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Thread: Cultural Elite

  1. #1

    Default Cultural Elite

    I don't think I have anything to ad at the moment, but I think this is a pretty brilliant analysis:

    Has any concept more completely defined and disfigured public life over the last generation than so-called elitism? Ever since Richard Nixon’s speechwriters pitted a silent majority (later sometimes “the real America”) against the nattering nabobs of negativism (later “tenured radicals,” the “cultural elite,” and so on), American political, aesthetic, and intellectual experience can only be glimpsed through a thickening fog of culture war. And the fog, very often, has swirled around a single disreputable term.

    The first thing to note is the migration of the word elite and its cognates away from politics proper and into culture. Today “the cultural elite” is almost a redundancy — the culture part is implied — while nobody talks anymore about what C. Wright Mills in 1956 called “the power elite.” Mills glanced at journalists and academics, but the main elements of the elite, in his sense, were not chatterers and scribblers but (as George W. Bush might have put it) deciders: generals, national politicians, corporate boards. “Insofar as national events are decided,” Mills wrote, “the power elite are those who decide them.” The pejorative connotations of “elite” have remained fairly stable across the decades. The word suggests a group of important individuals who have come by their roles through social position as much as merit; who place their own self-maintenance as an elite and the interests of the social class they represent above the interests and judgments of the population at large; and who look down on ordinary people as inferiors. Today, though, it’s the bearers of culture rather than the wielders of power who are taxed with elitism. If the term is applied to powerful people, this is strictly for cultural reasons, as the different reputations of the identically powerful Obama and Bush attest. No one would think to call a foul-mouthed four-star general an elitist, even though he commands an army, any more than the term would cover a private equity titan who hires Rod Stewart to serenade his 60th birthday party. Culture, not power, determines who attracts the epithet.

    There are two opposed explanations for this situation. One would be that access to political, economic, and military power is today more meritocratic and open than access to filmmaking, humanistic academia, freelance writing, wine criticism, and so on. Do people no longer complain about the power elite because those with power are no longer elitist? Culture, in that case, would constitute a last vestige of unearned prestige in an otherwise democratically constituted society. The other explanation would be that it simply goes without saying these days that the materially consequential areas of life are lorded over by self-recruiting elites. You wouldn’t speak of a business elite, a governing elite, or a firepower elite because, now, that would be redundant. Complaints about cultural elitism would then be merely a sign that in the world of culture (unlike that of power) there is still an ongoing contest between elitism and equality that in all other realms has already been decided. By the deciders.
    (continues, but trying to quote it quotes all the side bar stuff to, so got to the link)

  2. #2
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    We call them the gutmensch, the self-congratulating superiors

  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member gaelic cowboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    So what the idea is high art is elitist so this means that what poor people like is somehow not also susceptible to cultural elitism.

    A highly experienced country singer can sing better than me and has more in common with an operatic diva in my view.
    They slew him with poison afaid to meet him with the steel
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  4. #4
    Member Centurion1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    hume's talks about this. i concur with what he says mostly.

    Edit: in Humes Aesthetics

    Edit2: well to some extent in that it discusses the concept of critics and superior knowledge regarding the arts.

    not really political culture war.
    Last edited by Centurion1; 01-26-2011 at 22:47.

  5. #5
    Ranting madman of the .org Senior Member Fly Shoot Champion, Helicopter Champion, Pedestrian Killer Champion, Sharpshooter Champion, NFS Underground Champion Rhyfelwyr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    Of late I've increasinly railed against 'civil society' since I think it represents a sort of cultural elitism that is then enforced on to people outwith this civil society. I think there is a big class dynamic going on, civil society is very middle-class, neoliberal etc.

    I know people that have very far-right (my fellow Huns, some vote BNP, lol), and far-left (some of my republican friends). I think us two groups have more in common and I often sympathise more with the lefties because we are so alienated from the civil society elites. The Scottish Parliament is for me the pinnacle of this elitism. Away with it! Bah!
    At the end of the day politics is just trash compared to the Gospel.

  6. #6
    One of the Undutchables Member The Stranger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    Quote Originally Posted by Centurion1 View Post
    hume's talks about this. i concur with what he says mostly.

    Edit: in Humes Aesthetics

    Edit2: well to some extent in that it discusses the concept of critics and superior knowledge regarding the arts.

    not really political culture war.
    i stand firm with nietzsche! screw hume, kant pwnd that dude long time ago.

    We do not sow.

  7. #7
    Old Town Road Senior Member Strike For The South's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    Is this because Obama eats Arugula?

    I can say in 20 words what this man said in this painful article, I only read it because I respect you Saskai
    Last edited by Strike For The South; 01-27-2011 at 15:54.
    There, but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford

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  8. #8
    Standing Up For Rationality Senior Member Ronin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    Quote Originally Posted by Strike For The South View Post
    Is this because Obama eats Arugula?
    It's because Palin didn´t understand what 'Sputnik Moment' means.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Senior Member Fisherking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cultural Elite

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
    It's because Palin didn´t understand what 'Sputnik Moment' means.

    Which only goes to show that you shouldn’t let politicians out without their handlers...

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