The 50s are oft looked back on today as a time when America had "real" values and a "solid" foundation. In fact much of Americas "culture" war today centers, in large part to a harkening back to this time but consider this
More homes were bought in 1946-56 than from 1800-1946 COMBINED, clearly a new thing
Suburbs, keeping up with the "jonses" as an exstension of new found home ownership, the breakdown of the "white" ethnic urban enclaves
A lower age at which Americans married and a higher childbirth rate
An explosion of Church membership
The American dream packged and decisminated to the masses through sitcoms like "Leave it to Beaver" further reinforcing "the idea"
As you see the very things Americans who look back at this time take as "the Real Deal" were really an abaration in US history
What say you?