on release. I am also finally starting to get wise on the whole 'release an incomplete, kinda broken game now so we can benefit from our ad campaign, and we'll use some of the profits to pay for the fixin' later'. That, plus the inevitable xpac or "Gold" version that'll be on sale.

    If that wasn't enough, I kinda hate saying this, but I'm a little leary about the change in scale from Empire to S2. I mean, Empire was huge, and complex. S2's map has fewer provinces than S1's map did, with fewer units (which will make balancing easier, but may also be a little more boring), no global trade system... I know they're trying to go 'narrow-but-deep' with S2, and I hope it works, but I'm still enjoying Empire (thanks to DarthMod) and CA has just burned me one too many times. I still haven't gotten NTW and probably never will because I know it's just an expansion at a full game price. I learned that trick with ODST and won't repeat that again either. Foregoing NTW is making it easier to wait on S2 I think.
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  7. #7
    Defender Troll Member Revolting Friendship's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should i buy?

    S2's map has fewer provinces than S1's map did, with fewer units
    Such misinformation.

    I've read there's going to be around 30-40 different units (20 per clan) and it seems they will also be customizeable to some degree. Original shogun (without MI) only had 12 land-units if my memory serves correctly.

    The original Shogun had quite a few provinces less than feudal Japan had actual provinces, whereas S2 will have as many as 65 according to one source, which is only 1 province shorter than the actual count.

    Original Shogun had 7 factions in total. Now we have 8-9 playable and from the videos I've seen I believe dozens of others (that may or may not be unlockable in some way) to fight against.

    So content-wise it's certainly above S:TW


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